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Big Idea 5: Earth in Space and Time Grade 1 Topic VI Stars in the Sky

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Presentation on theme: "Big Idea 5: Earth in Space and Time Grade 1 Topic VI Stars in the Sky"— Presentation transcript:

1 Big Idea 5: Earth in Space and Time Grade 1 Topic VI Stars in the Sky
FIRST GRADE BENCHMARKS SC.1.E.5.1 Observe and discuss that there are more stars in the sky than anyone can easily count and that they are not scattered evenly in the sky. SC.1.E.5.3 Investigate how magnifiers make things appear bigger and help people see things they could not see without them. Office of Academics and Transformation - Department of Science

2 What objects do you see? in the sky?
Daytime sky Nighttime sky Both Engage: Complete this Venn Diagram as group and write student responses on the board OR Engage/Explore: Have students create their own Venn Diagrams Let students fill out what they know before the lesson Have students add more information as they go through the lesson Office of Academics and Transformation - Department of Science

3 Office of Academics and Transformation - Department of Science
WHAT ARE STARS? Stars are big, hot balls of gas. There are so many stars we cannot count them all!! Most stars can only be seen at night. Explain: Discuss with the students that stars are big balls of hot gas, there are so many we cannot count them all, and most can only be seen at night. Office of Academics and Transformation - Department of Science

4 Office of Academics and Transformation - Department of Science
The Sun is Our Star. The Sun gives off light and is responsible for night and day. The sun gives off heat and keeps the planet warm. Explain: Discuss with the students that the sun is one star can we see during the day and that it provides Earth with light and heat. Office of Academics and Transformation - Department of Science

5 Office of Academics and Transformation - Department of Science
Constellations Star are spread throughout the sky unevenly. Some groups of stars form shapes, called constellations. Some of these shapes have been given names. Explain: Discuss with the students how stars are not even distributed in the sky. They do form shapes, constellations, that have been named over thousands of years. Office of Academics and Transformation - Department of Science

6 Let’s watch a video about Constellations!
Explore: Watch the brief video about constellations. Office of Academics and Transformation – Department of Science

7 More Constellations! Let’s take a look at some of the constellations that we can see during different times of the year! Click the picture for a fun activity! Explore: Click on the picture of the constellations for a Discovery Ed. Activity. If you get taken to the Discovery login in page, your username is miami_Employee# and the password is Employee#_miami (there is an underscore “_” between miami and the Employee# in both the username and password). Division of Academics – Department of Science Office of Academics and Transformation - Department of Science

8 Office of Academics and Transformation - Department of Science
In your science journal, create this table. Make a drawing for you see during each time. Daytime sky Nighttime sky Explore and Explain: Have the students create this chart in their journals and write or draw what they see in the daytime sky and the nighttime sky. Office of Academics and Transformation - Department of Science

9 What invention helps us see objects that are in outer space??
A telescope! Explain: Discuss with the students how we use telescopes to get a closer view of the stars in the sky. Office of Academics and Transformation - Department of Science

10 How does a telescope work?
Explain: A telescope works by gathering more light and then magnifying it. Office of Academics and Transformation - Department of Science

11 Office of Academics and Transformation - Department of Science
Magnifiers! What other objects lets us see things we normally cannot?? Microscopes! Explain: Discuss the two other common magnifiers we use in science, microscopes and hand lens. Hand Lens/ Magnifying Glass!! Office of Academics and Transformation - Department of Science

12 Office of Academics and Transformation - Department of Science
Magnifiers! Let’s use a hand lens to examine some classroom objects!! Hand Lens / Magnifying Glass!! Explore – Let the students use hand lens to examine various objects around the classroom (pencils, crayons, notebook paper, construction paper, anything with some texture to it). Have the students describe what they see in their in their journals. Office of Academics and Transformation - Department of Science

13 Office of Academics and Transformation - Department of Science
Let’s Review! STAR A big hot gall of gas is called a _________ Explain and Evaluate Office of Academics and Transformation - Department of Science

14 Office of Academics and Transformation - Department of Science
Let’s Review! There are so many stars that we cannot _________ them all! COUNT Explain and Evaluate Office of Academics and Transformation - Department of Science

15 Office of Academics and Transformation - Department of Science
Let’s Review! Groups of stars that form shapes and have names are called _______________ Constellations Explain and Evaluate Office of Academics and Transformation - Department of Science

16 Office of Academics and Transformation - Department of Science
Let’s Review! Telescope A _____________ is a tool that allows us to see stars more closely. Explain and Evaluate Office of Academics and Transformation - Department of Science

17 Office of Academics and Transformation - Department of Science
Let’s Review! Microscope Hand Lens A _____________ and ______________ are also tools that allows us to see small objects more closely Explain and Evaluate Office of Academics and Transformation - Department of Science

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