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University of Michigan ePortfolio Community & IT Partnership Rodney Williams January 26, 2004.

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1 University of Michigan ePortfolio Community & IT Partnership Rodney Williams January 26, 2004

2 Campus-Wide SIG: ePortfolio Community School of Education School of Social Work Taubman College of Architecture & Urban Planning School of Art & Design School of Nursing School of Music Language Resource Center Center for Research on Learning & Teaching Sweetland Writing Center Media Union Information Technology Central Services

3 IT Partnership Proposal  … ePortfolio community members share common goals, including a focus on students' intellectual development, integrating interdisciplinary perspectives, and developing students' capacity to reflect on what they are learning and to relate that learning to their professional interests. A web-based solution allows students to demonstrate their learning and make this process public.  IT Partnership Proposal Funded Spring 2003

4 ePortfolio Working Definition  a purposeful collection of work, captured by electronic means that serves as an exhibit of individual efforts, progress and achievements in one or more areas

5 IT Partnership Pilot Programs School of Education  Develop and study prototype of performance and competency-based ePortfolio in small teacher education program. Taubman College of Architecture & Urban Planning  Develop prototype of archive for student work using existing UM tools (Sitemaker).

6 Research in Teacher Education Lack of empirical evidence to support claims that portfolios  Improve learning  Improve performance  Improve program evaluation  Facilitate job search/improve employment prospects (Zeichner & Wray, 2001)

7  Some anecdotal evidence suggests positive outcomes from paper based portfolio in UM teacher education program.  Coordinator reports program has improved as a result of feedback available from portfolio artifacts collected during the year as well as year-end products.  Attributes results to use of performance indicators (Danielson) which are based on INTASC standards. However….

8 Paper to electronic version: education goals  Improve process of portfolio creation so that students can better reflect on practice and continue reflection as they enter profession  Provide evidence of program effectiveness to be used for accreditation purposes

9 Focus group sessions  Education, Social Work, Art & Design, Architecture & Urban Planning, & Literature, Science and the Arts.  Facilitated by members of ePortfolio Community  Participants included faculty, students, and IT professionals

10 Findings from focus group sessions  Diverse opinions across the university regarding the desirability, feasibility, sustainability and design of ePortfolio systems.  Quite a bit of enthusiasm and interest  But, also a fair amount of skepticism

11 Findings from focus group sessions  Common need: storing, sharing, searching, peer review  Most immediate need seems to be in professional schools  Although goals suggest some commonality, need the ability to customize

12 Findings from focus group sessions  Only one unit (Art & Design) uses portfolios extensively and integrates them into curriculum  No strong interest in campus-wide system  Schools don’t want to be sold something they don’t need  Need to know what portfolios make possible that’s not possible now  Transcripts, resumes, recommendations are most important to grad students and employers  Neither students nor faculty want to learn new interface  Requires enormous additional amounts of time from students and faculty

13 Findings from focus group sessions: comments  “Not interested if it doesn’t serve larger curricular ends or if it doesn’t serve students.”  “Administrative costs are going to be enormous.”  “If students can’t express their creativity, what’s the point”?  “What is this going to provide us given the amount of money it’s going to cost and the resistance to using something they don’t really care about”?  “Bothered by a product that’s trying to be sold…Doesn’t strike me that it leads to education.”

14 Findings from focus group sessions: comments  “level of demand from employers isn’t known, but students are beginning to ask about electronic versions of curriculum materials.”  “rethinking its curriculum to become more competency based; students would customize their learning experience based on competencies rather than through majors.”  “I’m not clear faculty would actually look at my work.”  “the idea is to give students opportunities for feedback.”  “very difficult to find support.”

15 Next steps  Gather more data from campus-wide survey  Systematic inquiry and report on School of Education prototype  Examine costs, support, sustainability issues more closely

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