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© Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved : Topic © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved Directions:  Sit in assigned groups with no more than SIX people.

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2 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved

3 : Topic

4 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved Directions:  Sit in assigned groups with no more than SIX people per group  Roles are be given in order:  Scorekeeper—writes the scores for ALL teams on the score sheet, then adds them for every four questions  Board Keeper—keeps track of which squares are used and stratches them off the board as they are called by teams  Card Holder—raises ONE card as the answer as decided by the team on the “GO!” signal as soon as it it called  Caller—after consulting the whole team, chooses a square still open when it is the turn of the team  Captain—organizes the team so it is ready; makes the final decisions  Sergeant-at-Arms—keeps order among the team

5 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved Round 1Round 2 Final Jeopardy

6 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved WhoWhatWhereWhenWhyHow $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Round 2 Final Jeopardy Scores Round One Team Name: ___________________________

7 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 He was the most infamous, notorious, and evil image of the 20 th century

8 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 Who was… A.George Bush B.Attila the Hun C.Adolph Hitler D.Ricky Ricardo Who was… A.George Bush B.Attila the Hun C.Adolph Hitler D.Ricky Ricardo Scores

9 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200

10 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 Who was… A.Bill Gates B.Albert Einstein C.Benito Mussolini D.Walt Disney Who was… A.Bill Gates B.Albert Einstein C.Benito Mussolini D.Walt Disney Scores

11 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 He was the President of South Africa who ended apartheid (separation of races) after being released from prison

12 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 Who was… A.Mahatmas Gandhi B.Martin Luther King C.Booker T. Washington D.Nelson Mandela Who was… A.Mahatmas Gandhi B.Martin Luther King C.Booker T. Washington D.Nelson Mandela Scores

13 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 She was best known as the Mother of the Civil Rights Movement after challenging laws telling African Americans to sit in the back of the bus

14 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 Who was… A.Harriet Tubman B.Rosa Parks C.Indira Gandhi D.Golda Meir Who was… A.Harriet Tubman B.Rosa Parks C.Indira Gandhi D.Golda Meir Scores

15 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 She was the wife of the President of Argentina known as a champion of the poor

16 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 Who was… A.Abigail Adams B.Tess O’Shay C.Jennifer Lopez D.Eva Peron Who was… A.Abigail Adams B.Tess O’Shay C.Jennifer Lopez D.Eva Peron Scores

17 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 It is a system of government where one person rules everything because he is able to control the military

18 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 What is a… A.Monarchy B.Oligarchy C.Republic D.Dictatorship What is a… A.Monarchy B.Oligarchy C.Republic D.Dictatorship Scores

19 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 It’s when one country takes over other territory and rules it as a colony by taking resources and cheap labor from it

20 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 What is… A.Militarism B.Alliances C.Imperialism D.Nationalism What is… A.Militarism B.Alliances C.Imperialism D.Nationalism Scores

21 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 It can be defined as socialism, atheism, anarchy, and Marxism rolled into one

22 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 What is… A.Geopolitics B.Corporation C.Technology D.Communism What is… A.Geopolitics B.Corporation C.Technology D.Communism Scores

23 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved

24 $400 It is a word used to stand for some long phrase such as MAIN standing for the causes of WWI—militarism, alliances, imperialism and nationalism

25 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 What is a… A.Acronym B.Synonym C.Antonym D.Homonym What is a… A.Acronym B.Synonym C.Antonym D.Homonym Scores

26 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 It is the kind of war fought in a country by an unorganized group using mostly hit-and-run tactics

27 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 What is a… A.Guerilla War B.Civil War C.Total War D.World War What is a… A.Guerilla War B.Civil War C.Total War D.World War Scores

28 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 Prisoners kept here during the Holocaust

29 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 Where were… A.POW camps B.Concentration camps C.Ghettos D.Military installments Where were… A.POW camps B.Concentration camps C.Ghettos D.Military installments Scores

30 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 It was where the first atomic bomb was dropped on civilians

31 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 Where is… A.Nagasaki B.Germany C.Hiroshima D.Pearl Harbor Where is… A.Nagasaki B.Germany C.Hiroshima D.Pearl Harbor Scores

32 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 They are places where the first Cold War confrontations took place

33 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 Where are… A.Korea and Vietnam B.US and USSR C.China and Russia D.Cuba and Nicaragua Where are… A.Korea and Vietnam B.US and USSR C.China and Russia D.Cuba and Nicaragua Scores

34 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 It was where the Muslims from India went to after independence from Britain

35 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 Where is… A.Pakistan B.Sri Lanka C.Afghanistan D.Kashmir Where is… A.Pakistan B.Sri Lanka C.Afghanistan D.Kashmir Scores

36 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 It is the site of the assassination of Austrian Archduke Frantz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie

37 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 Where is… A.Vienna, Austria B.Sarajevo, Bosnia- Herzegovina C.Berlin, Germany D.Moscow, Russia Where is… A.Vienna, Austria B.Sarajevo, Bosnia- Herzegovina C.Berlin, Germany D.Moscow, Russia Scores

38 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 It lasted from 1914 until 1917

39 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 When was… A.World War II B.The First World War C.The Cold War D.The Cuban Missile Crisis When was… A.World War II B.The First World War C.The Cold War D.The Cuban Missile Crisis Scores

40 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 It happens when minorities are rounded up and executed to eliminate them from the world

41 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 When does mass murder become… A.Criminal B.Justified C.Proficient D.Genocide When does mass murder become… A.Criminal B.Justified C.Proficient D.Genocide Scores

42 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 It happens when prices, employment, and businesses go down, but there is NO inflation

43 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 When is there a… A.Recession B.Coup C.Strike D.Depression When is there a… A.Recession B.Coup C.Strike D.Depression Scores

44 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 Although it started on September 1, 1939 as Hitler invaded Poland, the US didn’t get into it until December 7, 1941 as Japan bombed Pearl Harbor

45 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 When did ___ begin? A.The First World War B.The Second World War C.The Polish-German War D.The Communist Revolution When did ___ begin? A.The First World War B.The Second World War C.The Polish-German War D.The Communist Revolution Scores

46 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 On January 1, 1959, as Castro and his supporters marched into Havana to end the rule of Batista

47 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 When did Fidel Castro take over… A.Cuba B.Argentina C.Mexico D.Miami When did Fidel Castro take over… A.Cuba B.Argentina C.Mexico D.Miami Scores

48 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 Because the country was humiliated in WWI, their money was worthless, and the government was so weak

49 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 Why was ___ able to take over ___? A.Mussolini/Italy B.Hitler/Germany C.Tojo/Japan D.Stalin/USSR Why was ___ able to take over ___? A.Mussolini/Italy B.Hitler/Germany C.Tojo/Japan D.Stalin/USSR Scores

50 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 Because the whites were a minority who feared the black majority

51 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 Why did South Africa have a policy of segregation known as A.Apartheid B.Jim Crow Laws C.NAACP D.The Final Solution Why did South Africa have a policy of segregation known as A.Apartheid B.Jim Crow Laws C.NAACP D.The Final Solution Scores

52 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 Because Serbians wanted to end Austrian rule in the Balkan countries once and for all

53 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 Why did Gavrilo Principe claim ___ as he assassinated Franz Ferdinand in the name of the Bland Hand? A.Militarism B.Alliances C.Imperialism D.Nationalism Why did Gavrilo Principe claim ___ as he assassinated Franz Ferdinand in the name of the Bland Hand? A.Militarism B.Alliances C.Imperialism D.Nationalism Scores

54 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 Mostly because the US and USSR never directly went to war against each other

55 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 Why was the period from 1945 to 1989 called the ___ War? A.Cold B.Second World C.Third World D.Civil Why was the period from 1945 to 1989 called the ___ War? A.Cold B.Second World C.Third World D.Civil Scores

56 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 Because it was hoped it could settle things without war using nuclear bombs

57 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 Why was the ___ founded at the end of World War II? A.League of Nations B.United Nations C.Peace Corps D.NATO Why was the ___ founded at the end of World War II? A.League of Nations B.United Nations C.Peace Corps D.NATO Scores

58 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 By dropping atomic bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945

59 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 How did ___ end? A.World War II B.Communism in China C.The Depression D.The Holocaust How did ___ end? A.World War II B.Communism in China C.The Depression D.The Holocaust Scores

60 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 By the suicide of Adolph Hitler as Russians invaded Berlin, the German Capital

61 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 How did Germany come to surrender ___? A. Unconditionally (no terms) B. Its eastern colonies to Japan C. Only Berlin to the Americans D. Its western sections to France How did Germany come to surrender ___? A. Unconditionally (no terms) B. Its eastern colonies to Japan C. Only Berlin to the Americans D. Its western sections to France Scores

62 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 By protesting, boycotting, and refusing to pay taxes to the government

63 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 How does ___ work? A.Armed resistance B.Voter registration C.Passive resistance D.Capitalism How does ___ work? A.Armed resistance B.Voter registration C.Passive resistance D.Capitalism Scores

64 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 It will be building the army, weapon supplies, and putting the country’s resources toward warfare

65 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 How can you tell if a country is in a state of… A.Nationalism B.Militarism C.Entangling Alliances D.Imperialism How can you tell if a country is in a state of… A.Nationalism B.Militarism C.Entangling Alliances D.Imperialism Scores

66 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500

67 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 How did the Communist Bolsheviks come to power in… A.Germany B.China C.Vietnam D.Russia How did the Communist Bolsheviks come to power in… A.Germany B.China C.Vietnam D.Russia Scores

68 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved U.S.EuropeAsiaLatin America AfricaPOT LUCK $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 Round 1 Final Jeopardy Scores Team Name: ___________________________ ROUND TWO

69 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 He lead the Civil Rights Movement until his death by assassination in 1968

70 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 Who was… A.Robert F. Kennedy B.John F. Kennedy C.Franklin D. Roosevelt D.Martin L. King Who was… A.Robert F. Kennedy B.John F. Kennedy C.Franklin D. Roosevelt D.Martin L. King Scores

71 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 North American Free Trade Agreement or NAFTA

72 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 What is the name of the treaty among the US, Mexico and ___? A.Guatemala B.Japan C.Canada D.Australia What is the name of the treaty among the US, Mexico and ___? A.Guatemala B.Japan C.Canada D.Australia Scores

73 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $600 For the US, it is where World War II began

74 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $600 Where is… A.Hiroshima, Japan B.Pearl Harbor, Hawaii C.Berlin, Germany D.Moscow, Russia Where is… A.Hiroshima, Japan B.Pearl Harbor, Hawaii C.Berlin, Germany D.Moscow, Russia Scores

75 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $800 At the end of the Second World War with the only real competitor being the Soviet Union

76 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $800 When did the US become the leading… A.Super Power B.Team in soccer C.International environmentalist D.Nation producing oil When did the US become the leading… A.Super Power B.Team in soccer C.International environmentalist D.Nation producing oil Scores

77 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $1000 Europeans no longer needed its goods or food after recovery from the Great War

78 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $1000 How did the US fall into the… A.Role of the world’s policeman B.Great Depression C.Hands of socialists D.Dependence on fossil fuel How did the US fall into the… A.Role of the world’s policeman B.Great Depression C.Hands of socialists D.Dependence on fossil fuel Scores

79 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 He is the President of Russia today

80 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 Who is… A.Joseph Stalin B.Vladimir Lenin C.Vladimir Putin D.Nicholas II Who is… A.Joseph Stalin B.Vladimir Lenin C.Vladimir Putin D.Nicholas II Scores

81 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved

82 $400 It is an alliance of Western Europe for economic unity using the Euro as its currency

83 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 What is… A.NATO B.United Nations C.The Triple Entente D.The European Union What is… A.NATO B.United Nations C.The Triple Entente D.The European Union Scores

84 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $600 It is where WW II officially began when Nazi Germany crossed over its border on September 1, 1939

85 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $600 Where is… A.France B.Belgium C.Poland D.Italy Where is… A.France B.Belgium C.Poland D.Italy Scores

86 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $800 1989 marks the end of this US rival as the leading Super Power

87 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $800 When did the ___ collapse? A.United Kingdom B.Union of Soviet Socialist Republics C.Yugoslavia D.Czechoslovakia When did the ___ collapse? A.United Kingdom B.Union of Soviet Socialist Republics C.Yugoslavia D.Czechoslovakia Scores

88 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $1000 Its king was weak, the queen favored a crazy monk, and it was in the middle of a war no one wanted

89 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $1000 Why did the __ revolt against its czar? A.Russians B.Germans C.English D.Bulgarians Why did the __ revolt against its czar? A.Russians B.Germans C.English D.Bulgarians Scores

90 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 He was the emperor of Japan during World War II

91 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 Who was… A.Chaing Kai-shek B.Hirohito C.Mao Tzu-Tung D.Bruce Lee Who was… A.Chaing Kai-shek B.Hirohito C.Mao Tzu-Tung D.Bruce Lee Scores

92 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 It is rule that families must follow to slow down the growth of population in China

93 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 What is… A.Zero Population Law B.Little Red Book of Quotations C.One-Child Policy D.Cultural Revolution What is… A.Zero Population Law B.Little Red Book of Quotations C.One-Child Policy D.Cultural Revolution Scores

94 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $600 It is a land of the Hindus independent of the UK because of this man

95 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $600 Where is India, home to ___? A.Jamal Nehru B.Nelson Mandela C.Indira Gandhi D.Mahatmas Gandhi Where is India, home to ___? A.Jamal Nehru B.Nelson Mandela C.Indira Gandhi D.Mahatmas Gandhi Scores

96 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $800 It lasted from about 1964 through to 1973 involving Ho Chi-Minh and four US Presidents

97 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $800 When was the… A.Death Star erected B.Chinese Civil War C.Vietnam War D.Space Race When was the… A.Death Star erected B.Chinese Civil War C.Vietnam War D.Space Race Scores

98 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $1000 Because it has a plentiful and cheap labor supply with few government regulations on pollution

99 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $1000 Why did US and European business move to… A.Japan B.China C.Taiwan D.India Why did US and European business move to… A.Japan B.China C.Taiwan D.India Scores

100 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 He controls Cuba even though he is 85 years- old and says he’s retired

101 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 Who is… A.Fidel Castro B.Juan Peron C.Sonia Sotomayor D.Emilio Esteban Who is… A.Fidel Castro B.Juan Peron C.Sonia Sotomayor D.Emilio Esteban Scores

102 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 It is a group of soldiers sent out to the countryside to find people opposed to the government make them “go missing”

103 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 What are… A.Guerilla warriors B.Death squads C.Sandinistas D.Che Guevara What are… A.Guerilla warriors B.Death squads C.Sandinistas D.Che Guevara Scores

104 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved

105 $600 In 1912, this country had a revolution throwing out Creoles (rich white Hispanics) and resisted temptations to fight against the US when it invaded to get Pancho Villa

106 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $600 Where is… A.El Salvador B.Nicaragua C.Mexico D.Honduras Where is… A.El Salvador B.Nicaragua C.Mexico D.Honduras Scores

107 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $800 Because of a discovery of oil in this nation and it became wealthy

108 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $800 Why did ___ join OPEC as the only Latin American in this league of Arab oil producing countries? A.Argentina B.Brazil C.Chile D.Venezuela Why did ___ join OPEC as the only Latin American in this league of Arab oil producing countries? A.Argentina B.Brazil C.Chile D.Venezuela Scores

109 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $1000 By having one dictator after another controlled by foreign fruit corporations

110 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $1000 How did so many Latin American nations get the name of… A.Orange Grove Governments B.Apple Amalgamations C.Banana Republics D.Plum Publics How did so many Latin American nations get the name of… A.Orange Grove Governments B.Apple Amalgamations C.Banana Republics D.Plum Publics Scores

111 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 He invaded Ethiopia and claimed Libya as part of his new fascist Roman Empire before WW II started

112 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 Who was… A.Haile Selassie B.Benito Mussolini C.Julius Caesar D.Mario Puzio Who was… A.Haile Selassie B.Benito Mussolini C.Julius Caesar D.Mario Puzio Scores

113 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 It is a change of climate resulting in very dry seasons and a loss of food production

114 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 What is a… A.Drought B.Monsoon C.Polar vortex D.Tsuami What is a… A.Drought B.Monsoon C.Polar vortex D.Tsuami Scores

115 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $600 Because it has resulted in war and poor conditions for the people of Africa

116 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $600 How have __ and ___ had an affect on Africa? A.Ethnic rivalries/flood B.HIV-AIDS/poverty C.Imperialism/inflation D.Global warming/influenza How have __ and ___ had an affect on Africa? A.Ethnic rivalries/flood B.HIV-AIDS/poverty C.Imperialism/inflation D.Global warming/influenza Scores

117 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $800 In the tropics and savanna regions of Africa

118 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $800 Where has Africa suffered the most from… A.Man-made environmental change B.A loss of manufacturing jobs C.Religious conflicts D.Terrorism Where has Africa suffered the most from… A.Man-made environmental change B.A loss of manufacturing jobs C.Religious conflicts D.Terrorism Scores

119 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $1000 The theory that Africa can only be strong if it unites despite ethnic and language differences

120 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $1000 What is… A.United Negro College Fund B.Pan Africanism C.Apartheid D.Mau Mau Movement What is… A.United Negro College Fund B.Pan Africanism C.Apartheid D.Mau Mau Movement Scores

121 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 It is an economic system where either the government or workers own property and business and NOT private people or companies

122 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 What is… A.Capitalism B.Anarchy C.Socialism D.Democracy What is… A.Capitalism B.Anarchy C.Socialism D.Democracy Scores

123 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 It is a government where the state is everything and the individual is nothing but a servant of the nation to bring the country to the superior position it deserves

124 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 What is… A.Federalism B.Republicanism C.Constitutional monarchy D.Fascism What is… A.Federalism B.Republicanism C.Constitutional monarchy D.Fascism Scores

125 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $600 It is the pride of one’s country and people and also called patriotism

126 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $600 What is… A.Culture B.Ethnic C.Linguistics D.Nationalism What is… A.Culture B.Ethnic C.Linguistics D.Nationalism Scores

127 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $800 It is the use of newspaper, posters, television and the internet to get people to believe what you’re saying is true

128 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $800 What is… A.Public speaking B.Reform C.Propaganda D.Corruption What is… A.Public speaking B.Reform C.Propaganda D.Corruption Scores

129 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $1000 It is the study of how goods are produced, distributed and sold

130 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $1000 What is… A.Geography B.Economics C.History D.Philosophy What is… A.Geography B.Economics C.History D.Philosophy Scores

131 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved Scores 21 st Century Outlook Final Jeopary Question

132 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved He is the most powerful man in the world right now

133 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved Who is… A.Barack Obama B.Bill Gates C.Vladimir Putin D.Carlos Slim Helu Who is… A.Barack Obama B.Bill Gates C.Vladimir Putin D.Carlos Slim Helu Scores

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