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GEAR UP Instructional Technology Cohort. Introductions Kim Gardner GEAR UP Professional Development Coordinator Responsible for administration and effective.

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Presentation on theme: "GEAR UP Instructional Technology Cohort. Introductions Kim Gardner GEAR UP Professional Development Coordinator Responsible for administration and effective."— Presentation transcript:

1 GEAR UP Instructional Technology Cohort

2 Introductions Kim Gardner GEAR UP Professional Development Coordinator Responsible for administration and effective completion of project Contact numbers: (w)(859)985-3857, (c)(859)625-2640 Lori Myers-Steele Instructional Technology Consultant Responsible for providing support in the classroom and at large and small group meetings Contact numbers: (h)(859)986-5424, (c)(859)248-8160

3 District or School Technology Personnel Your relationship with this individual may well determine your success in this cohort. Keep in constant contact with them and let them know your instructional and classroom needs.

4 Cohort Goals The Initiative is designed to provide professional development in the effective implementation of technology to support classroom teaching and to encourage the mastering of Kentucky Teaching Standards by cohort members. Initiative activities will focus on using technology to teach, rather than teaching students to use technology.

5 Professional Development Opportunities Work in an online environment to communicate with cohort members, share resources and complete tutorials Attend technology and curricular workshops workshops As part of their professional development, members of the cohort will:

6 Online Environments Blackboard provides an online environment for sharing ideas, information, and discussions between cohort members Atomic Learning provides software training, through short tutorials, on dozens of applications and curriculum toolsapplicationstools

7 Technology and Curricular Workshops Workshops will include a wide variety of topics including: Utilizing online communities Creating electronic portfolios Digital photography and storytelling Excel in the classroom Online resources and software for teaching and learning Technology integration into the curriculum And…

8 “Hands on” activities such as: Setting up technology bundles Utilizing a variety of technology and software Reviewing and supporting lesson planning of other cohort members Discussing and sharing experiences, resources, and advice

9 Professional Development Opportunities Culminating in… a classroom lesson utilizing technology as a teaching and learning tool to meet your curricular goals.

10 Documentation and evidence of professional development will take the form of: A written lesson plan, Implementation of the plan in your classroom, Creation of an electronic portfolio detailing your professional growth in utilizing technology as an instructional tool in the classroom… …all of which can be shared with the cohort and other community members.

11 What Next? In the next couple of days… speak with your district/school technology coordinator and prepare for the installation of software onto your Tablet PC and set up of technology in your classroom complete the Blackboard tutorial (via Atomic Learning) and the Technology Usage Survey (via Blackboard)

12 And remember… Contact Kim or Lori if you have any questions or concerns. to check your team calendar for upcoming team meetings.

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