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Adaptations to Climate Change in Africa’s Water Sector: Contributions of the World Meteorological Organization Datius Rutashobya Climate and Water Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Adaptations to Climate Change in Africa’s Water Sector: Contributions of the World Meteorological Organization Datius Rutashobya Climate and Water Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adaptations to Climate Change in Africa’s Water Sector: Contributions of the World Meteorological Organization Datius Rutashobya Climate and Water Department World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

2 Impacts of climate change on water resources in Africa reduced freshwater availability, food security, human health, industrial production, increased hazards and risks (floods, droughts) Specific observed impacts: Shrinking of Lake Chad, Lake Turkana fluctuation of water levels of Lake Victoria melting snow of Mount Kilimanjaro

3 Difficulties in Adaptations Lack of basic information Insufficient monitoring and observation systems Settlements in vulnerable areas Appropriate political, technological and institutional framework Lack of capacity Low income

4 Adaptation to climate change requires….. Science based knowledge Resilient development policies Behavioral change Appropriate institutions and regulatory mechanisms Adequate economic resources and instruments Regional & international cooperation

5 Contributions of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) WMO’s mandate and role UN system’s voice on the state and behavior of the Earth’s atmosphere including its interaction with the oceans, the climate and water resources weather, climate, hydrology and water resources, and related environmental issues contribution to safety, well being of people

6 World Climate Conference-3 Better climate information for a better future Climate Prediction and Information for Decision Making Geneva, Switzerland 31 August – 4 September 2009

7 WMO contributions at international level WMO Initiative on Climate Change Adaptations (WICCA)

8 WMO contributions at international level World Hydrological Cycle Observing System (WHYCOS)

9 WMO contributions at international level Associated Programme on Flood Management Joint Initiative World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Global Water Partnership (GWP) Secretariat Technical Support Unit (TSU) embedded in the Hydrology and Water Resources Branch Inception Phase: 2001- 2002 Implementation Phase I: 2002- 2006 Implementation Phase II: 2006-2010

10 APFM Mission Support countries in the integrated management of floods Within the framework of Integrated Water Resources Management

11 Contributions at regional level Support to IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC) mission is provision of timely climate early warning information; supporting specific sector applications to enable the region cope with various risks associated with extreme climate variability and change

12 Contributions at national level WMO’s assistance to Egypt Egypt heavily relies on the water resources from River Nile. In view of the likely impacts of climate change and variability on the Nile water: Request from in Egypt’s Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation (MWRI) to WMO WMO developed a project on Climate Change Adaptation in the Water Sector


14 Projected Scenarios for the Nile Delta

15 Objectives of the Project Objectives of the Project Create national enabling environments to facilitate 1.Use of climate information 2.Undertake scientific assessments of the climate change impacts on water resources, 3.Assess significant impacts on existing or proposed water system operation rules, system design and sizing, policies and water use strategies, 4.Develop adaptation strategies for the planning and operation of water resources infrastructure and disaster management, 5.Develop knowledge through research and development 6.Raising climate risk awareness and stimulate discussions 7.Develop an awareness building and advocacy plan

16 Expected Outputs 1.Setting up a multi-disciplinary National Team of Experts (NTE) and national platform to coordinate and initiate research, development and applications, 2.Determination of climate information requirements of water managers, 3.Assessment of climate information capabilities to improve water resources planning and management, 4.Putting in place response strategies to adapt to long-term climate change on water resources planning, and 5.Developing decision-support systems.

17 Implementation Process for PP 1.Assess status of existing state of knowledge and its application within the country, 2.Assess capacities of various institutions to develop and use climate related information, 3.Knowledge gap analysis, and 4.Prepare an action plan for preparing detailed project proposal for funding. WMO & MWRI organized National Workshop to:

18 Achievements  Two National Workshops  Eight Working Group Meetings  Project Proposal Prepared ($ 5.3 M – 4 Years)  WMO will assist in securing fund for Implementation

19 Thank you for your attention

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