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The Holocaust.

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1 The Holocaust

2 What we will talk about Define the Holocaust Who is Anne Frank?
When Where Why How What Who is Anne Frank? The world today

3 The Holocaust The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. "Holocaust" is a word of Greek origin meaning "sacrifice by fire." 1

4 Who? Who do you associate with the Holocaust?
Perpetrators: Hitler, Nazis, German law making officials Collaborators: Italy, initially the Soviet Union Bystanders: Europeans who knew it was going on Victims: Jews, Polish, handicapped, homosexuals, gypsies Liberators: Europeans who hid Jews, Allies

5 When did this take place?
Adolf Hitler, the Chancellor of Germany (like our President), was elected in 1933 He was anti-Semitic– he was prejudice against Jews He began developing laws against and enforcing terrible restrictions on the Jewish population in Germany He was also prejudice against other groups which he saw as “racially inferior” In 1939 he invaded Poland, and began his quest to take over all of Europe (and perhaps the world) Began enforcing the same laws and restrictions on all of the European Jewry

6 When... In 1941, the mass deportations and killings of Jews began
WWII ended in By then two-thirds of the Jewish population in Europe had been murdered

7 Where did this take place?
What places come to mind when you think about the Holocaust? Europe Hitler and the Nazi party were from Germany They invaded Poland (to the East of Germany) Anne Frank was from the Netherlands (North and West from Germany)

8 Why did this take place? All over Europe there was an existing prejudice against Jewish people Hitler and the Nazis wanted to create a superior race

9 Pyramid of Hate2

10 How did Hitler create hate?
How could he be so successful? How did this happen??

11 Propaganda Posters Children’s books Radio Groups

12 Law Nuremberg Laws– legislation beginning in 1933 (Germany) mandating restrictions against “enemies of the state”, particularly Jewish people Marriage Businesses Curfews Property Dress

13 What happened? Ghettos Final Solution Deportation Concentration Camps

14 Ghettos What is a ghetto?
Enclosed districts of a city in which the Germans forced the Jewish population to live under miserable conditions. The Germans regarded the establishment of Jewish ghettos as a provisional measure to control, isolate, and segregate Jews.1

15 Ghettos, continued Where were the ghettos? Survivor Testimony

16 Final Solution In 1939, the Nazis came to a final decision to annihilate the Jewish population from Europe. Deportations increased More Jews were sent to concentration camps (extermination camps) at this point, where most died

17 Deportation

18 Concentration Camps

19 Resistance How do you resist an enemy? Why didn’t they resist more?
Physically Mentally Spiritually Emotionally Why didn’t they resist more?

20 Anne Frank How many of you have kept a diary or a journal?
There are 55 diaries which survived the Holocaust that were written by children/teens Anne Frank’s is the most famous

21 Background Anne Frank was born in 1929 in Frankfurt, Germany
They were non practicing Jews Her family moved in 1933 to the Netherlands because Adolf Hitler came to power Father opened the Opeka Company (sold materials necessary for canning foods).

22 Decision to go into hiding
Went into hiding in 1942 because Anne’s older sister was ordered to a labor camp Went into hiding with another family and eventually gained an eighth roommate

23 Members of the Secret Annex

24 Where did they hide?

25 How is this relevant today?
Preventing Genocide

26 Sources 1United States Holocuast Memorial Museum.
2The Anti-defamation League.

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