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Information and Communication Technology in the Social and Global Context: Trends and Implications for Teaching and Learning Gordon F Snyder Jr

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Presentation on theme: "Information and Communication Technology in the Social and Global Context: Trends and Implications for Teaching and Learning Gordon F Snyder Jr"— Presentation transcript:

1 Information and Communication Technology in the Social and Global Context: Trends and Implications for Teaching and Learning Gordon F Snyder Jr January 20, 2012

2 Wireline

3 Wireless

4 Wireline Wireless

5 Perspective

6 Growing Up......

7 Early Work.......

8 Students

9 Our Students Today..... Growing Up Video link:

10 Next...... Video link:

11 J-P Teti, 14-year-old blogger “The iPad [mobile] only does less than a regular computer to us geeks. To everyone else, it does more.” Source: any-other-computer

12 Some History

13 Mainframe = 1 M Units Sold in 1st 10 Years

14 Minicomputer =10 M Units Sold in 1st 10 Years

15 PC = 100 M Units Sold in 1st 10 Years

16 Desktop Internet = 1 B+ Users In 1st 10 Years

17 Mobile Internet 10+ B Units Sold in 1st 10 Years

18 Continues......


20 More About Today..... which will soon be yesterday.....

21 In United States high schools, 98% of students have access to some kind of smartphone, according to a report by Blackboard and Project

22 The United Nation’s International Telecommunication Union estimated that there were 5.3 billion mobile phone subscriptions worldwide at the end of 2010 — and that a full 90% of the world population now has access to a mobile network. In contrast, only about 2 billion people have Internet access.International Telecommunication Union Internet access

23 Ubiquitous Communication 1,615 Texts Per Month - Ages 18 - 243,339 Texts Per Month - Teens 6.1 Trillion SMS text messages sent in 2010 - ITU, 2010

24 16.7 Billion messages per day 2.5 SMS for every live person on the planet per day, or 11.6 million messages every minute Some math......

25 Year Over Year PC Growth is Currently 2.7% Year Over Year Smartphone Growth Currently 87.2 % - IDC

26 Smartphone units sold will surpass PC units in 2012 - Morgan Stanley - June 2010 Smartphone units sold actually surpassed PC units... In Q4 2010 - IDC Worldwide Quarterly Tracker - January 2011 100 million units sold in Q4 2010 vs. 92 million PCs

27 Today over 85% of Handsets Shipped Globally... Include Some Sort of Web Browser. - Gartner

28 A couple months ago, more Americans have smartphones than feature phones......

29 Voice Call SMS E-Mail Music Internet Games Other - Morgan Stanley / iSuppli - iPhone usage studies The Phone Isn’t Used as a Phone More Than Half the Time...

30 Media: Video Expected to be 70% in Four Years - Morgan Stanley Video Currently Half of All Mobile Data Traffic...

31 Technologies, Policies and Approaches

32 -Hamilton Chan, CEO & Founder, Paperlinks “We no longer need to be tethered to a desktop computer in order to use the Internet to interact with the world around us.” Source: Mashable - codes/ codes/

33 Social Networking time spent globally surpassed email in November 2007 Social Networking users surpass email users in July 2009 - Comscore Global

34 Facebook >350 Million Mobile Users (>800M total) Source:

35 Facebook had 350 million mobile users in 2012. Up from 250 million in 2011 Each of those 350 million mobile users creates twice the daily activity of desktop users. - Facebook-Mobile-Large.gif Estimated 28 million people are using the mobile web for Facebook exclusively. mobile web


37 January 19, 2012

38 Fast Company’s #2 most innovative company for 2011 (behind ?) - Twitter

39 Mobile Twitter usage up 347% from January 2009 - 2010 - Comscore 40 % of all tweets come from mobile users - Twitter CEO Dick Costolo at 2011 CES Twitter

40 Mobile Microblogging in the Classroom “Legaspi said experience has taught him that a small group of students tend to dominate classroom discussions. During the seminar at Macworld, other teachers reported seeing broader student participation through Twitter.” “CNN observed Legaspi standing in front of a projected screen discussing the death toll from World War I. When he asked the classroom how many people died in that conflict, several tweets started showing up on his screen with various answers.” discussions?_s=PM:TECH

41 Mobile Affecting How and When We Read.......


43 Time Shifting: Read It Later Source: ReadItLater - 100 Million Articles Saved on Web and Mobile Articles Saved

44 Time Shifting: Read It Later Source: ReadItLater - 100 Million Articles Saved on Web and Mobile Articles SavedArticles Read on iPhone

45 Instapaper http://www.instapaper.com

46 FlipBoard

47 Passive Personalization “Liking” something on Facebook, YouTube, Pandora, Netflix, etc

48 Now/Future Media: In the Cloud

49 Mobile Learning iTunes University - Stanford iPhone Course

50 Basic Skills and Test Prep

51 Video Link:

52 A Positive Experience

53 Three behavioral trends of a positive mobile experience: 1. convenience 2. context 3. fun

54 1. Convenience Less is more (simplify). May just mean in smaller chunks. In many cases the best device is the one you always have with you. Offer tangible value.

55 2. Context The circumstances that form the setting for an event. Relevant content when users need it. Curate the most relevant subject knowledge. Help students find information that’s useful in real time.

56 3. Fun Enjoyment, amusement, or lighthearted pleasure. With mobile, fun in unexpected places will expand in imaginative and meaningful ways. Fun, more frequently integrated into our lives. Fun, the easiest way to change people’s behaviors.

57 Summary: Use Technology Wisely 1. convenience Less is more. Transform you “app” with simple solutions. 2. context Just the right thing when needed most. 3. fun Mix in delight, surprise, and reward to build and retain your programs!

58 -Marissa Mayer, Head of Mobile & Geolocation, Google “The mobile acts as a cursor to connect the digital and physical...”

59 Additional References

60 ?

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