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Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle – Bacon the Difference Author: Darina Poljak.

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2 Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle – Bacon the Difference Author: Darina Poljak

3 Introduction – food we love... Conversation among seventh-class students, about their favorite food, healthy and unhealthy habits, is in progress… Students remember of video from „Flipped Classsroom“ they watched at biology class, about Digestive systemDigestive system - …and workshops… Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle – Bacon the Difference 2

4 IDEAS: Mak ing the survey about health of their families  Objective: explore relationship between food we eat and development of certain diseases 3 Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle – Bacon the Difference

5 Expanding the survey to other citizens & visiting the health food store  Students went to the health center to survey people  They were interest ed in health food store whose owner is mother of their friend 4 Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle – Bacon the Difference

6 Biology class – circulatory system  Teacher i s talking about blood and blood vessels  A film from „Flipped Classroom“ (Circulatory system)Circulatory system 5 Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle – Bacon the Difference

7 Lecture on Nutrition and Disease in Healthcare Kovačica  IDEA: going to the health center and a short lecture on nutrition and disease (link to lecture )link to lecture  Visiting a specialist- internist, Dr. Predrag Vitomirov (link to visit a doctor)link to visit a doctor 6 Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle – Bacon the Difference

8 Biology class: Analys is of visiting H ealth center  What have we learnt, discovered and experienced  What should we do now  D ivision into four groups  D ivision of tasks within the group 7 Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle – Bacon the Difference

9 Video conference via SKYPE  Idea of ​​ the survey – healthy food habits in Belgrade school ? (link on video conference )link on video conference  A new experience for both schools  Exchange of knowledge 8 Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle – Bacon the Difference

10 Conversation with Physical Education Teacher  The importance of stretching and warming up for the human body  The importance of diet and intake of quality food  Athletes and exercise  Water and its i mportance  (link on P.E. teacher conversation )link on P.E. teacher conversation 9 Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle – Bacon the Difference

11 Windows Movie Maker  Students in the digital cabinet were editing:  materials captured by the camera,  videos,  tracks recorded by mobile phones  Learn new things about Windows Movie Maker 10 Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle – Bacon the Difference

12 Group work at biology class in the computer lab  1st group - Pyramid of healthy nutrition  2nd group - Pyramid of our (unhealthy) nutrition  3rd group - Measuring the energy value of our food  4th group - Healthy f ood r ecipes  The "mild chaos" in the classroom arise wonderful works of students...  As part of the planned activity, one group of students goes to the school kitchen and measure the food cooked that day 11 Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle – Bacon the Difference

13 12 Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle – Bacon the Difference

14 13 Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle – Bacon the Difference

15 Film made by students 14 ( link to the proje c t )link to the proje c t Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle – Bacon the Difference

16 Analysis of the survey  The data obtained from the survey provided informations about connections between (im)proper nutrition and diseases among our fellow citizens 15 Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle – Bacon the Difference

17 Further research with teacher of civic society education 16 Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle – Bacon the Difference

18 Recipes Da li je zdravo jesti slaninu? 17

19 Presentation of students’ research - Press conference  TV OK Kovačica journalists and broadcasters were invited for Press conference  After presentation of the film, they made interview with the students  Next day, TV OK broadcasted this interview on news in three languages: Serbian, Slovak and Hungarian ( link to video i n Serbian language )link to video i n Serbian language  ( link to video i n Slovak language )link to video i n Slovak language  ( link to video in Hungarian language )link to video in Hungarian language 18 Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle – Bacon the Difference

20 Parents meeting  Presentation and screening of „Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern lifestyle – Bacon the Difference" for parents  Parents were surprised by students who prepared variety of delicacies made ​​ from specially selected ingredients for them 19 Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle – Bacon the Difference

21 Evaluation of parents about this way of learning 20 Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle – Bacon the Difference

22 Students were active on Facebook, YouTube, WordPress, Twitter, OneNote… 23 #DarinaPadina WordPress blog Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle – Bacon the Difference

23 Conclusion  It is important to take care about food we eat  We raise awareness about the impact of food on diseases of the heart and blood vessels  Physical activity is very important in every age  We are interested in certain occupations  We learnt a lot of biology, connected knowledge and gained new skills in computer science  Optimism - and a smile on your face! 22 Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle – Bacon the Difference

24 23 Links : „ Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern lifestyle – Bacon the difference ( Da li je zdravo jesti slaninu?)„ Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern lifestyle – Bacon the difference ( Da li je zdravo jesti slaninu?) – FILM Skype video conference Skype video conference (thanks to Irina Damnjanovic)Irina Damnjanovic) Listening to the lecture by a doctor Teaching nutrition Conversation with P.E. teacher Press-conference news Presentation on OneNote Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle – Bacon the Difference

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