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Seasonal Allergies A comprehensive approach Dr. Diana Draper

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1 Seasonal Allergies A comprehensive approach Dr. Diana Draper

2 What are seasonal allergies? A set of respiratory symptoms caused by an allergic reaction to pollen from a variety to trees, grasses, and weeds. A reaction of your immune system to something that the body recognizes as “foreign” IgE immune reactions cause anaphylactic responses (peanuts, bees, medications) IgG- immune reaction, less severe ie. Seasonal allergies

3 Common Allergens *Pollen *Dust mites *Mold spores *Pet dander *Food *Medication *Insect stings

4 Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

5 In the Body… To get rid of allergies, you must get rid of inflammation and hyper-reactivity  starting in your gut Digestive system- interface between external world (foods, allergens, bacteria) and bloodstream Our defense= stomach acid, barrier cells

6 Food Sensitivities

7 Foreign proteins get into your system and place your body on red alert to react to many triggers in your environment.

8 Conventional Medications Allergy Medications may… Make you drowsy and create “mind fog” Decrease libido Increased appetite Altered taste and smell with prescription inhalers Depression Rebound congestion with decongestants

9 Prevention Diet: remove sugar, pop, preservatives, additives Eat REAL food Reduce dairy- essential for reducing congestion and inflammation 1. Commitment to a healthy diet 2. Healing the GUT; eliminating sensitivities 3. Specific Supplementation

10 Clinical Nutrition Diet: *Eliminate dairy, gluten, baked flour goods, packaged juices and sugar *Reduce exposure to known food and environmental triggers Supplements: Quercetin 500mg daily plant pigment; anti-inflammatory nutritional supplement, repairs gut, boosts immune system in mucus membranes Zinc 25-40mg/d adult; supports the immune system Vitamin C; up to 2000mg daily; anti-inflammatory, antioxidant.

11 Botanical Medicine Stinging nettle (freeze dried); natural antihistamine, non drowsy 3-6 capsules/d Local honey; bees eat pollen in local area, mini allergy shot (no studies on this)

12 Acupuncture Balancing an overactive immune system, which can lead to allergy symptoms Very helpful at relieving symptoms of allergies Best to start weekly treatments one month before peak season

13 Homeopathy Gentle, very low dose natural substance that stimulates the body to heal itself Common Remedies for allergies: *Euphrasia: burning, itching eyes *Allium cepa: drippy nose “like a faucet”

14 Hydrotherapy Nasal Saline rinse; flushes sinuses out, cleanse nasal passages of allergens and irritants Cool Mist Humidifier; water droplets bind to allergens and they get heavy and fall to the floor so you don’t inhale them Steam inhilation: 3 drops eucalyptus, 2 drops tea tree, 3 drops rosemary essential oils 5-10 min

15 Any Questions

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