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Genetic engineering. Genetic modification

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Presentation on theme: "Genetic engineering. Genetic modification"— Presentation transcript:

1 Genetic engineering

2 Genetic modification

3 Are you familiar with genetic engineering? 67 people were questioned

4 Pros and cons

5 Are you for or against genetic modification?

6 Genetically modified medicines

7 With which of the folowing statements do you agree the most?

8 Crops resistant to insects

9 There are genetic modified crops which are resistant to insects

10 Healthier products

11 By genetic modification we are able to produce healthier products

12 With which of the following statements do you agree the most?

13 Consequences

14 It is wrong to use techniques which are known and controlled insufficiently

15 Do you agree with the following statements? I agreeraise your hand I do not agreejust stay there

16 By genetic modification we are able to produce healthier products

17 As long as the consequences for public health in the long term are not totally clear, we must not use genetic modified food

18 All techniques, with which we can solve world problems, have to be used. That means also genetic modification

19 Genetic modification is an inacceptable strike at the creation


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