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0 1 ANDREA ALMAŠI Ministry Agriculture Nature and Food Quality Department of Knowledge The Netherlands.

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2 1 ANDREA ALMAŠI Ministry Agriculture Nature and Food Quality Department of Knowledge The Netherlands

3 2 Nature for People, People for Nature nature meets the demands of the society strengthening of public involvement, to increase their responsibility considers nature as a common good and sees her role as facilitator and stimulator of private initiative and creator of the long- term framework conditions

4 3 Some examples of payment for environmental services in the Netherlands 1. The polluter / user pays (public payment schemes) 2. Compensatory measures 3. Financial compensation schemes 4. Tax incentives 5.Public Private Partnership 6. Self organized private deals

5 4 Some examples of payment for environmental services in the Netherlands 1. The polluter / user pays (public payment schemes) ° Water Framework Directive ° Water Boards 2. Compensatory measures 3. Financial compensation schemes 4. Tax incentives 5.Public Private Partnership 6. Self organized private deals

6 5 Water Framework Directive

7 6 Water Board sustainable- self financing institution – local water man INTEREST SAY PAY

8 7 Some examples of payment for environmental services in the Netherlands 1. The polluter / user pays (public payment schemes) 2. Compensatory measures ° Nature Protection Law ° Water Assessment ° Overview effects infrastructure 3. Financial compensation schemes 4. Tax incentives 5.Public Private Partnership 6. Self organized private deals

9 8 2. Compensatory measures ° Nature protection Law “Nature Protection Law” (Natuur Beschermingswet) approved by the Parliament in 2004 article 6.4 of the EU Habitats Directive is implemented

10 9 2. Compensatory measures ° Nature protection Law Article 6.4 If, in spite of a negative assessment a plan or project must nevertheless be carried out for imperative reasons of overriding public interest, including those of a social or economic nature, the Member State shall take all compensatory measures necessary to ensure that the coherence of Natura 2000.

11 10 2. Compensatory measures ° Water Impact Assessment Mandatory since 1 November 2003 Water paragraph included in spatial plans Effects on safety, flooding, water quality and desiccation Designed to prevent or compensate negative effects

12 11 2. Compensatory measures ° Overview Effects Infrastructure Introduced in the year 2000 Ministry of Transport and Economic Affairs In 2002 evaluation  nature effects insufficient In 2004 Ministry ANF developed standard guidelines costs and benefits of nature

13 12 2. Compensatory measures ° Overview Effects Infrastructure Guideline in five steps 1. Physical impact / effect on nature 2. Conditional function 3. Impact on goods and services delivered 4. Quantify the impact 5. Valuation of the impact by the appropriate method

14 13 2. Compensatory measures ° Overview Effects Infrastructure Guideline in five steps 1. Area change 2. Conditional function 3. Impact on goods and services delivered 4. Quantify the impact 5. Valuation of the impact by the appropriate method

15 14 2. Compensatory measures ° Overview Effects Infrastructure Guideline in five steps 1. Area change 2. Nutrient uptake and nursery 3. Impact on goods and services delivered 4. Quantify the impact 5. Valuation of the impact by the appropriate method

16 15 2. Compensatory measures ° Overview Effects Infrastructure Guideline in five steps 1. Area change 2. Nutrient uptake and nursery 3. Wood and fish production 4. Quantify the impact 5. Valuation of the impact by the appropriate method

17 16 2. Compensatory measures ° Overview Effects Infrastructure Guideline in five steps 1. Area change 2. Nutrient uptake – breeding area 3. Wood and fish production 4. Kg wood / kg fish harvest 5. Valuation of the impact by the appropriate method

18 17 2. Compensatory measures ° Overview Effects Infrastructure Guideline in five steps 1. Area change 2. Nutrient uptake – breeding area 3. Wood and fish production 4. Kg wood / kg fish harvest 5. Market price

19 18 2. Compensatory measures ° Overview Effects Infrastructure

20 19 Some examples of payment for environmental services in the Netherlands 1. The polluter / user pays (public payment schemes) 2. Compensatory measures 3. Financial compensation schemes ° CAP-Regulation Nature Management 2000 ° Convert land to nature ° Reconnoitring Green / Blue Services 4. Tax incentives 5.Public Private Partnership 6. Self organized private deals

21 20 3. Financial compensation schemes ° CAP - Regulation Nature Management 2000 On-farm nature management (Subsidieregeling Agrarisch Natuurbeheer (SAN) For “B&G services” delivered the loss of agricultural production determines the indemnification A maximum of 20% extra stimulant All national arranged B&G services, need to be approved by the European Commission on state support (Staatssteun) Catalogus

22 21 3. Financial compensation schemes ° Convert land to nature Convert arable land in nature area officially One time compensation for the loss of value Yearly management subsidy Not only farmers every individual!

23 22 3. Financial compensation schemes ° Reconnoitring Green / Blue Services Six pilot projects Regional fund shaping systematic approach G&B services The peatland (Blue) project just started Receive support from the ministry of ANF Need to be approved by the European Commission on state support (Staatssteun)

24 23 Some examples of payment for environmental services in the Netherlands 1. The polluter / user pays (public payment schemes) 2. Compensatory measures 3. Financial compensation schemes 4. Tax incentives ° Green investments ° New estates 4.Public Private Partnership 5. Self organized private deals

25 24 4. Tax incentives ° Green investments Adopted by the Dutch government in 1995 Private persons the opportunity to invest money in environmental projects 70% of the money must be invested in Dutch Green projects Establishment of new nature areas, provided that these areas are managed sustainable Open to the public

26 25 4. Tax incentives ° New estates The Government Fifth Memorandum on Spatial Planning (Vijno) Instrument for realising new estates Reduced mortgage % To obtain permission for the construction of a building (e.g. house, office) in certain areas it must include the establishment of a surrounding nature area of at least 5 hectares, of which 90% must be open to the public Financing for establishing and management of the estate will be provided by private means

27 26 Some examples of payment for environmental services in the Netherlands 1. The polluter / user pays (public payment schemes) 2. Compensatory measures 3. Financial compensation schemes 4. Tax incentives 5.Public Private Partnership ° Red for Blue ° Wadden Sea Fund 4. Self organized private deals

28 27 5.Public Private Partnership ° Red for Blue The “blue city” (De Blauwe Stad) Goal revitalise an area in the Northern part of the country 250 hectares construction ground (1200 - 1800 houses) 800 hectares a lake area 300 hectare of nature development Constructing companies finance 375 million euro Government a total of 125 million euro.

29 28 5.Public Private Partnership ° Red for Blue Nature Balance 2005 3.500 Green Euro for every newly built house Invested in green on location Regional investment in green are minor Forest and recreational areas are mostly financed by the national government 50 projects “Red for Green” Planned proceeds 500 – 5.000 Euro No juridical extortion

30 29 5.Public Private Partnership ° Wadden Sea Fund Dutch Parliament allowing gas production under the Wadden Sea strict conditions as well as benefit for the Wadden Sea itself A Fund for nature development, management and sustainable economic development in the Wadden Sea area Cabinet invests 800 million Euros in 20 years The fund will be filled from the benefits of future gas production and exploration in the Wadden Sea area

31 30 Some examples of payment for environmental services in the Netherlands 1. The polluter / user pays (public payment schemes) 2. Compensatory measures 3. Financial compensation schemes 4. Tax incentives 5.Public Private Partnership 6. Self organized private deals ° Membership of Nature Organizations ° Entry Fee ° Fund Shaping ° Friends of the Landscape ° Adopt a….

32 31 4. Self organized private deals ° Membership of Nature Organizations ° Entry Fee ° Fund Shaping

33 32 4. Self organized private deals ° Friends of the Landscape ° Adopt a….

34 33 MAKE IT HAPPEN ° Conference “Water for Food and Ecosystems” ° National symposium “Ecosystem Valuation and Financing; making the priceless valuable” ° Program Water for Food and ecosystems

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