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Disaster Reduction & Climate Change Adaptation by Fengmin Kan, UN-ISDR Africa

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Presentation on theme: "Disaster Reduction & Climate Change Adaptation by Fengmin Kan, UN-ISDR Africa"— Presentation transcript:

1 Disaster Reduction & Climate Change Adaptation by Fengmin Kan, UN-ISDR Africa

2 Introduction  What is ISDR ?  How is ISDR implemented ?  What are the trends in disasters and their impact ? impact ?  What are the commonalities in disaster reduction and climate change adaptation ? reduction and climate change adaptation ?  How can we work in partnership to address issues of common interests ? issues of common interests ?

3 What is ISDR  A global strategy  Involvement of stakeholders  Facilitating dialogue and concerted action

4 How is ISDR implemented  Inter-Agency Secretariat of ISDR  Inter-Agency Task Force on Disaster Reduction  National Committees / Platforms  Partner institutions and Regional Centres

5 Disaster reduction - trends Source: OFDA/CRED International Disaster Database

6 Disaster reduction - trends Less people die from disasters, but increased number of disasters, economic losses and affected population. Source: OFDA/CRED International Disaster Database Source: OFDA/CRED International Disaster Database

7 Volcano Earthquake Drought Epidemic Avalanche/Landslide Flood Wind Storm Other

8 The poor are the most vulnerable Source: ADRC, OFDA/CRED

9 Disaster Reduction - Framework CONTEXT SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Social-cultural Political Economic Ecosystems RISK FACTORS - Vulnerability Social Economic Physical Environmental - Hazards Geological Hydro meteorological Biological Environmental Technological DISASTER IMPACTS APPLICATION OF RISK REDUCTION MEASURES Environmental management Land use planning Protection of critical facilities - Structural Measures Application science & technology Financial and economic tools EARLY WARNING PREPAREDNESS Hazard analysis Vulnerability/ capabilities analysis AWARENESS for change in behavior KNOWLEDGE DEVELOPMENT Education, training Research Information Networking PUBLIC COMMITMENT Global, regional, national, local Institutional framework Policy development Legislation and codes Community actions RISK ASSESSMENT RESPONSE RECOVERY ISDR global review of disaster reduction, 2002

10 Commonalities in Disaster Reduction & Climate Change Adaptation  Goal  Complexities  Challenges  Measures

11 Partnership  Bridge the gap between disaster reduction & climate change communities by: – Information – Coordination – Collaboration – Visibility

12 Areas of Co-operation  Participation  Awareness  Knowledge networking  Integration of information  Disaster risk reduction applications

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