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Renovate Conference “Preaching for Revitalization” Joel R. Breidenbaugh, PhD.

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Presentation on theme: "Renovate Conference “Preaching for Revitalization” Joel R. Breidenbaugh, PhD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Renovate Conference “Preaching for Revitalization” Joel R. Breidenbaugh, PhD

2 Preaching for Revitalization 3 Key Ingredients: 1.Deeper preaching—too many churches have become accustomed to skim-the-surface preaching 2.Relevant connections—through relationships, knowing audience, visual aids & the like 3.Repentant people—leaders & members

3 Biblical Examples Churches in need of revitalization (2+ generations old): 1.Ephesus (cf. Revelation 2:1-7) 2.Laodicea (cf. Revelation 3:14-22)

4 Theological methods—the theological framework Incorporating biblical theology in one’s training Incorporating systematic theology in one’s training Biblical theology is foundational to systematic theology, but both are indispensable

5 Theological methods—developing doctrine from a passage of Scripture General principles for theological interpretation 1) Observe the redemptive-historical context (Christocentric) 2) Ask theological questions (God, man, Christ, etc.) 3) Observe the inter-canonical relationship 4) Employ the analogy of faith

6 Theological methods—developing doctrine from a passage of Scripture Observe specific literary genres 1) Narrative 2) Torah 3) Poetry 4) Wisdom 5) Prophecy 6) Gospel 7) Epistle 8) Apocalyptic

7 Theological methods—homiletical methodology General principles for keeping the homiletical form doctrinally focused 1) Set the text in larger context of biblical message 2) Preach with a Christocentric undergirding 3) Structure the sermon according to the text 4) Relate the text to contemporary hearers 5) Note the genre and try to reflect it in preaching

8 Theological methods—homiletical methodology Applying genres in doctrinal exposition 1) Narrative—deal with large chunks & preach inductive-deductively 2) Torah—note the 3-fold use of the Law (restrain human wickedness, convict of sin, & instruct in righteousness)—relate to divine holiness or justice &/or man’s sinfulness 3) Poetry—worthy of parallelism, alliteration, rhyme; note mood of text

9 Theological methods—homiletical methodology Applying genres (cont.—) 4) Wisdom—topical-expositional (like the rabbis of old), keeping the epilogue in view (especially in Job & Ecclesiastes) 5) Gospel—should reflect the various genres of historical-narrative, wisdom, poetry, prophecy, apocalyptic, parable, & didactic 6) Epistle—didactic, blending both explanation and application

10 Theological methods—homiletical methodology 2 main kinds of doctrinal exposition: 1) Textual doctrinal exposition—exposition of a particular doctrine 2) Consecutive doctrinal exposition—pure exposition with doctrinal substance through a section of a biblical book or through the whole book

11 Practical aspects—challenges of a postmodern world Experts say there is no such thing as truth Preachers must stand on truth and work at communicating it Because of the rise of entertainment & the roles of language, image, & story, doctrinal exposition should take advantage of it & communicate clearly, creatively & visually

12 Visual Aid Examples




16 Practical aspects—application in doctrinal expository preaching Know your audience Show the relevance of the Bible Doctrine is meant to be applied (Rom 11:33-36) Distinguish between primary & secondary doctrines & major on the primary

17 Planning Your Preaching Prayerfully plan your preaching calendar 6-12 months out Consider doctrines & issues your church needs to hear 2 values of consecutive exposition are it forces you to deal with tough texts & keeps you from hobby-horse criticism

18 Planning Your Preaching Consider a Creative Team for Preaching: 1)3-5 people 2)Different ages & genders 3)Brainstorming group 4)Can help with visuals, holistic worship, communicating to different ages 5)Meet with 3-6x/year

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