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This resource is intended for 2nd Grade Elementary Language Arts student’s.

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2 This resource is intended for 2nd Grade Elementary Language Arts student’s

3 Objectives: 1. From this StAIR, the student will identify and understand the important steps of the writing process 2. By the next class period the students will be prepared for an in-class discussion and large group project aimed at reinforcing material covered in this StAIR.

4 Click the box to watch a video on the writing process

5 Think about topic Brainstorming and planning Use words and ideas or show pictures Choose purpose Organize ideas

6 Choose something from your list to write about Write a story about it Read your story to yourself and think about it Read your story to others and ask them questions about your story

7 Think about what others said. Change your story to make it better. Rewrite and add your changes.

8 Make sure each sentence begin with a capital letter Self, peer, and/ or teacher edit your work Neatly rewrite or carefully retype your story

9 Give your story a title Illustrate if needed Share story or make into book


11  Prewrite Prewrite  Drafting Drafting  Editing Editing  Revision Revision  Publishing Publishing

12  Editing Editing  Prewrite Prewrite  Drafting Drafting  Publishing Publishing  Revision Revision



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