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Green Eggs & Ham Dr. Suess

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Presentation on theme: "Green Eggs & Ham Dr. Suess"— Presentation transcript:

1 Green Eggs & Ham Dr. Suess
Jimmy O’Leary

2 Summary Sam-I-Am would like the other character to try some green eggs and ham The other character (not named) does not want to try them because he says he does not like them Sam-I-Am suggests that he try them in many different scenarios

3 Summary The other character refuses the green eggs and ham every time
He finally tries them to make Sam-I-Am go away He likes the green eggs and ham and thanks Sam for making him try them

4 Group Roles Sam-I-Am Other Character Initiator Information Seeker
Energizer Other Character Blocker Deserter

5 Tuckman’s Stages Forming Storming Norming
When Sam offers the eggs and ham Storming Character rejects Sam regardless of what he says Most of story Norming Character accepts the food and discovers he likes it

6 Conflict Resolution Acknowledging Conflict Understand the Situation
When the character tells Sam he will try the green eggs and ham Understand the Situation When the character knows he must actually eat them to make Sam go away Reach Agreement Character realizes he likes the food

7 Styles of Dealing with Conflict
Sam-I-Am uses only one strategy to deal with the conflict in the story He competes and tries to win with his own solution

8 Family Dad Mom Sister Me Information Seeker, Harmonizer
Coordinator, Aggressor Sister Opinion Seeker, Deserter Me Energizer, Tension Reliever

9 Family How we resolve conflicts Mom Yells Dad waits for her to stop
Then conflict can be resolved

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