Social Media Webinar September 17, 2013 Panelists: Sarah Mickelson, Rapoza Associates Ayrianne Parks, Rapoza Associates Bailey Richards, Housing Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Media Webinar September 17, 2013 Panelists: Sarah Mickelson, Rapoza Associates Ayrianne Parks, Rapoza Associates Bailey Richards, Housing Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Media Webinar September 17, 2013 Panelists: Sarah Mickelson, Rapoza Associates Ayrianne Parks, Rapoza Associates Bailey Richards, Housing Development Alliance NRHC thanks Capital One for its generous support of this advocacy webinar

2 Introduction to Social Media

3 NRHC Social Media Survey 30% Do not have a Facebook page or do not use it consistently. 60% Do not regularly use Facebook for advocacy. 10% Regularly use Facebook for advocacy.

4 Ayrianne Parks Rapoza Associates

5 Getting Started 1.Understand your objectives. 2.Determine your target audience(s). 3.Learn how social media platforms work. 4.Calculate how much time you have to invest. 5.Create a social media plan.

6 Establishing Objectives Cultivate better relationships with funders or lawmakers? Find volunteers or potential clients? Educate the public about the importance of rural housing? Build awareness of your organization and your successes in your community? Create a community ready to engage and take action on advocacy?

7 Add social media accounts to your email signature Add widget to your web content to make sharing easier Share other people/organization’s content Post consistently Ask questions and respond to commenters Building an Audience

8 What are the biggest challenges? How much time will it take to learn how use social media? How much staff time is needed? What additional sources of funding will I need to cover expenses? What policies do I need to manage our social media? What if we fail?

9 Resources

10 Questions?

11 Sarah Mickelson Rapoza Associates

12 Increase Engagement on Facebook

13 Tips for Using Social Media Encourage an authentic, interactive conversation. – Post photos, news articles, stories, and connect them back to what your organization does. – Keep it short and sweet. – Ask questions to your audience and reward them for answering. – Provide opportunities for engagement. – Share content from other organizations. – Tag every photo!

14 Highlights – Building relationships with volunteers and the public. – Short, simple text tells the audience what is going on in the photo – Photo provides a behind-the-scenes look at the organization. Other Ideas? – Tag the people in the photo, so it also posts to their FB page. – Respond to comments.

15 Highlights – Building relationships with donors. – A family that directly benefitted from the donation commented. Other Ideas? – Tag the donor and email them to let them know. – Follow up Posts: Photos of the kids who went to summer camp, of what they did there, etc.

16 Tips for Advocacy Connect the dots! – Educate the public on the need for affordable housing, USDA Rural Housing programs, and how events impact your work. – Activate your supporters with simple “asks” and keep them informed of your progress. – Engage Members of Congress. Thank them for their support.

17 Highlights – Builds relationships with Members of Congress. – Tags Congressman’s official FB page (Not Campaign Pages). – Great publicity in his district by thanking him for visiting. Other Ideas? – Ask supporters to thank the Congressman for visiting. – Email Congressional staff to let them know. – Tag everyone in the photo.

18 Highlights – Builds relationships with Members of Congress. – Activates your supporters and keeps them informed of progress. – Links to additional resources. Other Ideas? – Include photo of Member of Congress. – Thank supporters who have called their Member of Congress.

19 Questions?

20 Bailey Richards Housing Development Alliance


22 IN WHAT WAYS HAS FB BEEN BENEFICIAL TO YOUR ORGANIZATION? A network at your fingertips No start-up cost It’s free

23 GOALS THEN; GOALS NOW: MEASURING SUCCESS Use FB analytics. Goals and Targets # of people reached: 500 # of people talking about: 30 Constant improvement!

24 TARGET AUDIENCES AND HOW TO REACH THEM Volunteers: keep in touch Know your demographic

25 HOW IS YOUR FB PAGE SUCCESSFUL? Planning Schedules Engaging with response

26 FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS Integration Interface Defining the market and the approach

27 MANAGEMENT AND STAFF TIME Split the workload: 3 different people 2 hours a week=developing content 5 minutes daily=responding to comments

28 OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA? FOR WHAT? YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Flickr, Blogger, Spotify Test them out. Find the demographics. What works for you?

29 FINDING INSPIRATION Intention and integration are key 3 rd piece: CURIOSITY! Play around with it! Create the culture of engagement

30 Questions?

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