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Madurai Date: 10 & 11th March 2014 STATE LEVEL NODAL AGENCY TAMIL NADU.

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3 Madurai Date: 10 & 11th March 2014 STATE LEVEL NODAL AGENCY TAMIL NADU


5 IWMP projects sanctioned

6 Rs. in Crores Status of IWMP Funds Received

7 Rs. in Crores * Projects sanctioned and funds from other IWMP projects are being utilized. ** Excluding the interest amount of Rs.4.886 crores. State : Tamil Nadu The projects sanctioned, area sanctioned and funds released under IWMP during 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011- 12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 and unspent balance is as below: PERFORMANCE OF IWMP PROJECTS

8 (Rs. in lakhs)




12 (Rs. in crores)  Instructions given to 24 Districts DWDA's to obtain Administrative Sanction for all the Works and accordingly the works commenced.  This amount also includes the Administrative fund of Rs.23.60 crores


14 * This fund request is inclusive of 2013-14 projects additional area of 0.40 lakhs ha. (Rs. in Crores) For the Year 2013-14

15 Institutional preparedness- Financial (as on 31.01.2014) Rs in Lakhs

16 (c). Details of items procured with non-recurring fund (b). Total non-recurring fund released and its expenditure. Computer Work StationsGIS Software Computer & Accessories Website Designing ERADAS Software GPS Instrument Rs in Lakhs


18 IWMP 2013-14 Projects MIS entries are in Progress IWMP - MIS online Entries - Status (As on 31.01.14)

19 Project to be sanctioned during 2014-15

20 (Rs in crores)

21 Discussion about Agency Appointment for MEL & D - Sharing Experience of State Level Nodal Agency, Karnataka Tender process for the appointment of agencies for taking up concurrent monitoring is under process. The Monitoring work will be allotted from April 1st 2014 Tender process for the appointment of agencies for taking up concurrent monitoring is under process. The Monitoring work will be allotted from April 1st 2014

22  Individual Evaluators were appointed for the completed project to prepare impact evaluation.  The unspent balance available under closed project are remitted back to GOI and State Government.  Instructions given to obtain Administrative Sanction for the remaining fund and complete the project before March 2014 2. Review of implementation of Pre-IWMP (DPAP & IWDP) (MEAL) 2. Review of implementation of Pre-IWMP (DPAP & IWDP) (MEAL) Rs in Lakhs

23 The State-wise & programme-wise number of projects which have taken final installments as on 31.12.2013 is as below : The Pre-IWMP projects which have taken final installment by 31.12.2013 will be completed before March 2014 and all the documents including final UC, ASA & post project evaluation report will be furnished. 2.1 Strategy for completion of Pre-IWMP projects and submission of required documents

24 Website Address - State Level Nodal Agency Web Form has been upgraded as a SLNA Website. State Level Nodal Agency- MIS State Level Nodal Agency- MIS


26 Under Watershed Development the Convergence in MGNREGS may be taken up in the following works. Desilting and Renovation of Tank Desilting of Supply channel Trenching and Earth work for Drip Irrigation Piting for plantation work Construction of Water Harvesting Structures Laying of Roads Culvert and other Structures construction

27 Tiruchy District Convergence Activities from Various Departments Rs in Lakhs

28 MGNREGS CONVERGENCE Desilting of Tank – Deepening, Strengthening the Bunds Nattarpatty Watershed Greening Project

29 CONVERGENCE IN NATTARPATTI WATERSHED Agriculture Department Paddy Seeds Groundnut Rs in Lakhs

30 Convergence in Nattarpatti Watershed Agriculture Engineering Department Farm Pond Supply of Tractor Rs in

31 Convergence in Nattarpatti Watershed Animal Husbandary Department FodderHealth Camp

32 National Agriculture Development Programme Sl.No ActivitiesPhysicalFinancial Rs in Lakhs 1Land Development (Ha)213.3156.950 2Borewell (Nos.)208.700 3Soil Testing (Nos.)1040.080 4Planting Activity (Ha)-** 5Micro Irrigation (Ha)-** 6Farm Pond (Nos.)22010.230 ** This Activity will be carried out after getting the free energisation Soil Profile Farm Pond Land Levelling

33 BDO – Marungapuri, DRDA Sl.NoActivitiesProposed Converged Amount 1Pasumai Veedugal18.00010.800 2Indhra Awaz yojana Houses20.000 3Houses for Differently abled people5.000 4House hold Toilets6.4001.600 5Erection of Street Lights4.5000.900 6Construction of Mini Water Tank2.2006.100 7Construction of Child and Women common Toilet5.0001.000 8Construction of SHG Training center5.000 9Construction of Community Hall15.000 10Construction of Library Building6.000 11.Kitchen Shed3.000 12Construction of Over Head Tank (OHT)1.750 Total91.85025.15

34 Pasumai Veedu OHT BDO – Marungapuri, DRDA

35 Projection for Convergence Convergence Model Natarpatti Watershed : 716 Ha IWMP Project Cost: Rs.85.92 lakhs Total Convergence : Rs.235.351 lakhs MGNREGS Convergence:Rs.32.858 lakhs (14%) Possible Convergence through MGNREGS in the State under IWMP : Rs.79286.00 lakhs Possible Convergence through MGNREGS in the State under IWMP : Rs.79286.00 lakhs Total Convergence MGNREGS Convergence Possible Convergence

36 Distribution of Farm Implements to the MGNREGS Workers under IWMP


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