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Psychotic, Yet Still Memorable Presented To You By: Presented To You By: Eric, Eoin, and Artie.

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2 Psychotic, Yet Still Memorable Presented To You By: Presented To You By: Eric, Eoin, and Artie

3   At a young age of 17, Nero took the throne, after instigating in the death of Claudius, the former Emperor  The youngest Emperor of his time Rise To Power

4   As Emperor, Nero concentrated on transforming Roman society:  Did this by: -Blending cultures of Greek, Oriental, and Egyptian - Invested large sums in building large athletic, theatrical, and bathing infrastructures -Imposed that Senators anoint themselves with oil -Nero invested vast sums in building large Athletics, Theatrical, and Bathing infrastructures Strengths

5   Often made rulings that pleased the lower class  Restrictions were put on the amount of bail and fines  fees for lawyers were limited  A strong demand was made that patrons should have the right of taking away the freedoms of free men  Nero supported the free men and ruled that patrons did not possess that right Policies as an Administrator

6   Meaning, Golden House in Latin, Nero’s palace was built after most of Rome burnt down  Took up 1/3 of Rome’s available living space  covered the slopes of the Palatine, Esquiline, and Caelian  Consisted of mainly Roman architecture The Domus Aurea

7   In 64 A.D, the Great Fire, burned down most of most of Rome, as Nero played violin.  Although Nero helped victims, he used an unpopular group as a scapegoat, the Christians Great Fire

8   In 64 AD, the Great Fire ravaged most of Rome. Historians theorize that Nero started the fire, or that he played the violin as Rome burnt to ashes.  At the time, Christians were unpopular in the Roman Empire, as were the Jews in Egypt.  Nero, using Christians as a scapegoat, blamed them for the inferno that burnt most of Rome to the ground Role in the Great Fire

9   Rebuilt his palace to take up 1/3 of Rome’s Surface area.  He paid very little attention to his Military affairs.  This included: -Issues on Rhine, war against the Parthians in Armenia, Boudica’s uprising in Britain which he promptly handed over to his generals. -Persecuted and executed many Christians Weaknesses of Nero

10   Nero persecuted and executed Christians in a variety of different, yet sadistic, sociopathic, methods:  Crucifixion  Burned at the stake  Fed to beasts/dogs Persecuting Christians

11   Animations & Sound: Done by, Artie  Slides 2-3: Done by Eoin  Slides 3-4: Done by Eric  Slides 4-5: Done by Artie  Slides 6-9: Completed as a team through data collected from each partner Credits

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