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The War on Gaza Introduction to the topic Presentation by Ronja Harder, nov 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "The War on Gaza Introduction to the topic Presentation by Ronja Harder, nov 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 The War on Gaza Introduction to the topic Presentation by Ronja Harder, nov 2009

2 Brief overview: Israeli-palestinian conflict War on Gaza (2008) Security Council Resolution Overview



5 Middle-East-Conflict WW I: British promise to Zionists and Arabs alike But: Secret treaty with France 1947: Division of Palestine WW II: Holocaust  Flow of Jews to „homeland“ Declaration of Independence of the independent State of Israel in 1948 Arab-Israeli Wars

6 Middle-East-Conflict 1964: Foundation of PLO: Palestinian Liberation Organization 1987: First Intifada (arab.: „riot“) Foundation of Hamas: Islamic Resistance Movement 1993: Gaza-Jericho-Agreement (Oslo I)  Autonomy for Palestinian territory (Westbank and Gaza-Strip)

7 1995: Murder of Israeli president Rabin 1996: Arafat wins elections = president of Palestinian Territory  Fatah = Majority 2000: Second Intifada  Hamas terrorist attacks

8 2002: Operation Defensive Shield: Israeli raid 2003: Invasion of Iraq  Palestinian supported Hussein 2004: Death of Yassir Arafat 2005: Mahmoud Abbas was elected President of the Palestine National Authority 2006: Hamas wins election

9 Gaza = base for launching rockets 2008: cease-fire agreement December: Hamas attacks Israel Israeli Retaliation  Operation Cast Lead UN SC: stop violence  US objection to resolution January: declaration of cease-fire of both sides

10 Security Council Resolution Gaza-Strip = part of Palestinian State immediate, durable and fully respected ceasefire leading to the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza humanitarian assistance Prevent illicit trafficking in arms and ammunition Efforts for achievement of pease  two state solution

11 Questions to be adressed by a resolution Problem of terrorism Question of border-security and Traffic of weapons Access to water ressources Access to ports

12 Useful Links Security Council Resolution: History of Conflict: srael_08.ppt

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