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Border Disputes (Political Organization of Space).

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Presentation on theme: "Border Disputes (Political Organization of Space)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Border Disputes (Political Organization of Space)

2 Think-pair-share brainstorm: Why do people dispute borders and territory… why do they care where the border is drawn?

3 Case Studies we are talking about today:  India and Pakistan  Kashmir  Taiwan  The Korean Peninsula As we go through the case studies today, be sure to locate and label the disputed area on your annotated map.

4 India and Pakistan Split  Read the article “India and Pakistan Split” on your own and fill in the 3-2-1 organizer on your handout. Be prepared to share.  Videos: History of India and Pakistan  Daily Border Closing:

5 The Fight over Kashmir  On your map, draw the border of the disputed region of Kashmir. Draw stripes and add to a map key.  On your graphic organizer, write down the information requested for this article  Video: Kashmir Violence (BBC from 10/9/14)  ch?v=a9aXVrEz60E ch?v=a9aXVrEz60E

6 Taiwan and China On your map, draw a ? over the island of Taiwan When we are done, be able to explain why we drew the ? on the map Video (8 minutes): ch?v=MZqVv2wj6C4 ch?v=MZqVv2wj6C4 Read the Article about the China/Taiwan dispute and complete the questions on your handout.

7 The Korean Peninsula  The 38 th Parallel (label on your map.)  Read the Upfront Article pg 24 “From One Korea to Two” stopping at “The Great Leader” on pg 26.  Complete the Korea section on your border disputes handout.  Videos:  v=9R-qZvw26rA v=9R-qZvw26rA  -27l0YYksM (about the conflict last Sunday) -27l0YYksM

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