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Year 9 2013 Mrs Stepniewski. Develop competency in the use of computer applications as normally used in a business environment. Packages include: Microsoft.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 9 2013 Mrs Stepniewski. Develop competency in the use of computer applications as normally used in a business environment. Packages include: Microsoft."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 9 2013 Mrs Stepniewski

2 Develop competency in the use of computer applications as normally used in a business environment. Packages include: Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher MYOB / Quickbooks

3 1.Microsoft Folio – Design Your Own Restaurant Project 2.MYOB – Business Group Project SACs

4 You may have just inherited one million dollars from a long lost uncle and now you are able to follow your dreams; OPENING YOUR OWN RESTAURANT!

5 You have to convince the bank (who has your uncles’ money) that you are able to use the money wisely. In order to convince the bank that you are indeed trustworthy and are able to use the money sensibly, you need to show them a business plan. You are to design/ plan your own restaurant that you hope to own and manage.

6 An introduction to the Restaurant. (Microsoft Word) Architect Plans: a physical plan of the restaurant (floor plan, frontage) (hand drawn on blank or graph paper) A full menu (Microsoft Word) A restaurant logo (Paint or Photoshop) A business card with your logo (Photoshop or Paint) A poster advertising your grand opening night (Publisher) Final presentation of your business plan (Power Point)


8 You will need to decide on the type of restaurant you want. You can search the internet for ideas! You have only one class to do this research and decide on your restaurant! Write an Introduction for your plans. (Remember you are convincing the bank to free up your Uncles money.) Include: Owners name/s. A name for your restaurant. Ideas about your restaurant. What products you will sell. What location you choose to setup your restaurant in. Why you believe this restaurant will be profitable and do well. A slogan / motto for your restaurant.

9 Design a floor plan (bird’s eye view). Include: where your tables are situated a reception area kitchen office toilets This needs to be to scale and can be drawn on blank paper or graph paper. Design the frontage of your restaurant including the sign. Consider the theme of your restaurant. Think about any colours or items you require both inside and outside.

10 Your menu needs to reflect your chosen cuisine. It will include prices of: Entrees Mains Desserts Drinks Don’t forget to make it look appealing and include the theme of your restaurant.

11 Use Paint or Photoshop (or an editing program of your choosing) to create a logo for your business. This has to be entirely original and is to be used on your Poster, Menu and business card.

12 Create a Business Card to hand out to clients and help promote your business. Include the following elements in your business card: Your name and Title (owner, president, etc.) Company Name Address, Suburb, State, Postcode Phone Number or Fax E-mail Internet web address Company Logo (from #4) Optional Company Slogan

13 Create a Poster in Publisher to publicise your business and the Grand Opening night. This night is very important and needs to be eye-catching, colourful and well presented. Make sure you include an advertised special available opening night only.

14 All elements of the project must be combined into a PowerPoint presentation. This can be completed throughout the Term as you complete each section of work. Don’t forget to include a bibliography. References to all websites and resources used. This will be presented in the final two classes of Term One: Monday 25 th March and Tuesday 26 th March.

15 HIGH - 5 MarksMEDIUM - 3 MarksLOW - 1 Mark #1 Introduction Includes an excellent overview of the type of restaurant you will manage including many ideas on design and business success. Includes a good overview of your restaurant and sound ideas on design and business plans Includes a brief overview and some ideas on design and business plans #2 Architect Plans Excellent bird’s eye view design in word. Includes all features is easy to read has colour and real impact Good bird’s eye view designed in word only Includes most features and is easy to read Satisfactory design includes some features and is readable. #3 Menu Excellent well set out comprehensive menu, includes all features and logo Good well set out menu, includes all features and logo Satisfactory menu includes some features and a logo #4 Business Logo Excellent simple clear appropriate and original logo, reflects nature of business Good clear logo that reflects the nature of the restaurant Satisfactory logo appropriate and original #5 Business Card Excellent, simple design includes logo and all relevant details. Good design includes logo and most of the contact details Satisfactory card includes some contact details #6 Grand Opening Poster Excellent, colourful, well set out poster that has impact and provides all necessary information in a clear concise fashion. Includes logo Good, colourful, well set out poster that has impact. Provides most Includes logo A satisfactory poster that includes much of the information about opening night #7a Power Point Presentation Excellent well set out, headings and pages are all have a consistent formal professional design. Includes all aspects of the project. Excellent presentation skills. Well set out, headings and pages are all have a consistent formal professional design. Includes most aspects of the project. Good presentation skills. Satisfactorily set out, headings and pages are mostly having a consistent formal professional design. Includes most aspects of the project. Satisfactory presentation skills. #7b Bibliography Accurate, comprehensive reference to all research materials. Full reference to all materials used in researching this assignment. References most materials used. Errors in the referencing technique. #8a Classwork Excellent work in class on the assignment.Good work in class on the assignment. Satisfactory work in class on the assignment. #8b Folio Presentation Excellent overall presentation of the ‘Design Your Own Restaurant” Folio. Project has been constructed well and presented in a display folder. Good overall presentation of the ‘Design Your Own Restaurant” Folio. Project has been constructed relatively well and presented in a display folder. Satisfactory overall presentation of the ‘Design Your Own Restaurant” Folio. Project is lacking in a display folder.

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