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 Increased urbanization  New York City = 5 Million  Chicago = 3 Million  1 st time more people live in cities rather than rural… Why?

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Presentation on theme: " Increased urbanization  New York City = 5 Million  Chicago = 3 Million  1 st time more people live in cities rather than rural… Why?"— Presentation transcript:


2  Increased urbanization  New York City = 5 Million  Chicago = 3 Million  1 st time more people live in cities rather than rural… Why?

3  Please fill out a T Chart with the person next to you.  Use pg. 640 and 641  Write a response together.

4  City vs. small town  Urban life is a world of anonymous crowds, strangers, moneymakers, and pleasure seekers  Rural life was safe, with close personal ties, hard work and morals

5  What is the focal point?  What is this painting saying about African Americans ?

6  Artist  Murals  Symbolize different aspects of African American Life.

7  What do you know about Prohibition, Think about it? What are some Pros and Cons of this argument?  After pair up with the person next to you, listen to what they have to say.  Then you will share with the class the information you both came up with.

8  18 th Amendment  The new law made it illegal to make, sell, or transport liquor  This Amendment launched the era known as Prohibition  Prohibition lasted from 1920 to 1933 when it was repealed by the 21 st Amendment


10  Alcohol led to crime, child & wife abuse, and accidents at work  Supporters were from the rural south and west  The Anti-Saloon League and the Women’s Christian Temperance Union helped push the 18 th Amendment


12  Many Americans did not believe drinking was a sin (Cultural)  Government shouldn’t meddle  Most immigrant groups were not willing to give up drinking. (Social)  More Americans now living in cities, disconnect from the moral small town.

13  To obtain liquor illegally, drinkers went underground to hidden saloons known as speakeasies  Why do you think they called it that?

14  Penthouses, cellars, office buildings, tenements, hardware stores, and tearooms.  One had to speak “easy” as to not be detected  You had to have a password, or a card for entrance

15  People also bought liquor from bootleggers who smuggled it in from Canada, Cuba and the West Indies  Carried liquor inside their boots

16  Prohibition contributed to the growth of organized crime in every major city  Chicago became notorious as the home of Al Capone – a famous bootlegger

17  Failed to budget enough money  Underfunded  Had to patrol 18,700 miles of coast lines  Only 1,500 poorly paid federal agents.  Forced to dispose of beer

18  By the mid-1920s, only 19% of population supports Prohibition  Caused more issues  The 21 st Amendment finally repealed Prohibition in 1933

19  Directions: Research the word you are assigned.  Find some pictures, political cartoons, or people.  Create a working definition.  Must be done in Word. Printed out 10 minutes before bell rings  Bee’s Knees  Bootlegger  Cement Overshoes  Cheaters  Flapper  Gatecrasher  Heebiejeebies  Jake  Jalopy  Lounge Lizard  Main Drag

20  Take your word from the 1920’s and change it into a slang word one might use today

21  Fundamentalist vs. Secular Thinkers  Truths of science  Evolution

22  Literal interpretation of bible  Skeptical of scientific knowledge  Bible is inspired by God  Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution  Evolution of species over millions of years  Issue over teaching in schools.

23  March 1925, Tennessee passed a law that made it a crime to teach evolution  The ACLU promised to defend any teacher willing to challenge the law – John Scopes did

24  Scopes was a biology teacher who dared to teach his students that man derived from lower species

25  The ACLU hired Clarence Darrow, the most famous trial lawyer of the era, to defend Scopes  The prosecution countered with William Jennings Bryan, the three- time Democratic presidential nominee Darrow Bryan

26  Trial opened on July 10,1925 and became a national sensation  In an unusual move, Darrow called Bryan to the stand as an expert on the bible – key question: Should the bible be interpreted literally?

27  Under intense questioning, Darrow got Bryan to admit that the bible can be interpreted in different ways  Nonetheless, Scopes was found guilty and fined $100

28  R1XCMf7A R1XCMf7A

29  Change in mentality  Women become more independent  Right to vote  Employment  Driving

30  Rouge means that women want to choose their man-not take what lives in the next house… Look back over the pages of history and see how the loveliness of women has always stirred men- and nations-on to great achievement! There have been women who were not pretty, who have swayed hearts and empires, but these women… did not disdain that thing for which pain and powder stands. The wanted to choose their destinies- to be successful competitors in the great game of life. -May 1929.

31  An emancipated young woman who embraced the new fashions and urban attitudes of the day.  Close fitting hat  Bright waistless dresses, inch above knees  Silk stockings  Sleek pumps  String of beads

32  Why did the 1920’s allow for our culture to change? Make note of Amendments, people, and dates which support your argument.

33  A set of principles granting greater sexual freedom to men than to women  Women: Stricter behavior expected  Ladies pulled back and forth between old and new

34  Teachers  Nurses  Librarians  Typists  Filing Clerks  Secretaries  Stenographers  Office Machine Operators

35  New Technologies  Freeing up time  Reading club  Children  FOCUS ON SELF  Work 7:00-3:30  Come home  Clean, cook, and raise children - 11:00

36  Birthrates decline  Birth control info became widely available  Birth control clinics opened  American Birth Control League founded 1921 Margaret Sanger and other founders of the American Birth Control League - 1921

37  Marriage based on romantic love  Women managed the household and finances  Children were not considered laborers/ wage earners who needed nurturing and education

38  1920’s Education had a powerful impact on the nation  Enrollment in high schools quadrupled

39  Literacy increased,  Newspaper circulation rose  Mass-circulation magazines flourished

40  Radio becomes the most powerful communications medium in the 1920s  News delivered faster and to a larger audience  com/watch?v=aNvxl lx_jIQ com/watch?v=aNvxl lx_jIQ

41  Americans spent $4.5 billion on entertainment  BABE RUTH  He hit 60 homers in 1927

42  America’s most beloved hero wasn’t an athlete but a small-town pilot named Charles Lindbergh  Made 1st nonstop solo trans-Atlantic flight  Took off from NYC in the Spirit of St. Louis arrived in Paris 33 hours later to a hero’s welcome

43  First sound movies: Jazz Singer (1927)  First animated with sound: Steamboat Willie (1928)  com/watch?v=BBgg hnQF6E4 com/watch?v=BBgg hnQF6E4

44  Composer George Gershwin merged trad. elements w/ American Jazz  Painter Edward Hopper depicted loneliness of American life  Georgia O’ Keeffe captured grandeur of NY using intensely colored canvases Radiator Building, Night, New York, 1927 Georgia O'Keeffe Hopper’s famous “Nighthawks”

45  Sinclair Lewis, first American to win the Nobel Prize in literature, - Babbitt  Ridicules American conformity and materialism

46  Writer F. Scott Fitzgerald coined phrase “Jazz Age” to describe the 1920s  Fitzgerald wrote Paradise Lost and The Great Gatsby  The Great Gatsby reflected the emptiness of New York elite society

47  Edith Warton’s Age of Innocence dramatized clash between trad. and modern values  Willa Cather celebrated simple/ dignified lives of immigrant farmers in Nebraska in My Antonia

48  Ernest Hemingway, wounded in WWI, became one of the best-known authors of the era  The Sun Also Rises and A Farewell to Arms, he criticized the glorification of war

49  Writers such as Hemingway and John Dos Passos were so soured by American culture that they chose to settle in Europe  In Paris they formed a group that one writer called, “The Lost Generation”

50  Great Migration  By 1920 over 5 million of the nation’s 12 million blacks (over 40%) lived in cities Migration of the Negro by Jacob Lawrence

51  NAACP urged African Americans to protest racial violence  W.E.B Dubois led a march of 10,000 black men in NY to protest violence

52  African Americans should build a separate society (Africa)  In 1914, founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association  bh/amex/garvey/sfeat ure/sf_words_pop.html bh/amex/garvey/sfeat ure/sf_words_pop.html

53  Largest black urban community  1920s it was home to a literary and artistic revival known as the Harlem Renaissance


55  Claude McKay’s poems expressed the pain of life in the ghetto  HR- mostly a literary movement  Well educated blacks- sense of pride

56  Langston Hughes movement’s best known poet  Poems described the difficult lives of working- class blacks  Some poems put to music, especially jazz and blues

57  Wrote novels, short stories and poems  Wrote about the lives of poor, unschooled Southern blacks  Focused on culture of the people– their folkways and values

58  Paul Robeson, son of a slave, became a major dramatic actor  His performance in Othello was widely praised

59  In 1922, trumpet player Louis Armstrong joined- Creole Jazz Band  Armstrong is considered the most important and influential musician in the history of jazz  m/watch?v=tvTAbhQTew s m/watch?v=tvTAbhQTew s

60  Duke Ellington, jazz pianist/ composer, led his ten-piece orchestra at the famous Cotton Club  om/watch?v=pfmy6- 7pCVA om/watch?v=pfmy6- 7pCVA

61  Blues singer, perhaps the most outstanding vocalist of the decade  Achieved enormous popularity by 1927 became the highest- paid black artist in the world  com/watch?v=b0TD NR3NEY0&list=RD8Wh o6fTHJ34 com/watch?v=b0TD NR3NEY0&list=RD8Wh o6fTHJ34

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