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Chapter 6 Mental and Emotional Disorders Lesson 3 Help for Mental and Emotional Disorders.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 6 Mental and Emotional Disorders Lesson 3 Help for Mental and Emotional Disorders."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 6 Mental and Emotional Disorders Lesson 3 Help for Mental and Emotional Disorders

2 Building Vocabulary resources Places to get information, support, and advice referral Suggestion to seek help or information from another person or place therapy Professional counseling family therapy Counseling that seeks to improve troubled family relationships LESSON 3 Help for Mental and Emotional Disorders BIG IDEA Mental and emotional disorders can be treated. Lesson Home

3 Building Vocabulary psychologist A mental health professional who is trained and licensed by the state to counsel psychiatrist A medical doctor who treats mental health problems clinical social worker A licensed, certified mental health professional with a master’s degree in social work LESSON 3 Help for Mental and Emotional Disorders BIG IDEA Mental and emotional disorders can be treated. Lesson Home

4 When to Get Help LESSON 3 Help for Mental and Emotional Disorders BIG IDEA Mental and emotional disorders can be treated. Seek help right away for any of the following symptoms: Feelings of sadness, anger, anxiety, or fear that don’t go away Changes in eating or sleeping patterns Wanting to be alone all the time A feeling of being out of control Loss of interest in favorite activities Doing much worse in school all of a sudden Hearing voices Thoughts of suicide Lesson Home

5 Where to Get Help resources Places to get information, support, and advice LESSON 3 Help for Mental and Emotional Disorders BIG IDEA Mental and emotional disorders can be treated. referral Suggestion to seek help or information from another person or place A trusted adult can help steer you toward valid resources to find professional help. Many health care professionals can provide a referral. Lesson Home New Vocabulary

6 Therapy for Mental Disorders therapy Professional counseling LESSON 3 Help for Mental and Emotional Disorders BIG IDEA Mental and emotional disorders can be treated. Therapy can take several different forms. Individual therapy - When a person meets with a therapist one on one. Group therapy – When a therapist meets with a group of teens who are all going through the same kind of problems. Lesson Home New Vocabulary

7 Therapy for Mental Disorders LESSON 3 Help for Mental and Emotional Disorders BIG IDEA Mental and emotional disorders can be treated. family therapy Counseling that seeks to improve troubled family relationships Family therapy – When a therapist helps family members learn to communicate, strengthen their relationships, and solve problems as a group. Lesson Home New Vocabulary

8 Mental Health Professionals psychologist A mental health professional who is trained and licensed by the state to counsel LESSON 3 Help for Mental and Emotional Disorders BIG IDEA Mental and emotional disorders can be treated. A psychologist can diagnose mental health problems and provide counseling. Lesson Home New Vocabulary

9 Mental Health Professionals LESSON 3 Help for Mental and Emotional Disorders BIG IDEA Mental and emotional disorders can be treated. psychiatrist A medical doctor who treats mental health problems A psychiatrist can provide medication as well as counseling. Lesson Home New Vocabulary

10 Mental Health Professionals LESSON 3 Help for Mental and Emotional Disorders BIG IDEA Mental and emotional disorders can be treated. clinical social worker A licensed, certified mental health professional with a master’s degree in social work A clinical social worker (CSW) works to help people overcome both health problems and social problems. Lesson Home New Vocabulary

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