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David E. Schneyer Global History and Geography IV

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1 David E. Schneyer Global History and Geography IV
Anti-Intellectualism in Nazi Germany Nazi Germany Global History and Geography IV Patterns of anti-intellectualism have long been established as the foundation of a totalitarian regime. In communist dictatorships such as Joseph Stalin’s Russia and Mao Zedong’s China, intellectualism was seen as the enemy of the agrarian lifestyle—the backbone of communism. Anti-intellectualism in Hitler’s Third Reich, however, was of a far more sinister and depraved nature. Intellectualism was seen as the enemy of the unifying forces of emotionalism, intolerance, and above all, the truth. This particular presentation focuses on the depth of anti-intellectualism that infected Germany from Background Image: [Books Smolder in a Huge Bonfire] Pojer HIJ

2 INTRODUCTION David E. Schneyer Anti-Intellectualism in Nazi Germany
Anti-intellectualism is clearly a predominant element in a totalitarian regime. But what exactly is Anti-intellectualism? Images (Top left, Top Right, Bottom Left, Bottom Right) [Hitler in Nazi Germany], [Book Burning, May 10, 1933 ], [1925 Copy of Hitler's Mein Kampf], [Flag of the Hitler Youth] Pojer HIJ

3 Anti-Intellectualism
David E. Schneyer Anti-Intellectualism in Nazi Germany Anti-Intellectualism A sentiment of hostility towards, or mistrust of, intellectuals and intellectual pursuits Attacks merits of science, education, literature Not just about hating intellectualism: also about what values fill its place Simply put, it is a public scorn for intellectuality—the ability to question social norms, tolerate dissent, value human intelligence, and, most importantly, back up one’s arguments with historical, scientific, or philosophical reasoning [Kengas]. But not only are these values banished from and anti-intellectual society—anyone who upholds them is ostracized as well. Furthermore, anti-intellectualism can be expressed by a community in many ways, including attacks on the merits of science, education, and literature [Kengas]. It is also critical to note that anti-intellectualism is more than a banishment of values from society: it is also about what values that society uses to fill the void. Since the spirit of intellectualism is based on independent thought, constant skepticism, and tolerance for dissent, we often see extreme emotionalism, unconditional loyalty to authority, and rampant intolerance emerge in an anti-intellectual culture. Pojer HIJ

4 What would be the consequences of Anti-Intellectualism?
David E. Schneyer What would be the consequences of Anti-Intellectualism? Anti-Intellectualism in Nazi Germany A society where -- individual thought is compromised the preservation of truth is minimal authorities have more power there is no challenge to the state Using what intellectuals tell us about the importance of knowledge to free society, we can predict what can arise in an anti-intellectual culture without even seeing it for ourselves (although, sadly, we do see it). The result of anti-intellectual sentiment is a society of one mind, and of one opinion—not because everybody always agrees with one another, but because all dissenting opinion has been filtered out [Stackelberg, 131]. With out the intellectual spirit to think independently and contest authority, the government obtains an unnatural amount of power [Kengas]. As you will soon see in this presentation, an anti-intellectual society soon does away with the concept of individual thought, and even worse, disregards the concept of the truth. Image: [Leader of the Germans] Pojer HIJ

5 Consequences of Anti-Intellectualism
David E. Schneyer Anti-Intellectualism in Nazi Germany Consequences of Anti-Intellectualism Emergence of Pseudoscience (i.e. Eugenics) Rewriting of History Destruction of Literature When science, truth, and philosophical thought have been stripped from society, what remains? Science becomes threatened by pseudoscience—fake science (such as eugenics) that is full of initial bias and void of the scientific method [Stackelberg, 134]. Image: [Nazi Eugenics] True history is substituted with convenient history—which often glorifies the society above all others, in a nationalistic and jingoistic fashion. Literature, the medium of philosophy, is also compromised. Old media is removed from society, and new media is so heavily influenced by censorship and propaganda that it ceases to be of any value whatsoever. Image: [Lodge Night in Hitler’s Third Reich] Pojer HIJ

6 NAZI BOOK BURNINGS David E. Schneyer
Anti-Intellectualism in Nazi Germany NAZI BOOK BURNINGS Nothing was more symbolic of anti-intellectualism in Nazi Germany than book burning—an anti-intellectual bloodbath of hate, rage, and irrational action. Orchestrated and encouraged by the Nazis, these “rituals” helped to stir up public emotion and, more importantly, frighten intellectuals into either conforming or leaving. Pojer HIJ

7 Why? A way of venting anger Unity through ritual
David E. Schneyer Anti-Intellectualism in Nazi Germany Why? A way of venting anger Symbolic transition of cultural values: Intellectualism to radical emotionalism Unity through ritual Intimidates intellectual community Book burning is a ritualistic way of venting anger, and was therefore a symbolic transition of cultural values in Germany [Berlin Book Burning]. People were literally destroying mediums of intellectual thought through a newfound sense of fervent, hostile, vengeful emotionalism. Furthermore, book burning unified Germany in a nation-wide ritual. For intellectuals throughout the nation, fear spread rapidly. In other words, book burning was a message from the Nazis to intellectuals, giving them three choices: Conform, leave, or be destroyed. Frightening to see an angry mob that has lost touch with your values Pojer HIJ

8 David E. Schneyer Anti-Intellectualism in Nazi Germany State Policy May 10, 1933 Nazi Party declares that any book ““which acts subversively on our future or strikes at the root of German thought, the German home and the driving forces of our people...” is to be burned. Who would be the target of such a policy and why? On May 10, 1933, the Nazi party declared that any book ““which acts subversively on our future or strikes at the root of German thought, the German home and the driving forces of our people...” was to be burned [Berlin Book Burning]. The party had just taken power, and it saw the opportunity to execute its extreme, nationalistic, intolerant social policy. Jewish intellectuals such as Freud and Einstein were clearly the main targets, but this did not exclude non-Jewish intellectuals from this “cultural cleansing.” Jewish intellectuals were primary target, but also many non-Jews as well Pojer HIJ

9 David E. Schneyer Anti-Intellectualism in Nazi Germany The Burning Spectacle Students marched through the streets rampaging libraries, synagogues, and even private homes to loot books Books Burned Encouraged by the Nazis, University students all over Germany—especially in Berlin—marched through the streets and looted books from libraries, synagogues, and even private homes. The books were then thrown onto a bonfire (typically in public squares), so that everyone—including the intellectuals these people despised—could witness the destruction [Berlin Book Burning]. This event soon came to be known as “The Burning of the Books.” There is much speculation as to who actually orchestrated this event. Some scholars argue that it was Joseph Goebbels who called for the burning, but others believe that the incident was organized by German student organizations. Images: [Book Burning, May 10, 1933], [Nazi Book Burning] Pojer HIJ

10 Some Authors of Books Burned on 5/10/33
David E. Schneyer Anti-Intellectualism in Nazi Germany Some Authors of Books Burned on 5/10/33 Albert Einstein Havelock Ellis Lion Feuchtwanger Sigmund Freud André Gide Franz Kafka Erich Kästner Helen Keller Alfred Kerr Jack London Heinrich Mann Thomas Mann Karl Marx Hugo Preuss Marcel Proust Walter Rathenau Erich Maria Remarque Margaret Sanger Arthur Schnitzler Upton Sinclair Jakob Wasserman H. G. Wells Stefan Zweig Emile Zola Just some authors of the books that were burned in Freud and Einstein were the most popular targets, as both were pivotal intellectuals of their time and, of course, both were Jewish. Karl Marx was also a very popular target. If that’s not the height of the Jewish/intellectual stereotype then I don’t know what is. Also note some of the less suspecting names of this list: Helen Keller, H.G. Wells, and Erich Maria Remarque. The fact that H.G. Wells—a science-fiction author—was a target among book burners proves that even being imaginative was enough of a reason for scorn among anti-intellectuals [Berlin Book Burning]. Pojer HIJ

David E. Schneyer Anti-Intellectualism in Nazi Germany EDUCATION IN THE THIRD REICH Two Jewish students are humiliated in front of their whole class. The writing on the board proclaims “the Jew is our greatest enemy! Beware of the Jew!" Education in Nazi Germany was a complete reversal of the priorities in education that we—and most other nations—hold dear. As you will see, the goal of Nazi education was not to advance the life of the student, but to advance the glory of the state—to imprint extreme nationalism and jingoism among the youth so that they may better serve the German Reich [Stackelberg 151]. Furthermore, many of the things schools today in America discourage—such as bullying, were greatly encouraged in Nazi Germany. In the opinion of the Nazis, to prey on the weak was a natural-born right of the Aryan race. Image [Nazi Classroom] Pojer HIJ

12 “The Jewish Nose is Wide at the End and Looks like the Number Six”
David E. Schneyer Anti-Intellectualism in Nazi Germany Nazi Education The Curriculum Racial biology and eugenics Celebratory German history Discipline, duty, obedience, courage Physical training—Body over mind No concern for the “spirit of academics” The curriculum of a German school during the Nazi era incorporated many of the “social consequences of anti-intellectualism” previously discussed in this presentation. Pseudoscience, rewritten history, propaganda, and anti-intellectual philosophy were commonplace in the Nazi classroom [Stackelberg, 131]. Eugenics was extremely prevalent in German schools at this time. As seen in the picture above, a student would be expected to know “the marks of the Jew,” more than they would be expected to know their times tables [Stackelberg, 130]. Students also learned discipline, duty, and obedience—the perfect tools for being a “good servant” to the Fuehrer. Furthermore, physical training was prioritized over mental training, ensuring that the children would grow up to be good soldiers—they wouldn’t know how to think, just follow authority. “The Jewish Nose is Wide at the End and Looks like the Number Six” Pojer HIJ

13 The Nazi Classroom Task of the Educator Trained children…
David E. Schneyer Anti-Intellectualism in Nazi Germany The Nazi Classroom Task of the Educator Strengthen the soul and spirit of youth Instill nationalism in younger generation Root out values of… Liberal individualism Rationalism Intellectualism Trained children… to be good soldiers to benefit the state Everybody had a role to play for the state in Nazi Germany, including the schoolteacher. It was the job of the educator to strengthen the souls of the students, to provide them with a sense of nationalism, and to prepare them for a lifetime of devotion to the German Reich [Stackelberg, 133]. It is important to note that there was no intention of education the individual for the sake of the individual. In other words, the ultimate purpose of education in Nazi Germany was to benefit the state. Pojer HIJ

14 Adolf Hitler on Education
David E. Schneyer Anti-Intellectualism in Nazi Germany Adolf Hitler on Education "Universal education is the most corroding and disintegrating poison that liberalism has ever invented” —-Adolf Hitler "Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way round” —Adolf Hitler The first quote proves how in Nazi Germany, education was implemented for the sole purpose of advancing the state. Learning is only for those who are worthy, who have something to offer to the Reich [Hitler on Education] The second quote, which is taken from Mein Kampf, shows how in Nazi Germany, learning the truth is unimportant when compared to imprinting an an ideology [Mien Kampf II, 54]. This blatant willingness to censor the truth (which fosters intellectual curiosity) in favor of propaganda (which fosters radical emotion) proves that anti-intellectualism was an integral part of why the Nazis were able to maintain their power for as long as they did. In fact, Nazism ended only because Germany lost World War II. The public never realized that it was being duped, and even those few who did come to their senses were silenced. In other words, as sick and horrific as this value system was, it gave the Nazis exactly what they needed to maintain domestic power. Pojer HIJ

15 The Hitler Youth David E. Schneyer
Anti-Intellectualism in Nazi Germany The Hitler Youth To foster feelings of radical emotionalism and unison among the young of Germany, the Nazis used the Hitler Youth to mold its children from ages Though it began in the 1920s, the dynamic of the organization had changed greatly when Hitler gained power. Images (left, top-right, bottom-right) [Youth Serves the Fuhrer], [Hitler Youth] [The Mindset of the Hitler Jugend] Pojer HIJ

16 Clip From Triumph of the Will
David E. Schneyer Anti-Intellectualism in Nazi Germany Clip From Triumph of the Will Click image to see video on YouTube Notice direction of film Shows how admired Hitler is Promotes radical emotionalism Notice serious faces, militarism of young boys Click the image to view the video on YouTube (you must have a web browser). NOTE--The link will only work when viewed as a slide-show. It’s a bit long, so you only need view the first 1:45 min. When you are done, exit the web browser and the slideshow will resume [Triumph of the Will]. The clip you are about to see is from Triumph of the Will (1934), considered to be one of the most prime examples of propaganda film in history. The film, directed by Leni Riefenstahl, seeks to depict the return of Germany as a great power after World War II, and portrays Adolf Hitler as a great German Leader who restore Glory to the Nation [“Triumph of the Will”]. Imagine you are a Nazi citizen watching this film in a theater. Notice how the film is directed—how the music in the beginning plays as a soundtrack to influence your emotions, how the film cuts to the beat of the music as if it were a movie, and how the camera moves to cast grand, sweeping images. What Hitler actually says is not that relevant. The visuals are much more important. For instance, the images show how admired Adolf Hitler is: when he first comes out, the camera captures images of the children eager to get a look at him. Clearly, the directors of the film want their viewers to be loyal as well. As stated earlier, anti-intellectualism is mostly about what fills the place of intellectualism. See how radical emotionalism was so prevalent, and how individuals are nothing when compared to the giant mob of children acting in unison? The young boys in this film are serious and militaristic beyond their age—not because their minds are so mature, but because they have been groomed in the Hitler Youth to serve the Fuehrer. Pojer HIJ

17 Necessity of Hitler Youth
David E. Schneyer Anti-Intellectualism in Nazi Germany Necessity of Hitler Youth Future of Nazi Germany was in its children Composed of a generation that knew only Nazism No need to suppress individual thinking Trained: Children for roles as Nazi citizens Men for “Wehrsport” (Military training) Women for Aryan motherhood Hitler understood that his ideology needed to be passed down to younger generations as quickly as possible [The Hitler Youth]. The earlier he got to them, the less likely they would think as individuals, and the more they would think in controlled unison. By indoctrinating these children with anti-intellectual, racist, and hateful philosophy, he could ensure that the next generation would know of nothing but Nazism. Pojer HIJ

18 David E. Schneyer Anti-Intellectualism in Nazi Germany The weak must be chiseled away. I want young men and women who can suffer pain...” -- Adolph Hitler Just some quotes by Hitler himself on the Hitler Youth… The first quote shows why bullying was encouraged in the organization: to filter out the “weak” and to teach the “strong” that it was okay to prey on those who could not defend themselves. Clearly an anti-intellectual philosophy: beat up the nerds. The second quote speaks for itself. If you didn’t believe Nazi Germany promoted anti-intellectualism before, you better believe it now. Image: [Hitler Youth Poster] Pojer HIJ

19 Nazism David E. Schneyer Anti-Intellectualism in Nazi Germany
Finally, lets look at the overall social atmosphere in Nazi Germany, and more importantly, the source of that atmosphere. Notice how these photographs depict the feelings of unison that fascism sought to create. In a totalitarian regime, the people are of one body, of one mind, and of one spirit—all for the glorification of the state. Clearly, this sort of public sentiment did not happen on its own… Image: [Nuremberg Nazi Rally], [Unity] Pojer HIJ

20 David E. Schneyer Anti-Intellectualism in Nazi Germany Nazi Populism “Whoever can conquer the street will one day conquer the state...” – Joseph Goebbels Struggle against “privileged elite” Intellectuals are elitists and tricksters Populism Definition: the political doctrine that supports the rights and powers of the common people in their struggle with the privileged elite Fashioning itself as a “workers’ party”, the Nazis helped to develop a populist movement throughout Germany. Populism, in this situation, was a struggle against an envied “privileged elite,” with Jews considered to be the head of the serpent [Stackelberg, 154]. Note the quote by Joseph Goebbels… Intellectuals were considered elitists and tricksters, who hoodwinked their adversaries with their superior rhetoric [Stackelberg, 155]. Pojer HIJ

21 The Volksgemeinschaft
David E. Schneyer Anti-Intellectualism in Nazi Germany The Volksgemeinschaft “The People’s Community” Established collective national spirit Based on racial and national pride Subliminal influence on culture Bureaucratization of censorship & propaganda PEOPLE CANNOT BE ALLOWED TO THINK FOR THEMSELVES Volksgemeinschaft is a Nazi term for "people's community". It was an attempt by the German Nazi Party to establish a national community of unified mind, will and spirit. It could only be achieved by gaining control of all aspects of cultural and social life (Gleichschaltung). Theatre, literature, the press and children's activities were all controlled by the Nazis. The people's community envisioned by the Nazis was a purely German, national community that was dedicated to the state and war; class struggle was to be condemned, rather those controlling private property could be allowed to maintain their property, as long as it benefited the common society. This was the antithesis (opposite) of Rousseau’s concept of the “General Will”: The government is not founded on the will of the people, but rather the will of the people is derived from the government. The Nazis were thus hypocritical to call themselves romantics, as Rousseau himself was seen as the founder of romanticism [Wendel]. The Nazis relied heavily on propaganda and censorship to subliminally influence German culture. To maximize the efficiency of their tactics, they established an extensive bureaucracy to execute them. Pojer HIJ

22 The Reichskulturkammer
David E. Schneyer Anti-Intellectualism in Nazi Germany The Reichskulturkammer “Reich Culture Chamber” Managed by Hans Hinkel Goals: Promote “Good Culture” Root out, ban “Bad Culture” Compulsory membership for all members of German media One such bureaucratic institution was the Reichskulturkammer (RKK), or the “Reich Culture Chamber.” Headed by Joseph Goebbels and managed by Hans Hinkel, the RKK set out to filter the “bad culture” from the “good culture.” [Wendel]. The Nazis understood very well that the only way to succeed in establishing a totalitarian government was to steer the will of the people in their direction, and to bend and refocus all information from the media in their favor. What the Nazis did not seem to understand—and this, keep in mind, is the very essence of intellectualism—was that “true culture” is moved by an invisible hand, and is progressed without any authoritarian will influencing it. Any culture that operates otherwise is artificial. Nevertheless, the Nazis required all members of the German media (from news, to entertainment, to art) to join the RKK—meaning that they could not conduct their publicly influential work without strict Nazi supervision [Wendel]. Image: [RKK Logo] Pojer HIJ

23 Ministry of Propaganda
Spread and enforced Nazi ideology Antithesis of intellectual-based culture Rampant anti-Semitism Infected all mediums of art and literature

24 Goebbel’s The “Big Lie” Theory
David E. Schneyer Anti-Intellectualism in Nazi Germany Goebbel’s The “Big Lie” Theory “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” The “Big Lie” Theory, spearheaded by Hitler and Goebbels, is one of Nazism’s most notorious beliefs. But as terrible as it is to promote it as governmental policy, it is actually pretty accurate… It speaks of a lie so big and extravagant that people begin to question as to why someone would say something so unbelievable unless it were true. Gobbles concludes that the lie is vital to the state—therefore making the truth the greatest enemy of government. This is as anti-intellectual as it gets. An intellectual would agree that big lies are a friend of those in power, and that they are inevitable in most societies. However that doesn’t mean the intellectual has to like that big lies are inevitable—in fact he would say that those who use lies are despicable traitors to the people of a nation. Enlightenment philosophers believed that the government was the creation of the people, for the purpose of protecting and serving the people. If the government lies to the people, it is essentially betraying them—rendering it not only useless but defective. Unlike the anti-intellectual, the intellectual believes that the ultimate goal of society should be an honest government. (Quote courtesy of Pojer HIJ

25 What is the Purpose of Nazi Propaganda?
David E. Schneyer Anti-Intellectualism in Nazi Germany What is the Purpose of Nazi Propaganda? public opinion must be molded to fit the state Undo Intellectualism: No “marketplace of ideas” No tolerance of dissent No ability to question authority No independent thought No formulation of rational ideas This ministry was critical in the 12 year reign of Nazi Germany because it molded public opinion more severely than did any other method used by the Nazis. Despite the despicable ideology it promoted, it was nevertheless very good at what it did—turning the public into good fascist citizens. Its influence was extremely broad. Duties of the Ministry ranged from promoting racial intolerance to mobilizing support for the war [Goebbels. Mastermind of the Third Reich]. The Ministry for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda stood for almost everything that intellectualism stands against. Not only did it destroy the flow of free ideas, but it refused to tolerate: dissent, the ability to question authority, independent thought, and the use of rationalism to formulate ideas. Pojer HIJ

26 The Nuremberg Laws (1935) Denaturalization Laws
Placed severe restrictions on Jews Could not marry non-Jews Not allowed to attend or teach at German schools or universities Prohibited from government jobs, practicing law or medicine or publishing books Established a pseudo-scientific basis identification Only those with four German grandparents were of "German blood." Jewish is who descends from three or four Jewish grand-parents In the middle stood people of "mixed blood" of the "first or second degree."

27 Kristallnacht “Night of the Broken Glass”
David E. Schneyer Anti-Intellectualism in Nazi Germany Kristallnacht “Night of the Broken Glass” Political assassination by Jew ignites spark Nazi youth rampage Jewish buildings After the Nuremberg laws were passed, a young man in Paris named Zindel Grynszpan became outraged by the deportation of his father (who lived in Germany) to Poland. He attempted to assassinate the German Ambassador to France, but settled for a low-level officer instead [Nterior De La Sinagoga Fasanenstrasse]. Nazi officials used this event in the media to enrage the community against the German-Jewish population. Students all over Germany rampaged all kinds of Jewish-owned establishments, from stores to synagogues [Austin]. Instead of burning books like in 1933, people simply destroyed. Looking at the picture on the right, you can see why this event has come to be known as the Kristallnacht, or “Night of the Broken Glass.” Many consider this event to mark the beginning of the Holocaust. This was a clear example of how the “mob,” under orchestration of the Nazis, took over Germany. Considered beginning of Holocaust Images: [Kristallnacht], [la noche de los cristales rotos] “The mob” trumps individualism Pojer HIJ

28 The Rise of Hitler The Expansion of the Nazi State The Holocaust
David E. Schneyer Anti-Intellectualism in Nazi Germany The Rise of Hitler The Expansion of the Nazi State The Holocaust So what do we draw from all of this? Image: [People Greeting Hitler] Pojer HIJ

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