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Quiz, Quiz, Trade Cards Principles of American Government Influential Historic Documents Grades 8, 10 and 11.

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1 Quiz, Quiz, Trade Cards Principles of American Government Influential Historic Documents Grades 8, 10 and 11

2 Quiz, Quiz, Trade Instructions
Print the slides. Laminate and cut out the rectangles. There is a matching term and definition. Each student receives a card. Students mix around the room. Teacher can play if there is an odd number of students or may “buddy” two students. Students quiz each other on their card and then exchange the cards. Students repeat the procedure with different partners until time is called. Management tip: have students raise their hands when looking for a partner. “Quiz-Quiz-Trade” (Kagan, 1994) Set-up: The teacher or class creates a set of cards based on the vocabulary/content to master. Each card has a matching card. For example, to learn vocabulary one card would be the word and the other card would be the matching definition. Each student receives one card. Steps: Students stand up (with cards in hand), put a hand up, and find a partner. Students quiz a partner, get quizzed by a partner and then trade cards to repeat the process with a different partner. For further instructions see student resource, Quiz-Quiz-Trade, (Observation Form). (Kagan, 1994) Management Tips: If students make cards check them for accuracy. If there are an odd number of students, the teacher can play to get the class started. If needed, assign who goes first each time. Remind students to keep a hand up when looking for a partner. This makes it easier to see students who still need a partner. A location in the room can be designated for students to wait until they find a partner. Differentiated Instruction: Monitor to assess and help. Put answers on the back of cards if needed. Colour code cards by levels of difficulty – students find someone with the same colour card to quiz. Use pictures instead of words.

3 Basic Principles of the U.S. Constitution
Limited Government Powers of government are restricted by the Constitution. Location in the Constitution: Articles I, II, III

4 Basic Principles of the U.S. Constitution
Republicanism Voters hold the sovereign power and elect representatives to exercise power for them. Location in Constitution: Preamble and Article I

5 Basic Principles of the U.S. Constitution
Checks and Balances Each of the three branches of government exercises some control over the others, sharing power among them. Location in the Constitution: Articles I, II, III

6 Basic Principles of the U.S. Constitution
Federalism Power is divided between the national and state governments, limiting central power. Location in the Constitution: 10th Amendment

7 Basic Principles of the U.S. Constitution
Separation of Powers Each branch of government has its own responsibilities and limitations. Location in the Constitution: Articles I, II, III

8 Basic Principles of the U.S. Constitution
Popular Sovereignty Authority for government flows from the people and they rule through their representatives. Location in the Constitution: Amendment IX and the Preamble

9 Basic Principles of the U.S. Constitution
Individual Rights Unalienable rights guaranteed to all citizens. Location in the Constitution: Preamble and the Bill of Rights

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