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` ` Challenge of advancing your career during...

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3 Challenge of advancing your career during...

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5 Interviewing is a stressful and difficult situation. Your professional life is on the line. You must walk into each interview with an agenda of what you want to communicate to demonstrate your qualifications, and you must quietly control the interview to be sure that you paint a picture of knowledge and success as you position yourself as the right candidate for the position The goal of a successful interview...

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11 The Importance of Standing Out From Workforce Competitors

12 Inter-office Intimidation

13 You Get One Shot With Each Company, Whether Promoting or Interviewing

14 Why Do You Think Recruiters Get Frustrated?

15 They Are Sick and Tired of the Lies! Recruiters agree most applicants do not directly lie about previous positions, but will conceal jobs that have been failures or where they have been fired. So, although they have told the truth, they haven't told the whole story. Lying about skills and experience in job interviews is standard practice for many applicants - industry analysts say the figure is 35 percent and rising. Dishonest applicants figure if the lies work they might get the job; if they don't, they lose nothing. To Catch a Predator - ask a series of relatively straightforward questions, which the applicant might answer calmly. Then watch the reaction to a tougher question.

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18 Today’s goal...

19 Perform your research

20 Gather job descriptions

21 Instead of, “I’ve done this and this and this.” Create Accomplishments! : 1. What you did 2. How you did it 3. Why it needed to be done 4. Overall benefit to the department or company Differentiation between daily task work and actual accomplishments

22 Each sentence of each accomplishment must be no longer than 12 words Why? 1. You have six seconds to catch an interviewer’s attention 2. Then, up to 20 seconds 3. To keep their attention a maximum of 45 seconds Listening statistics...

23 “I restructured our Accounts Payable monthly reporting process.” What you did...

24 “I restructured our Accounts Payable monthly reporting process. I built macros in an Excel spreadsheet that performed month- end calculations automatically.” How you did it...

25 “I restructured our Accounts Payable monthly reporting process. I built macros in an Excel spreadsheet that performed month- end calculations automatically. Previously, our entire close process was done manually. “ Why it needed to be done...

26 “I restructured our Accounts Payable monthly reporting process. I built macros in an Excel spreadsheet that performed month- end calculations automatically. Previously, our entire close process was done manually. My effort reduced our entire department’s month-end close from five days to one. “ Overall benefit...

27 “_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________.” Now it’s your turn...

28 “If I were to accomplish three things my first month of employment and you were to consider me successful, what would those three things be?“ “What would be priority for someone who accepts this position?“ “What have prior, successful employees in this role accomplished?“ Intelligent Questions...

29  “It’s interesting you need someone who can _______________, at ABC Company I... “  “I read that in the job description. At ABC Company I... “  “I thought that would be essential for success in this role. At ABC Company I... “ Then Segue in to Your Accomplishment...

30 The importance of keeping an interview conversational...

31 Interview of STATURE

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