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Imperial Valley Discovery Zone “Inquiry Learning in Science” Developing a Model to Mimic Pollinating Animals 2-LS2-2 prepack IVDZ Hey boys and girls show.

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Presentation on theme: "Imperial Valley Discovery Zone “Inquiry Learning in Science” Developing a Model to Mimic Pollinating Animals 2-LS2-2 prepack IVDZ Hey boys and girls show."— Presentation transcript:

1 Imperial Valley Discovery Zone “Inquiry Learning in Science” Developing a Model to Mimic Pollinating Animals 2-LS2-2 prepack IVDZ Hey boys and girls show me what you know! Okay, let’s practice showing our Plicker cards. Carefully read and listen to each question and all possible answers. Carefully pick an answer by holding up your card with your answer choice on top. This child chose answer D. Hold your card up until your HSE tells you to go on. D

2 Imperial Valley Discovery Zone “Inquiry Learning in Science” 2-LS-2-2 Assessment IVDZ Here’s your first question! 1.Which answer shows the place or places on a bee where you usually see pollen. a.On the bee’s wings b.On the bee’s antennae c.On the bee’s head d.On the bee’s legs After you are sure of your answer, hold it up! Developing a Model to Mimic Pollinating Animals

3 Imperial Valley Discovery Zone “Inquiry Learning in Science” 2-LS-2-2 Assessment IVDZ After you are sure of your answer, hold it up! 2.Why do you think the bee is able to get the pollen with the part you picked on number 1? a.The antennae touch the flower and have hairs for the pollen to stick to. b.The legs touch the flower and have small hairs for the pollen to stick to. c.The wings blow the pollen into the air and stick to the wings. d.The head touches the flower, but the pollen slips off the smooth head.

4 Imperial Valley Discovery Zone “Inquiry Learning in Science” 2-LS-2-2 Assessment IVDZ 3.When we used the sticks to model which picked up pollen like a bee, why did the Q-tip work better than others? A.The glass rod has small hair-like strands that are like those on a bee’s head. B.The Q-tip has small hair-like strands that are like those on a bee’s legs. C.The Q-tip has small hair-like strands that are like those on a bee’s wings. D.The Q-tip has a smooth texture so the pollen slipped right off.

5 Imperial Valley Discovery Zone “Inquiry Learning in Science” 2-LS-2-2 Assessment IVDZ 4. What was the purpose or reason we used different types of rods or sticks when testing? A.So we could see which one could best “model” the way the bee picks up pollen. B.So we could see which one could best “model” the way a bee’s leg looks. C.So we could see which one could best “model” the way a bee’s eyes work. D.So we could see which one could best “model” the way a bee flies.

6 Imperial Valley Discovery Zone “Inquiry Learning in Science” 2-LS-2-2 Assessment IVDZ Developing a Model to Mimic Pollinating Animals

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