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Cye Fink. 1.Incorporated in the 2008 Rules and Regs. 2.Each state must produce 70% of its COEs from the previous year. 3.There are 7 state requirements.

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Presentation on theme: "Cye Fink. 1.Incorporated in the 2008 Rules and Regs. 2.Each state must produce 70% of its COEs from the previous year. 3.There are 7 state requirements."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cye Fink

2 1.Incorporated in the 2008 Rules and Regs. 2.Each state must produce 70% of its COEs from the previous year. 3.There are 7 state requirements for quality control. 4.Every recruiter must be trained. 5.Only a representative sample of COEs must be reviewed. 6.Recruiters must be evaluated every year.


4 Quality Control SEA Responsibilities Training Annual Review & Evaluation Process for Resolving Eligibility Questions COE Examination Re-Interviewing Documentation of Quality Controls Process of Corrective Action


6 Quality Control Training Yearly Training One training every year Review of: Basic Eligibility Factors Developing ID&R Plans Recruitment Strategies COEs Quality Control Includes pre and post assessments for comprehension

7 Quality Control Training New Recruiter Certification New staff/recruiter training Includes pre & post tests that must be passed at 90% accuracy Fieldwork probationary requirements 3 Interviews & 3 COEs with “mentor” recruiter Follow-up re-interviews

8 Quality Control Training Sample Question How far does a family have to move to qualify for the Migrant Education Program? a.20 miles b.100 miles c.Across school districts lines d.From one town to another

9 Quality Control Training Sample Question What is the Qualifying Arrival Date (QAD)? a.It is the date the family entered your school district. b.It is the date the family made a qualifying move. c.It is the date the qualifying worker obtained work in agriculture. d.It is the date the family was found by a recruiter.


11 Quality Control Annual Review & Evaluation Three components: Evaluation of Recruiter Knowledge Evaluation of Recruiter Product Evaluation of Recruiter Practices

12 Quality Control Annual Review & Evaluation Evaluation of Recruiter Knowledge Once a year, disseminate an electronic ID&R assessment. The assessment requires participation of all active MEP recruiters to evaluate their knowledge of the eligibility criteria and knowledge of the COE. Recruiters scoring below the passing score of 90% will be required to complete New Recruiters Training.

13 Quality Control Annual Review & Evaluation Sample Question A move qualifies if… a.the worker commutes across school district lines to their agricultural job. b.the move is due to economic necessity. c.the move is across school district lines from one temporary residence to another. d.both B and C. e.both A and C.

14 Quality Control Annual Review & Evaluation Sample Question Cye Fink moved on his own from Oregon to Georgia to work in the peach harvest. He obtained the work upon arrival and worked the harvest for 3 weeks. Mr. Fink then moved to Louisiana to look for any type of work and ended up in a restaurant 2 days later. School-aged son, Fulanito Fink then joins his father in Louisiana and begins attending school. Little Fulanito Fink joined his father 4 weeks after his move to Louisiana.

15 Quality Control Annual Review & Evaluation Sample Question a.Yes, because work was sought and obtained. b.No, because the move to LA was not a qualifying move. c.Yes, because the child joined him within 12 months. d.No, because child joined him in Louisiana.

16 Quality Control Annual Review & Evaluation Evaluation of Recruiter Product Track COEs completed by each recruiter Will keep a log of COE rejections Recruiters with 3 or more rejections will need to take New Recruiters Training Recruiters are expected to spend a minimum of 50% of their recruiter time “recruiting”

17 Quality Control Annual Review & Evaluation Evaluation of Recruiter Practices Staff are required to complete and submit bi- weekly time and effort logs. The logs will be used in the evaluation of recruiter practices. 50% of a recruiters time is expected to be dedicated toward active ID&R.

18 Quality Control Annual Review & Evaluation Practice Scenario Cye Fink is a new recruiter who just finished his New Recruiter Training and certification steps. Cye begins his first day as follows: 1.Recruiters meeting from 9-11 a..m. 2.Calls some new families from 11-12 p.m. 3.Reviews eligibility criteria from 1-2 p.m. 4.Drives to local markets to hang/post flyers from 2-4 p.m. 5.From 4-5 p.m. replies to emails.


20 Quality Control Resolving Questions Steps / Process All eligibility questions are to be sent to Center Regional Recruiter To Coordinator of Coordination Center To State Director To USED Office of Migrant Education


22 Quality Control COE Examination Each program is required to have an internal set of COE quality controls. Programs submit COEs to the Center office to be reviewed. Two reviewers will review 100% of COEs.


24 Quality Control Re-Interviews Prospective re-interviews are conducted monthly. Students are selected randomly through a computer-generated formula. Re-interviews will be conducted by a certified experienced recruiter. Re-interviewer must be someone other than the original recruiter.

25 Quality Control Re-Interviews Needed changes to COEs will be made during re- interview. All re-interview results will be documented on the state re-interview form. Students will be removed from the state system who are found by the state, to have been misidentified. Districts will be notified of findings, written responses will be sent to families if needed.



28 Quality Control Corrective Action

29 Cye Fink, Consultant

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