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2 The Fork in the Road You are 68 years old One way leads to the handicap space in front of the mega-drugstore You are struggling to walk You are taking 9 prescription medications A good day is a shuffle around the block A bad day is a lot of TV time Old age isn’t for the faint of heart!

3 The OTHER Choice Pull up to the farmers’ market You are 68 years old You’ve just finished a game of tennis with some pals or an hour of satisfying work in your garden You grab a basket to full with delicious fruits and vegetables. You are thrilled to see the blueberries, spinach, orange bell peppers. You have guests coming over for dinner.

4 The Choice The right foods or prescription drugs (there is no 100 per cent guarantee) Although, studies show lifestyle choices and healthful nutrition make serious impacts on health. And, some foods are better than others. There are more nutrients in some than in others. So… LETS CHOOSE THE BEST!!!!!

5 Blueberries Sidekicks: Purple grapes, cranberries, boysenberries raspberries, strawberries, currants, blackberries, cherries, and all other varieties of fresh frozen or dried berries.

6 Blueberries

7 Blueberries Contain A synergy of multiple nutrients and phyto-nutrients Phyto" is Greek for plant. Naturally-occurring compounds that contribute to the flavor, color, and disease- resistance in plants (fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes). Most are antioxidants that benefit humans by enhancing immunity, strengthening heart and blood vessels, and preventing tumors. Phyto" is Greek for plant. Naturally-occurring compounds that contribute to the flavor, color, and disease- resistance in plants (fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes). Most are antioxidants that benefit humans by enhancing immunity, strengthening heart and blood vessels, and preventing tumors. polyphenol (PAH-lee-FEE-nol) A substance that is found in many plants and gives some flowers, fruits, and vegetables their color. Polyphenols have antioxidant activity. To list a few: (antho-cyanins ellagic acid quercetin, catechins) polyphenol (PAH-lee-FEE-nol) A substance that is found in many plants and gives some flowers, fruits, and vegetables their color. Polyphenols have antioxidant activity. To list a few: (antho-cyanins ellagic acid quercetin, catechins)

8 Blueberries and Sidekicks Vitamin C- is critical in fighting off infections Vitamin E- is a natural immune-system booster Potassium and Carotenoids Manganese and Fiber Iron- enables the body to manufacture enough new blood cells packed with hemoglobin, the red cell protein that transports oxygen in the blood. Riboflavin and Salacylic acid

9 Folate This is a immunity boosting B-Vitamin Blood-building nutrient. Lowers homocysteine levels – high levels are associated with heart disease. The body uses this B-vitamin to manufacture new blood cells.

10 Brain berries or youth berries NiacinPhyto-estrogens Low calories A small but mighty nutritional force, the blueberry combines more powerful disease- fighting antioxidants than any other fruit or vegetable.

11 Blueberries In addition to the brain boosting antho- cyanins, blueberries provide another antioxidant known as ellagic acid. Research suggested this antioxidant blocks the metabolic pathways that can promote cancer. Antho-cyanins pigment give blueberries their intense blue-purple color. Indeed, the darker the berry, the higher the antho-cyanin content.

12 Anthocyanins continued Blueberries, particularly wild blueberries, have at least five antho-cyanins. The antho-cyanins are concentrated in the skin of berries because, as with many fruits and vegetables, the plant skin protects the fruit from the sun and other environmental assaults by concentrating antioxidants in this key location. This makes blueberries a powerful anti-inflammatory fruit.

13 Blueberries & Free Radicals Free radicals – will damage cell membranes, DNA, and ultimately cause many of the degenerative diseases that plague us as we age. Antho-cyanins are the key players in neutralizing free radical damage to cells and tissues that can lead to a multitude of ailments. Free radicals – will damage cell membranes, DNA, and ultimately cause many of the degenerative diseases that plague us as we age. Antho-cyanins are the key players in neutralizing free radical damage to cells and tissues that can lead to a multitude of ailments.

14 Soy Why add soy products? They’re good for lowering cholesterol levels and easy to substitute into a normal diet. Soy helps fight breast, prostate, colon, and endometrial cancer.

15 Tofu Benefits Tofu, or soy bean curd, can be used in dips and spreads, or served with pasta or stir-fried vegetables. Soy protein contains isoflavones, such as genistein and daidzein, that act as phyto-estrogens and inhibit tumor growth, lower blood cholesterol levels, decrease the risk of blood clots, and diminish bone loss. These benefits clearly translate into a lower risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer and osteoporosis (6).

16 Soybeans – complete protein Soybeans are the only natural vegetable food to contain all the essential amino acids the body needs to synthesize protein.

17 Soy - Tofu Tofu is high in protein and B vitamins. It is rather bland when eaten alone, but it takes on the “flavor of any food with which it’s combined”.

18 Soy A half cup Edamame (soybeans) equals 22 grams of protein.

19 Soy Tofu has a high protein content and is easily digested. Especially good for those with sensitive stomachs.

20 Soy Soy foods are packed with powerful antioxidants that interfere with free radical damage (for cancer prevention).

21 Tempeh Description: Compact Tempeh cakes or patties are made from cooked, fermented soybeans laced with a non-harmful mold that gives them their flavor. It is available fresh, canned, frozen, or dehydrated.

22 Tempeh High in protein and one of the few vegetables containing substantial amounts of vitamin B-12. Tempeh also supplies significant amounts of other B vitamins plus vitamin A and a number of valuable minerals.

23 Cautions Drug interaction: may contain tyramine, an amino acid derivative that can raise blood pressure to dangerously high levels in anyone taking MAO inhibitors. Allergy alert! Contains soybeans. Origin: Indonesia

24 Oats Super Sidekicks: wheat germ and ground flaxseed Brown rice, barley, wheat, buckwheat, rye, millet, bulgur wheat, amaranth, quinoa, triticale, kamut, yellow corn, white rice, spelt, couscous Try to eat 5-7 servings a day

25 Oats Oats are a good source of soluble fiber (beta-glucan) which contributes to lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol

26 Oatmeal Oats contain saponins that help sweep cholesterol from your body and antioxidants (tocotrienols, ferulic acid and caffeic acid) that help control free radical reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer.

27 Oatmeal Oats are an excellent source of the complex carbohydrates that your body requires to sustain energy. Twice as much protein as brown rice. Sulfur-containing foods such as oatmeal have been found to repair and rebuild bone, cartilage, and connective tissue.

28 Oatmeal & sidekicks The synergy of the nutrients in oats makes them an outstanding and formidable Superfood. Indeed the degree of protection against disease offered by oats and other whole grains is greater than that of any of their ingredients taken in isolation.

29 Walnuts Sidekicks: Almonds, pistachios, sesame seeds, peanuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds macadamia nuts, pecans, hazelnuts, cashews Try to eat: 1 ounce five times a week

30 First simple fact: If you are: overweightSmoke Never get off the sofa Eat five fast-food meals a week

31 One thing you can do To improve your health and reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease without even taking your right hand off the remote. Eat a handful of nuts about five times a week.

32 How powerful are nuts? This simple act will reduce your chances of getting a heart attack by at least 15 percent and possibly as much as 51 percent.

33 Nuts eaten regularly Significant reduction in the risk of developing coronary heart disease. They also reduce the risk of diabetes, cancer and a host of other chronic ailments.

34 Walnuts One of the few rich sources of plant- derived omega-3 fatty acids (called alpha linolenic acid or ALA) along with canola, ground flaxseed and flaxseed oil, soybeans and soybean oil, wheat germ, spinach, and purslane.

35 Walnuts Rich in plant sterols—plant sterols can play a significant role in lowering serum cholesterol levels –a good source of fiber and protein, and they also provide magnesium copper, folate, and vitamin E. finally, they are the nut with the highest over all antioxidant activity

36 Super Foods PresentsOranges

37 Oranges Sidekicks: Lemons, Limes, Grapefruit Tangerines, Kumquats Try to eat: 1 serving daily Oranges contain: Vitamin C FiberFolate

38 Oranges Contain LimonenePotassiumPolyphenolsPectin

39 Oranges The Mediterranean Diet – high citrus Low incidence of cancers of the breast, lung, pancreas, colon, rectum, and cervix.

40 Oranges—Complete Package The National Cancer Institute calls oranges a complete package of every natural anti- cancer inhibitor known.

41 Oranges Lemons contain limonene, which boosts the immune system and fat metabolization. Oranges boost your body’s ability to absorb iron.

42 Oranges and Sidekicks A low intake of vitamin C can double the risk of hip fracture. The concentration for vitamin C in orange pulp is twice that found in the peel and 10 times that found in the juice. Bottom line: eat the pulp and buy high pulp juice.

43 Oranges Rutin, a flavonoid found in citrus (and black currants) has a anti-inflammatory effect, possesses antiviral activity, and helps protect capillaries from age related “breakdown.”

44 Oranges When eating oranges and other citrus, be sure to eat the white lining, the white pith, or the white stuff and even get a little of the orange peel, where the limonene is. Lemonade recipe



47 Baked beans

48 BEANS Sidekicks: All beans are included in this Superfood category, though we’ll discuss the most popular and readily available beans such as pinto, navy, Great Northern, lima, garbanzo (chickpeas), lentils, green beans, sugar snap peas and green peas.

49 Beans contain Low-fat protein Fiber B vitamins - Riboflavin & Niacin (helps living cells generate energy from food) Folate (helps the body to manufacture new blood cells)

50 More about Beans Vitamin B-6 (deficiency of B6 causes skin rashes, depression, anemia and other symptoms) Potassium (helps control blood pressure without drugs) Magnesium (may help protect your bones, heart arteries, and blood pressure.) Phyto-nutrients

51 Beans Beans are a virtual wonder-food. A delicious source of vitamin–rich, Beans are a virtual wonder-food. A delicious source of vitamin–rich, lowfat, inexpensive, versatile protein, beans deserve a place at the table for those reasons alone. But the full power of beans to lower cholesterol; lowfat, inexpensive, versatile protein, beans deserve a place at the table for those reasons alone. But the full power of beans to lower cholesterol;

52 Beans Combats heart disease, Stabilize blood sugar, Reduce obesity, Relieves constipation, Combats diverticular disease, Decreases hypertension, Type 2 diabetes, Lessens the risk of cancer This makes this ancient food an extraordinary and important addition to any diet.

53 Beans Fiber All Stars Most of us don’t get nearly enough fiber in our diets. In 1909 it was estimated that fiber intake per capita was 40 grams per day; in 1980 it was about 26 grams a day, and today average fiber intake is about 15 grams.

54 Beans, Garbanzos, Lentils etc. A good source of soluble and insoluble fiber, lentils contribute to regulating blood- sugar levels, normalizing bowel function, and lowering cholesterol levels. Beans contain pro-tease inhibitors that interfere with cancer-causing enzymes and prevent the growth of cancer cells. Beans contain pro-tease inhibitors that interfere with cancer-causing enzymes and prevent the growth of cancer cells.


56 Broccoli Broccoli aids digestion and promotes good bowel health.

57 Broccoli Broccoli and it’s sidekicks are among the most powerful weapons in our dietary arsenal against cancer.

58 Broccoli In addition broccoli also boosts the immune system, lowers the incidence of cataracts, supports cardiovascular health, builds bones fights birth defects.

59 Broccoli Broccoli is the number one anti- cancer vegetable, rich in beta-carotene beta-carotene vitamin C calcium and protein

60 COOKED VS. RAW COOKED VS. RAW Raw and cooked crucifers provide different anti- cancer phytonutrients.  The raw vegetable has more vitamin C,  but cooking makes the carotenoids more bio- available.

61 Broccoli Eat these vegetables both raw and cooked to get maximum cancer protection and health benefits.

62 Cancer Diet is the best tool we all have at hand to protect ourselves from developing cancer We KNOW that the typical western diet plays a major role in the development of cancers and we know that at least 30% of all cancers are believed to have a dietary component.


64 TOMATOES AND SIDEKICKS –Tomatoes are related to: RED WATERMELON, PINK GRAPEFRUIT, JAPANESE PERSIMMONS, RED FLESHED PAPAYA, STRAWBERRY, GUAVA –Try to eat one serving of processed tomatoes or sidekicks per day and multiple serving per week of fresh tomatoes.

65 Tomatoes contain Lycopene Low in calories Vitamin C Alpha and beta carotene Lutein/zeaxanthin

66 Tomatoes contain -continued Phyuene and phytofluene Potassium B vitamins (B-6, niacin, folate, thiamine, and Pantothenic acid ChromiumBiotinFiber

67 The power of Red Lycopene is a member of the carotenoid family and the pigment that contributes to the red color of tomatoes and is a major contributor to their health promoting power.

68 Lycopene Is the most effective quencher of the free- radical singlet oxygen, a particularly deleterious form of oxygen, and lycopene is also capable of scavenging a large number of free radicals

69 Lycopene May also indirectly lower the risk for age- related macular degeneration by sparing lutein oxidation so that lutein can be transported to the macula in its un- oxidized protective form.

70 Tomatoes & SPF Tomato paste is a super ingredient Same power as fresh, but more concentrated

71 Tomatoes and SPF Eating tomato paste will increase the SPF of your skin This will protect your skin from damaging UV rays.

72 Lycopene absorption The efficient absorption of lycopene depends on the presence of a bit of dietary fat. i.e., avocado and tomato sandwich

73 Tomatoes and olive oil Need that bit of fat Olive oil is a great source When olive oil is green it indicates the presence of polyphenols. Those polyphenols combined with the powerful nutrients in tomatoes are a healthy taste treat on spaghetti, pizza, etc.

74 Reducing cardiovascular disease The antioxidant function of lycopene, combined with the other powerful antioxidants in tomatoes such as vitamin C and beta-carotene, work in the body to neutralize free radicals that could otherwise damage cells and cell membranes.



77 Benefits of being non- vegetarian Choosing a non-vegetarian lifestyle has a significant health and medical cost. The total direct medical costs in the United States attributable to meat consumption were estimated to be $30-60 billion a year, based upon the higher prevalence of hypertension, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, gallstones, obesity and food-borne illness among omnivores compared with vegetarians (2).

78 Benefits of Being Vegetarian A large body of scientific literature suggests that the consumption of a diet of whole grains, legumes, vegetables, nuts, and fruits, with the avoidance of meat and high-fat animal products, along with a regular exercise program is consistently associated with lower blood cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, less obesity and consequently less heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, and mortality (1,3, 4). In African- Americans, the frequent consumption of nuts, fruits and green salads was associated with 35-44 percent lower risk of overall mortality (5).

79 Pumpkin and Sidekicks Carrots, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, orange bell peppers Try to eat ½ serving most days

80 Pumpkin contains Alpha carotene Beta-carotene - vitamin A 2691.3 RE 269% RDA High fiber -3.4 g Folate 15.0 mcg. or 8% RDA Vitamins C 5.1 mg or 9% RDA Vitamin E Potassium 251.3 mg. or 7% RDA Magnesium 28.1 mg. or 8% RDA Pantothenic acid

81 Pumpkin Pumpkin provides 1,320 international units of vitamin A in 1/2 cup cooked, mashed pumpkin--this is three and a half times the Recommended Daily Allowance! Iron 1.7 mg or 17% RDA

82 Pumpkin Pumpkin is rich in beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant that reduces the free radical damage the often leads to lung and other cancers. Research shows that eating vegetables rich in beta-carotene more than once a week reduces lung cancer odds by up to 70%.

83 Beta- carotene Is the vegetable pigment that the body turns into resistance-building vitamin A Vitamin A is one of nature’s star performers Plays a vital role in good vision Keeps skin healthy

84 Beta-carotene = Vitamin A Assists the body’s immune system and helps manufacture red blood cells Vitamin A vegetables protect against certain kinds of cancer

85 Pumpkin & Sweet Potatoes Sweet potatoes are packed with antioxidants: (vitamins C, E and beta-carotene), which help prevent cancer and heart disease.

86 Diet and Health Although 82% of Americans believe a poor diet can increase their risk of cancer, only 17% are willing to change their diet to reduce the risk. According to the National Cancer Society, only 9% of all Americans eat enough fruits and vegetables.


88 Spinach Frozen spinach retains all the vitamins and minerals, keeping it just as nutritious as fresh spinach

89 Spinach Spinach contains large amounts of lutein and beta- carotene. Important for maintaining good eye health. maintaining good eye health.

90 Spinach Vitamin A 737.1 RE74% RDA Folate 131.2 mcg66% RDA Iron 3.2 mg32% RDA Magnesium 78.3 mg22% RDA Calcium 122.4 mg15% RDA

91 Calcium in Vegetarians vs. Non Vegetarians--continued This increases the acidity of the blood which, in turn, de-mineralizes bones. This leads to osteoporosis. Many surveys have demonstrated that post-menopausal women who are vegetarians have a higher bone mineral content as compared to their non-vegetarian (omnivorous) counter parts.

92 Calcium in Vegetarians vs. Non Vegetarians --continued Similarly it has also been observed that though young Caucasian whites measure equally with young Eskimos in bone mineral density, the older Eskimos have a much lesser bone mineral density as compared to an age matched Caucasian white. Dr O.P Kapoor Bones and Joints- Some hard Facts in Vegetarianism.

93 Spinach Spinach is considered a good source of iron, but less than 2% of it is bioavailable. Spinach does contain useful amounts of magnesium, which may help prevent migraine headaches. Spinach is a superb source of vitamin A and folate, with a decent amount of vitamin C and other B vitamins, which all help to maximize immunity. Also good source of calcium and potassium, which are blood pressure lowering, and has ample fiber, too.

94 The end

95 What’s the Connection? A survey of 5,286 Californians found that church members have lower death rates than non-church members—regardless of risk factors such as smoking, drinking, obesity and inactivity.

96 Reader’s Digest Those with a religious commitment had fewer symptoms or had better health outcomes in seven our of eight cancer studies four out of five blood pressure studies, four out of six heart disease studies and four out of five general health studies.

97 Reader’s Digest People with a strong religious commitment seem to be less prone to depression, suicide, alcoholism and other addictions, according to one research analysis.

98 Reader’s Digest Time, CNN and USA Today weekend polls indicate that 80 percent of Americans believe spiritual faith or prayer can help people recover from illness or injury, and more than 60 percent think doctors should talk to patients about faith and pray with those who request it.

99 Reader’s Digest In a survey of 269 doctors at the 1996 meeting of the American Academy of Family Physicians, 99 percent said they thought religious beliefs could contribute to healing.

100 Reader’s Digest When asked about their personal experiences 63 percent of doctors said God intervened to improve their own medical conditions. “Doctors Report: Faith Can Heal You” Readers Digest October 1998

101 Coming to Cadillac What’s the Connection? Friday, February 16 6:30pm Cadillac Woods Resort

102 Oranges Orange juice provides instant energy before and after workouts.

103 The Importance of Using the Brain Their (manual workers) influence for good is small in comparison with what it might be if they would use their brains as well as their muscles. This class fall more readily if attacked with disease, because the system is not vitalized by the electrical force of the brain to resist disease. {CE 20.2}

104 SUPERFOODS Today’s Stars are: Broccoli BroccoliBeansOranges


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