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Renewable Energy Supplies of coal, oil and gas are running out. These fossil fuels are a finite resources that will never be available again when we have.

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Presentation on theme: "Renewable Energy Supplies of coal, oil and gas are running out. These fossil fuels are a finite resources that will never be available again when we have."— Presentation transcript:


2 Renewable Energy Supplies of coal, oil and gas are running out. These fossil fuels are a finite resources that will never be available again when we have consumed them. They are said to be Non-renewable sources of energy Renewable Sources of Energy are those which will not run out.

3 They include:- 1. Solar Power Solar PowerSolar Power 2. Wind Power 2. Wind PowerWind PowerWind Power 3. Wave Power 3. Wave PowerWave PowerWave Power 4. Tidal Power 4. Tidal PowerTidal PowerTidal Power 5. Hydroelectric Power 5. Hydroelectric PowerHydroelectric PowerHydroelectric Power 6. Bio-fuels 6. Bio-fuelsBio-fuels 7. Geothermal Power 7. Geothermal PowerGeothermal PowerGeothermal Power Click on a Renewable Energy Source title or one of the pictures to view more information about that type of Renewable Energy

4 Solar Power Solar Power There are three main methods of harnessing the energy arriving here from the sun. Solar Cells — these devices convert the light energy from the sun into electrical energy. They are commonly found powering calculators but they are still expensive and you need many of them to produce a significant amount of electrical energy. Solar Panels — these are used to heat water flowing though pipes on their surface. The heated water can be used for washing or for warming buildings. Solar Furnace — these use mirrors to concentrate the energy into a small area. Small ones can be used to cook food in third world countries. The light and heat energy radiated from the sun provides us with SOLAR POWER Click arrow to return to list

5 Wind POWER Wind POWER Winds are caused by air moving from place to place due to differences in air pressure. Moving air has a lot of kinetic energy that can be harnessed using windmills The kinetic energy can be used directly to drive water pumps or turn mill wheels to grind grain. Other windmills or aero-generators can be used to produce electricity when the winds kinetic energy is used to turn a generator. One windmill on its own can’t generate much electricity—if we put up lots, we call it a “Wind Farm”. Here is a picture of one.... Click arrow to return to list

6 Wave Power Click arrow to return to list Waves crash onto seashores with thunderous power on thousands of miles of beaches all around the world. Using floats called “ducks” which move up and down when a wave passes, scientists are trying to harness this massive power source. There are other ways of harnessing wave power – at the end of this show your teacher might let you try and find out about some of them if you ask them nicely.

7 Tidal Power Click on the question mark to take you to a website that is all about tidal power. Click on the question mark to take you to a website that is all about tidal power. Click arrow to return to list

8 Hydroelectric Power Click arrow to return to list

9 Bio-Fuels Click arrow to return to list

10 Geothermal Click arrow to return to list

11 Summary and Extensions Crossword for you to do Crossword for you to do Crossword for you to do Crossword for you to do (click here to take you to the crossword) (click here to take you to the crossword) Click arrow to return to start Further Reading – Advanced stuff ! If you have headphones or speakers you can click the movie symbol to see a summary film. (its best if you have sound for this) Interesting Links to Look at If You Have Time f/FactSheet-07.pdf

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