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Quiz #2 Put your name, ID, Quiz #1 on top of card. Student next to you scores it, signs card at bottom and writes your score at bottom right corner of.

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Presentation on theme: "Quiz #2 Put your name, ID, Quiz #1 on top of card. Student next to you scores it, signs card at bottom and writes your score at bottom right corner of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quiz #2 Put your name, ID, Quiz #1 on top of card. Student next to you scores it, signs card at bottom and writes your score at bottom right corner of card. CLOSE BOOKS AND NOTES n With ______ ______ ________ n T/F ______

2 Chapter 3: Stress and Disease n By comprehending that human beings are energy, one can begin to comprehend new ways of viewing health and illness - Richard Gerber M.D.

3 Relationship Between Stress and Disease? n Science has not been able to demonstrate a concrete connection between stress and disease. n However, this chapter presents various scientific views and explanations of hypothesized relationships between stress and disease.

4 Stress and Disease Connection n The current focus on the stress and disease phenomenon is directed toward the interactions of the: – immune system – the CNS – human consciousness

5 Disease & Illness Relationship n Research indicates that –70 to 80 percent of health-related problems –may be precipitated or aggravated by stress

6 Stress and Disease n Understand the relationship between stress and disease –factors act in unison to create a pathological outcome n These factors include –cognitive perceptions of threatening stimuli and –the consequent activation of the »nervous system » endocrine system » immune system

7 Psychoneuroimmunology n Pelletier defines it as the study of the intricate interaction of –consciousness (psycho) –brain and central nervous system (neuro), and –the body’s defense against external infection and internal aberrant cell division (immunology).

8 Theoretical Models Theoretical Models À The Borysenko Model Á The Pert Model  The Gerber Model à The Pelletier Premodel

9 The Borysenko Model n Stress-induced dysregulation n Matrix: “immune balance” with four classifications of disease n Autonomic nervous system –releases stress hormones –physiological repercussions »migraines, ulcers, and hypertension.

10 Borysenko’s stress & disease dichotomy

11 Borysenko’s Immune Activity Matrix

12 Application Assignment Write you answer on the back of your 3” x 5” card. n T/F According to

13 Quiz #3 Put your name, ID, Quiz #1 on top of card. Student next to you scores it, signs card at bottom and writes your score at bottom right corner of card. CLOSE BOOKS AND NOTES n T/F

14 The Pert Model n Pert’s model cites research findings linking the nervous system with the immune system n Various cell tissues comprising the immune system can synthesize neuropeptides to alter immune function n Positive emotions can enhance immune function

15 The Gerber Model n Holistic or systems -theory approach n Mind –conscious and unconscious thought –exists as energy (bioplasma) –energy surrounds and permeates the body –influences biochemical reactions.

16 Gerber Model: Disease n Disturbance in human energy field –through levels of energy n To the body via –chakras »doors of energy –meridians.

17 Gerber Model n Stress-related symptoms –appearing in the physical body »the manifestation of problems –problems that occurred earlier as a result of disturbances at higher energy level n Thoughts, perception, and emotions –originate in layers of subtle energy –cascade through the mind-body interface –decoded at the molecular level –cause biological changes in the body

18 The Gerber model See Figure 3.3 on page 44 of your textbook.

19 Human Energy Fields Kirlian Photography n Before and after Kirlian Photographs – n Tracing Human Spirit with Kirlian Photography – n More Photos – »after /hing__ are the letters i in capital letters

20 Human Energy Fields Chakras n 7 or 8 primary human chakras – m m m – physics_1.htm physics_1.htm physics_1.htm »The Chakra-Handbook by Shalila Sharamon & Bodo J. Baginski – ET/chakra/index.html ET/chakra/index.html ET/chakra/index.html

21 The Pelletier Pre-Model n Issues must be understood –before a stress-disease model can be developed n Issues include diseases of people with –multiple personality disorder –spontaneous remissions –hypnosis –placebos –immuneonhancement.

22 Pelletier’s Review of Literature n To understand the stress- disease/mind-body phenomenon n Consider individuals as greater than the sum of its physiological parts

23 Nervous System-Related Disorders n bronchial asthma n tension headaches n migraine headaches n temporomandi- bular joint dysfunction n irritable bowel syndrome n ulcers and colitis n coronary heart disease

24 Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction See Figure 3.5 of your textbook.

25 Immune System-Related Disorders n the common cold and influenza n allergies n rheumatoid arthritis n lupus n cancer n AIDS

26 Application Assignment Write you answer on the back of your 3” x 5” card. n Which _______ _______

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