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Work Attitudes zMini-lecture on Attitudes z“Making it Work for You” Activity.

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1 Work Attitudes zMini-lecture on Attitudes z“Making it Work for You” Activity

2 Concepts and Terms Textbook zWork Attitudes (definitions, effects) zValues (definitions, effects) zWhy don’t attitudes always predict? zThree key work attitudes Lecture z Characteristics of and relationship among values, attitudes, and mood z Why don’t attitudes always predict? z Job satisfaction, using what we know!

3 VALUES *ATTITUDES* MOODS Attitudes, Values, & Mood Transitivity and Dominant Causal Influence

4 Moods zDefinition: How people feel at a given time, not focused or directed at any one object, event, individual, or behavior. zSources: Personality & environment. zEffects: People in positive moods are more likely to make positive evaluations and more likely to help others. zStability: Low.

5 Attitudes zDefinition: Evaluative judgments concerning objects, people, or events. yCognitive component yAffective component yBehavioral component zSources: Genes & environment, particularly parents, teachers, & peers. zEffects: May influence moods & behavior. zStability: Moderate.

6 Values zDefinition: Basic convictions regarding the way things should be. yValue System--hierarchy of values. zSources: Genes & environment, particularly national culture and family. zEffects: Influence moods, attitudes and behaviors. zStability: High.

7 Important OB Attitudes zJob Satisfaction (most research) yGeneral evaluation of one’s job along many facets (i.e., coworkers, pay, security, variety…) zJob Involvement yDegree to which one identifies with a job and considers performance important to self-worth. zOrganizational Commitment yIdentification with a particular organization and its goals, desire to maintain membership.

8 Attitudes and Behavior Why don’t attitudes always predict behavior? yCognitive dissonance. ySelf-perception theory. ySpecificity. ySocial constraints. yExperience.

9 Job Satisfaction What Determines Job Satisfaction? yMentally Challenging Work yEquitable Rewards ySupportive Working Conditions ySupportive Colleagues yPersonality - Job Fit yHeredity/Genes

10 Outcomes of Satisfaction zProductivity: Positive relationship, but note the causality... zAbsenteeism: Moderate - relationship zTurnover: Strong - relationship (org. commitment has an even stronger relationship) Performance Rewards Satisfaction

11 Making it Work for You Activity

12 Making it Work for You zGiven what you’ve just learned, what advice can you give managers about each of the following: zIncreasing job satisfaction zReducing turnover zIncreasing “citizenship behaviors” zReducing apathy toward the company

13 Summary zSummary yMoods, Attitudes, and Values yJob Satisfaction, Job Involvement, Org. Commitment -- more on Job Satisfaction! yAttitudes and behavior yExamples of how to use this knowledge

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