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Treating Mental Disorders Lately I spend a lot of time just staring at the ceiling or crying for no reason at all. I haven’t told anyone about my problems.

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Presentation on theme: "Treating Mental Disorders Lately I spend a lot of time just staring at the ceiling or crying for no reason at all. I haven’t told anyone about my problems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Treating Mental Disorders Lately I spend a lot of time just staring at the ceiling or crying for no reason at all. I haven’t told anyone about my problems. I don’t want to be labeled as “a mental case.” What advice would you give to this person? What would you say about the person’s fear of being labeled?

2 Community Resources  50 million Americans experience mental disorders  Majority do not seek help  What could keep a person with mental disorders from seeking help?  Don’t recognize the signs  Just overcome it  Not know where to go  How would you overcome those issues?

3 Community Resources  First step  Recognize that you need help  See the warning signs  Your diagnosis is not a professionals diagnosis  Physical illness  What would you do?  Mental disorder  What do you do?

4 Community Resources  Talk to a trusted adult  Parent  Guardian  Teacher  Counselor  Doctor  Religious leader  Mental health facilities Valley Mental Health 1470 N Main St # A Bountiful, UT (801) 294-6747 All Ages & Life Counsel 845 S Main St # B8 Bountiful, UT 801-299-3411

5 Learning Log  What kind of mental health professionals are there?  What kinds of questions do they ask?  Groups of 3 or 4  Come up with 2 questions that could be asked  Psychiatrists  Clinical Psychologist  Social Workers  Mental Health counselors

6 Mental Health Professionals  Trained to recognize mental disorders and to treat them  Treatment depends on their training  Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

7 Psychiatrist  Physicians that diagnose mental disorders  Performs medical exam to rule out physical factors  Talk through the symptoms with the patient  Prescribe medication  May get neurologist involved

8 Clinical Psychologist  Trained to recognize and treat abnormal behavior  Helps psychiatrist’s diagnosis  Interviews patient

9 Social Workers  Listen and advise people  Link between community and those that need help  Psychiatric social worker  Helps families and patients adjust to the mental disorder

10 Mental Health Counselor  Work with specific disorders or problems  Substance abuse-alcohol or drugs  School counselor-students  Youth counselor-teenagers

11 Learning Log  Of the 4 mental health professionals, which would work well treating the 5 different types of anxiety? Other mental disorders? Eating disorders?

12 Treatment  Psychotherapy  Drug Therapy  Hospitalization

13 Psychotherapy  Talking with a therapist  Understand and overcome mental disorders  Insight Therapy  Understand reasons for behaviors  Change behaviors

14 Psychotherapy  Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy  Identifies situations, objects, or thoughts that trigger abnormal behavior  Learn new ways to behave  Group Therapy  Meet with other people who have same disorder  Work together to develop coping skills  Wreck it Ralph

15 Drug Therapy  Medication prescribed by doctors  Meant to  Relieve symptoms  Allow patients to function normally  Drug and psychotherapy sometimes used together

16 Hospitalization  Constant attention  Harming themselves or others  Staff helps patient prepare to live on their own  Social workers help them to adjust to change of being home  Long term care

17 Learning Log  Of the 3 treatments, which would work well with anxiety disorders? Other disorders? Eating disorders?

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