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Presentation on theme: "Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome

2 Good Morning!

3 Debra Wehrmann DeFrain, M.Ed. Director of Fine Arts
EVERY STUDENT ~ EVERY DAY Successfully Implementing Nebraska K-12 Fine Arts Standards... ESU 4 ART CADRE 18 February Nebraska City, Nebraska Kimmel Harding Nelson Center for the Arts MEDIA ARTS VISUAL ARTS DANCE MUSIC THEATRE Debra Wehrmann DeFrain, M.Ed. Director of Fine Arts

Who is this lady and why is she smiling? ? MEDIA ARTS VISUAL ARTS DANCE MUSIC THEATRE

5 EVERY STUDENT ~ EVERY DAY …today’s plan...
Nebraska Media Arts Standards National Media Arts Standards Where are you in YOUR district? Implementation Ideas Classroom Resources Rule 10? MEDIA ARTS VISUAL ARTS DANCE MUSIC THEATRE

6 EVERY STUDENT ~ EVERY DAY …through real-world experience...
“the first story is about connecting the dots… it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backwards ten years. You have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.” ???... MEDIA ARTS VISUAL ARTS DANCE MUSIC THEATRE

7 EVERY STUDENT ~ EVERY DAY …through real-world experience...

8 …Why Fine Arts Standards? ...
EVERY STUDENT ~ EVERY DAY …Why Fine Arts Standards? ... 21st Century Citizens On-going research Best Practice Relevant Skills/Knowledge MEDIA ARTS VISUAL ARTS DANCE MUSIC THEATRE 1: P21.Four Cs and a P. ArtsEdge (free digital resource). 2:Dedicated to outcomes, based on research. 3:soc/emot growth more than ever. Mid sch arts END! 4:RELEVANCE!

9 …Impact on Students and Learning...
EVERY STUDENT ~ EVERY DAY …Impact on Students and Learning... Students before content Guidance (also in Spanish & Chinese) Curriculum Design Assessment MEDIA ARTS VISUAL ARTS DANCE MUSIC THEATRE 1. ALWAYS students first! In so many ways. 2.”normal” not-so-normal, 3.NCCAS Conceptual framework 4.nccas ALSO aep for self-ass

…Past? Present? Process?... National: NCCAS Nebraska: NDE C&I District: Local control/assessment  MEDIA ARTS VISUAL ARTS DANCE MUSIC THEATRE

11 EVERY STUDENT ~ EVERY DAY …Fine Arts Standards Writers...
MEDIA ARTS Aurora CCC-Columbus Lincoln Nebraska City Southern Valley UN-Kearney Nebraska Wesleyan VISUAL ARTS Bennington Elkhorn Elm Creek Grand Island Hastings College Holdrege Millard Omaha Scottsbluff UN-Lincoln DANCE Omaha Studio MUSIC Ashland-Greenwood Bellevue David City DeWitt Doane College ESU 17 Fremont Norfolk Norris Papillion-LaVista Wayne State THEATRE Blair Grand Island McPherson Metro Community College statewide buy-in from writers, editors, administrators, State Board, NDE. You are here…statewide inclusion!

12 EVERY STUDENT ~ EVERY DAY …Fine Arts Partners in Education...
NDE ESU CLC NAC NFTA NETV NPR NAHPERD NMEA NATA EdTA NSCTA NAEA NAMAC NAfME ISTE NDEO AAPHERD NEA AEP ARTSEDGE SI your own backyard…museums, galleries, PACs, HE, ... GET ON THE BANDWAGON! Kudos to Plattsmouth and ESU3. They win for being the first out of the gate in working with me to align local curriculum w/new FAS. worked with ESU 13/ESU 11 BEFORE adoption. MEDIA ARTS VISUAL ARTS DANCE MUSIC THEATRE

13 EVERY STUDENT ~ EVERY DAY …Standards Structure...
K-12 Comprehensive Content Standards Broad K-12 learning standards for students “Big Ideas” to help organize learning Create Present/Perform/Produce Respond Connect Grade Band Standards (K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12) Statements that identify what students should know and be able to do by the end of each identified grade band Curricular Indicators Examples that further define what a student should learn MEDIA ARTS VISUAL ARTS DANCE MUSIC THEATRE

14 EVERY STUDENT ~ EVERY DAY …the actual Fine Arts Standards...
Nebraska Horizontal Views Vertical Views Glossaries FREE RESOURCES National Media Arts Visual Arts Dance Music Theatre Will include updates. Interactive/personalize! MEDIA ARTS VISUAL ARTS DANCE MUSIC THEATRE

15 EVERY STUDENT ~ EVERY DAY …the actual Fine Arts Standards...
Nebraska Horizontal Views Vertical Views Glossaries FREE RESOURCES National Media Arts Visual Arts Dance Music Theatre MEDIA ARTS VISUAL ARTS DANCE MUSIC THEATRE

16 EVERY STUDENT ~ EVERY DAY …the actual Fine Arts Standards...

17 EVERY STUDENT ~ EVERY DAY …the actual Fine Arts Standards...

18 EVERY STUDENT ~ EVERY DAY …the actual Fine Arts Standards...

19 EVERY STUDENT ~ EVERY DAY …the actual Fine Arts Standards...
How do I use them? Target Concept? Single Lesson Plan? Unit? Multi-disciplinary? MEDIA ARTS VISUAL ARTS DANCE MUSIC THEATRE

20 EVERY STUDENT ~ EVERY DAY …What Changes Will I See in My School?...
Increased… Attendance rates Achievement test scores Extra-curricular activity Civic engagement Graduation rate College-bound graduates School-college-career success Creative problem-solving Cultural sensitivity MEDIA ARTS VISUAL ARTS DANCE MUSIC THEATRE

21 EVERY STUDENT ~ EVERY DAY …Longitudinal Studies...
NELS:88 ECLS-K ELS:2002 NLSY97 NELS:88 Nat Ed Long Stud 8th gr: 88/90/92/94/ ECLS-K:EarlyChildhoodLongStudy K ELS:2002 EdLongStudy 02/04/05/06/12/13in collection study HS thru postsec, parents, admins, teachers. NLSY97:NatLongStuYouth 9000 youth 12-16yrs 1996/97 MEDIA ARTS VISUAL ARTS DANCE MUSIC THEATRE

22 EVERY STUDENT ~ EVERY DAY …Attendance...
Year 1 - Before arts education 86% attendance (14% absentee rate) Year 2 - After first year of arts education (dance, drama/theatre, visual art, music) 97% attendance (3% absentee rate) The only change between the two years was the addition of arts education in the curriculum. Source: Doing Well and Doing Good by Doing Art, James S. Catterall, 2009, using data from NELS:88 MEDIA ARTS VISUAL ARTS DANCE MUSIC THEATRE

23 EVERY STUDENT ~ EVERY DAY …Achievement Test Scores...

24 EVERY STUDENT ~ EVERY DAY …Extracurricular Activity...

25 EVERY STUDENT ~ EVERY DAY …Civic Engagement...

26 EVERY STUDENT ~ EVERY DAY …Graduation Rates...

27 EVERY STUDENT ~ EVERY DAY …College-Bound Graduates...

28 EVERY STUDENT ~ EVERY DAY …School to College to Career...

29 EVERY STUDENT ~ EVERY DAY …Creative Problem-Solving...
Throughout all disciplines and grade bands, the research found a continued, pronounced emphasis on the value of the arts in helping students to make sense of their world, make connections between disparate ideas, and make connections between the self and others. SOURCE: The College Board, Child Development and Arts Education: A Review of Recent Research and Best Practices, New York, N.Y., January 2012. MEDIA ARTS VISUAL ARTS DANCE MUSIC THEATRE

30 EVERY STUDENT ~ EVERY DAY …Cultural Sensitivity...

31 Debra Wehrmann DeFrain, M.Ed. Director of Fine Arts
EVERY STUDENT ~ EVERY DAY NDE Mission, Vision, Values ... What are YOUR beliefs? MEDIA ARTS VISUAL ARTS DANCE MUSIC THEATRE Debra Wehrmann DeFrain, M.Ed. Director of Fine Arts

32 EVERY STUDENT ~ EVERY DAY …Making it Work for YOUR Situation...
Creative Scheduling Teacher Endorsement/Expertise “Traditional” Classroom Instruction Distance Learning BlendEd Budget Staffing BRAINSTORM! Several elephants in the room… MEDIA ARTS VISUAL ARTS DANCE MUSIC THEATRE

33 EVERY STUDENT ~ EVERY DAY Making it Work for YOUR Situation...
If we always do what we’ve always done, We’ll always get what we’ve always got... BRAINSTORM! MEDIA ARTS VISUAL ARTS DANCE MUSIC THEATRE

34 …Always listen to your parents...
MEDIA ARTS VISUAL ARTS DANCE MUSIC THEATRE Debra Wehrmann DeFrain, M.Ed. Director of Fine Arts

35 …I’m with the government and I’m here to help ...  Questions?
MEDIA ARTS VISUAL ARTS DANCE MUSIC THEATRE Debra Wehrmann DeFrain, M.Ed. Director of Fine Arts

36 Possibilities… Easy paint tool.
3D. Online programming. Tutorials. Story board, 2D/3D, special effects. Industry standard video editing/post. Filmmaking resource. Shot breakdowns. Animation, movies, games, comics, illustration. Tutorials by industry folk. Young, female comic artist. Amazing resources. Somewhat dated (word/text), but great resource.

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