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8 th grade Novel Unit. Introduction to the book 4E6qE What do you think is in the box Jeremy received? If a mysterious.

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Presentation on theme: "8 th grade Novel Unit. Introduction to the book 4E6qE What do you think is in the box Jeremy received? If a mysterious."— Presentation transcript:

1 8 th grade Novel Unit

2 Introduction to the book 4E6qE What do you think is in the box Jeremy received? If a mysterious box was suddenly delivered to you, what would it look like and who would it be from?

3 Journal Activities and Discussion Questions Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life By Wendy Mass

4 Story Themes Death Family Friendship Self-Discovery

5 Main Characters Jeremy and Lizzy They are best friends Go on a quest together to get his mysterious box open– learn many life lessons along the way

6 New Vocab-write out the word and then write the correct definition next to word SereneSomething that stands for something else RicketyPredict the future NotoriousLaying around, nothing planned MutantCalm, peaceful and quiet prophecyFalling apart, not sturdy symbolizeReputation for behaving badly leisureDeformed or not shaped correctly

7 Haphazardly pg. 3 Use the context clues to define Haphazardly: The clothes where thrown haphazardly around the room making it impossible to vacuum the floor. 3 synonyms h_lt_r- sk_lt_r r_n_om c_r_l_ssly 3 antonyms _v_nly _rd_rly n_a_ly

8 Definition - answers At random, arbitrarily, every which way Synonyms – helter-skelter, randomly, carelessly Antonyms – evenly, orderly, neatly

9 Journal Activity Do you believe in fate? Do you think there is such a thing as bad and good luck?

10 Journal Activity: How does losing someone close to you change the way that you view life?

11 Scrutinize p. 35 Use the context clues to define scrutinize: “The meaning of life in a box,” he mutters as he bends down to scrutinize it. “Who woulda thunk it.”

12 Scrutinize- to examine carefully

13 For Discussion: Mongo and antiques are nearly the same thing, but one is valued while the other is not. Why is this? What does this difference teach us?

14 Journal Activity: Character Strengths Write a list of your own strengths in your journal

15 Generates pg. 53

16 For Discussion: Figurative Language What are similes? A simile is a figure of speech comparing two unlike things, often introduced with the words "like" or "as".... Create 4 similies

17 Figurative Language Practice Examples of Similes “My throat feels like a snake is wound around it, but I manage to ask, “He believed that palm reader on the boardwalk, didn’t he?” (p. 22) What is meant by the underlined statement? Write a simile you make up

18 Commute pg. 73

19 More Figurative Language Examples “It’s like a ghost town of an office.” (p. 87) “It feels like an elephant is sitting on my chest.” (p. 158) Explain what these statements mean. Create 2 of your own

20 For Discussion: Idioms and Expressions What is the definition of idiom? Idioms are words, phrases, or expressions that are either grammatically unusual, as “Long time, no see!”, or their meaning cannot be taken literally, as in, “It's raining cats and dogs!” Write out 3 idioms you are familiar with

21 Skirting pg. 94

22 For Discussion: Idioms and Expressions What do the following idioms and expressions mean? “Can’t you use your talents for good instead of evil?” (p. 3) “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” (p.45) Add two more of your own

23 For Discussion: Idioms and Expressions “It’s raining cats and dogs” does not mean that cats and dogs are falling from the sky, but it is a metaphorical expression (word picture) that means that it is raining very heavily. Write out 3 more idioms

24 Permeated p. 128

25 Mnemonic pg. 137

26 Exasperation pg. 147

27 Journal Activity: Write down in your journal the meanings of the following idioms and expressions: “You’ve heard the expression ‘Go with the flow,’right?” (p.151) “Roll up your sleeves, and I’ll give you a quick lesson in the history of the universe.” (p.186) Write out 2 more idioms or expressions

28 Obnoxious pg. 164

29 For Discussion: Central Theme of Loss Examples: Death of Jeremy’s father and abandonment of Lizzy’s mother Do you think that this is what draws Jeremy and Lizzy together as friends? Why do you think Lizzy is concerned with what Samatha thinks of her?

30 Journal Activity What three pieces of advice would you give the main character?

31 Primordial pg. 188

32 Journal Activity Jeremy has a lot of “what ifs?” in his life. What is the biggest “what if” in your life?

33 Journal Activity Cite examples that show the bond Jeremy and Lizzy share in their friendship.

34 For Discussion: Fate/Bad Luck Jeremy has internal battle with himself over the difference between fate and bad luck (pages 82-86). Discuss: What is the definition of fate?

35 Journal Activity: Life Lessons What three items did Jeremy and Lizzy need to deliver for Mr. Oswald? What is the significance of each item (in relation to the respective owner or Jeremy) What “life lesson” did Jeremy take away from each encounter?

36 For Discussion: The Meaning of Life Mr. Randolph defined the meaning of life as “finding one’s potential and embracing it” (p.156) What is meant by this statement?

37 For Discussion: The Meaning of Life cont… Dr. Grady refers to life as “it’s the journey, not the destination.” (p.186) Would agree with this statement? Does the letter from written by Jeremy’s father reflect these sentiments? How?

38 Journal Activity Which of the deliveries was your favorite? Why?

39 For Discussion: Character Strengths What are Jeremy’s strengths? Refer to the conversation between Jeremy and Lizzy on page 18 Read aloud the story about the fight between two wolves on page 271 Discuss the concept of good vs. evil and the notion that the wolf you feed can be considered your strength

40 For Discussion: Jeremy's world is full of helpful strangers. Do you believe this is true to life or do you think most people would rather not be bothered with the problems of strangers?

41 Journal Activity How did this story give you a better understanding of human nature?

42 Journal Activity Which events in the story are relevant to your own life?

43 Journal Activity Do you think that that the summer’s events helped Jeremy better deal with his father’s death? Describe the transformed Jeremy.

44 For Discussion: Were you surprised that Jeremy’s father had planned this entire adventure? What life-lessons did Jeremy learn? How has this experience changed him?

45 Journal Activity What impact has this story made on you?

46 Vocabulary Practice:

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