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Welcome to… *Please: -Sign up for a conference time at the front table. -If you don’t have access to a computer and need hard copies sent home, please.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to… *Please: -Sign up for a conference time at the front table. -If you don’t have access to a computer and need hard copies sent home, please."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to… *Please: -Sign up for a conference time at the front table. -If you don’t have access to a computer and need hard copies sent home, please sign up at the front of the room. -Take the paper(s) in your child’s cubby, find his/her desk, and fill out the information card.

2 All About Mrs. Conety Happily married for 5 years! Grew up dancing competitively and was a dance teacher to children and adults. Taught fourth grade at Simmons for four years. (This is my sixth year in the District.) Dual certification and concentration in Language Arts from Bloomsburg University (Working toward Masters at Arcadia University as a Reading Specialist and just finished degree as a TESOL teacher.) Excited to have such TERRIFIC students! Love it in Kindergarten!

3 Our School Year Goals Safe Atmosphere Promote Independent Learning Community of Learners who encourage each other to achieve

4 Schedule  Homeroom / Unpack  Special right after unpacking  Snack / Story time  Reading: Shared / Guided  Math  Pack up for Dismissal

5 6 Day Special Schedule  Day A: Music / Library  Day B: Library / Music  Day C: Gym / None  Day D: None / Gym  Day E: Art / Technology  Day F: Technology / Art *AM listed first*PM listed last

6 Fundations A program that builds the foundation for reading and writing, adapted from the Wilson Reading System. Utilizes explicit instruction that is sequential and cumulative through motor-memory learning, repetition and feedback. Uses many hands-on materials to reinforce learning. Most successful when parents are coaches at home, reviewing letters and sounds nightly.

7 Everyday Math A math curriculum geared to demonstrate various methods to find a solution Introduces content in small increments and frequently revisits those topics Each lesson scaffolds on the previous Incorporates games to strengthen the students’ knowledge and application of the skills learned through a hands-on method Rubric-based assessment

8 Homework Daily- about 15 minutes Daily- about 15 minutes Math- Math- Everyday (Math Calendar) Fundations- Fundations- Please keep the alphabet letters as they come home each week to make an alphabet book. Review the letters and sounds nightly. Storytime- Storytime- Read a story to your child every night to build literacy awareness. *Homework Folders- *Homework Folders- Sent home on Mondays. Returned on Fridays. Please sign the assignment calendar and check off the homework. Only return the Homework Folder with the signed calendar, and Math calendar, but leave the Fundations work at home. *Sticker on Homework Folder- Means your child did a great job showing responsibility by completing the homework and bringing in the signed folder.

9 Parent Volunteers  Field Trips  Parties  School Events *Please sign the ‘Parent Volunteer’ sheet if you would like to be contacted to volunteer your time in the classroom for any of these listed reasons.

10 Apples for the Class If you’re looking for a way to help the class, but don’t have a lot of free time to volunteer, please consider “picking an apple for the class” by making a class donation. If you’re looking for a way to help the class, but don’t have a lot of free time to volunteer, please consider “picking an apple for the class” by making a class donation. We can always use any of these extra supplies: We can always use any of these extra supplies: Pretzels for snack time (for students who forget or can’t afford snacks) Pretzels for snack time (for students who forget or can’t afford snacks) Candy for Reward Box (no peanuts) Candy for Reward Box (no peanuts) Donations for the Treasure Box (dollar store toys) Donations for the Treasure Box (dollar store toys) Hand sanitizer Hand sanitizer

11 Odds and Ends Going Green -Check out my website!Check out my website! -Paper / Plastic Recycling -Reusable water bottles -Less flyers sent home Weekly Folders Fragrance Free Building Class Management -Group tallies for good behavior = Treasure Chest -3 Warnings for poor behavior = Talk with parents -Individual good behavior = Sticker

12 Odds and Ends (Cont.) Snack Time… Please only send in dry (peanut free) snacks and water bottles for snack time. Thanks!!!

13 Don’t Forget To… 1)Check out the front table for: -Conference sign ups -Volunteer sign ups -Hard copy sign ups only if you don’t have access to a computer -Pick an apple to make a class donation -Complete and return the ‘Contact Information’ paper at the front table. 2) Take the papers from your child’s cubby. 3) Visit my website weekly!

14 Thank You for Coming! Questions and Answers

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