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Grammar Countable and uncountable nouns.

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1 Grammar Countable and uncountable nouns

2 supermarket n. 超级市场,超市 carton 纸盒;牛奶盒;糖果盒 shelf 架子

3 salt packet 小包,一包 knife potato

4 A countable noun refers to something we can count.
可数名词指的是我们可以数的东西。 An uncountable noun refers to something we can’t count. 不可数名词指的是我们不可以数的东西。

5 countable nouns and uncountable nouns
(可 数 名 词) (不 可 数 名 词) Can you help them find their homes? man sugar cake water story apple rice orange beef carrot juice desk bread Coke 可数名词 countable noun 不 可 数 名 词 uncountable noun

6 countable nouns three carrots a carrot two eggs an egg
singular form(单数) plural form(复数) three carrots a carrot two eggs an egg We use ‘a’ or ‘an’ before a singular countable noun.


8 My Diet I often eat a cake [keik] and an egg [eg] for breakfast. After breakfast, I have a banana [bə'nɑ:nə] or an orange ['ɔ:rindʒ] . We use ‘an’ when the noun starts with a vowel sound. 当一个名词以元音音标开头时,我们用‘an’

9 Game Divide students into two groups: boys and girls. Fill in the blanks with ‘a’ or ‘an’.

10 university[,ju:ni'və:siti] trip interesting book football match an a a
orange bowl old man comic book an an egg hour cold evening English song a an an a a an a festival animal healthy diet important book a university[,ju:ni'və:siti] trip interesting book football match an a a an an a

11 A [ei] B [bi:] C [si:] D [di:] E [i:] F[ef] G [d3i:] H [eit∫]
26 letters(字母) A [ei] B [bi:] C [si:] D [di:] E [i:] F[ef] G [d3i:] H [eit∫] I [ai] J [d3ei] K [kei] L [el] M [em] N [en] O [əu] P [pi:] Q [kju:] R [ɑ:] S [es] T [ti:] U [ju:] V [vi:] W [′d∧blju:] X [eks] Y [wai] Z [zi:] an an an an an an an an an an an an an There is ___(a/an) ‘s’ in the word ‘shelf’.

12 play a game

13 four cats two dogs two birds ten knives three tomatoes two watches

14 How to change a noun into plural form?
(怎样把一个名词变为复数形式?) Most nouns +s 大多数名词变复数,直接加s cake cakes [keiks] cat cats [kæts] bed beds [bedz] bamboo bamboos [bæm'bu:z]

15 Hi, baby. Let me tell you a story.
Great! I love listening to stories. Once upon a time (从前),there were three piggies. They have many friends in cities……

16 Nouns ending in a consonant+y -y+ies
The rule: Nouns ending in a consonant+y -y+ies 以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,去y加ies [iz] family, story, library Watch a flash and try to work out the rule. 幻灯片 20

17 幻灯片 21

18 Nouns ending in o +s or +es [z]
以o结尾的名词,加上s或是es radio-radios photo-photos kilo-kilos zoo-zoos panio-panios potato-potatoes tomato-tomatoes mango-mangoes


20 Nouns ending in s, sh, ch, or x +es [iz]
以s, sh, ch, x 结尾的名词,加上es Nouns ending in f or fe -f or –fe +ves [vz] 以f或是fe结尾的名词,去f或fe加ves life, knife, shelf

21 irregular (不规则变化) man-------men woman-------women Some other nouns
foot feet tooth------teeth irregular (不规则变化) sheep------sheep fish------fish Chinese------Chinese

22 Game Tell us the plural forms of these nouns tooth library wolf watch teeth family people dish box families libraries people wolves dishes watches boxes bus knife foot hobby buses knives feet hobbies radio potato boy sheep radios potatoes boys sheep

23 Uncountable nouns (不可数名词)
rice pork chicken juice bread milk salt tea

24 On Sunday, I sometimes go to the supermarket
On Sunday, I sometimes go to the supermarket. Last Sunday, I bought (buy过去式) a kilo of meat, two bottles of juice, five apples and three cartons of milk in the supermarket. We can use this way to show (表示) their amounts(量). Number +noun(量词) + of + uncountable noun

25 three bottles of water 2 kilos of meat 2 tins of Coke a bag of rice
two packets of salt

26 Help Millie and her mother complete their shopping list.
Millie: Mum ,What do we need? Mrs. Wang: We need some _________ , a____ of_____ and a ________ of____ Millie: Do we need to buy some _______ ? chicken bag rice packet salt vegetables

27 Mrs. Wang:Yes. Let’s buy some_______ and _________.
Millie: I want to buy some__________. They are Grandpa’s favourite, And we have only one_______. We need to buy some, too. carrots potatoes mangoes apple

28 Mrs. Wang: OK,I think we need some_____ and three _________of ______.
Millie: Yes. Coke cartons milk

29 Make your own shopping list
A: Which fruit/ vegetables/snacks/meat/drink do you want to buy? B: I want to buy......What about you? A: I want to buy…… Which is your favourite fruit/ vegetable/snack/meat/drink? B: ……is/are my favourite.

30 Buy healthy food in the supermarket. Don’t buy too many sweet snacks
Buy healthy food in the supermarket. Don’t buy too many sweet snacks. Remember: it’s important for you to keep healthy.

31 Homework Finish the exercises on P65

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