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Federal Property Special Interest Group Case Study, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Federal Property Special Interest Group Case Study, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Federal Property Special Interest Group Case Study, 2012

2 Officers Amber Barber, Chairperson Joe Stossel, Vice Chairperson Rob King, Secretary Susan Avery, Treasurer Marsha Campbell, Working Group Coordinator

3 Background Established as a venue for focused support based on a “property niche” Online forums for discussion topics Working groups for specific subjects Regular part of the NPMA Conference Series

4 Working Group Topics Current groups include: –Grants –ITAM –Staffing Models –Terminology –Others: Fleet, IG Reports, EO Contact Marsha Campbell or Amber Barber if interested in participating or forming a new working group

5 Today’s Agenda 1:15 – 2:15: Session 1 –Welcome and Overview of SIG –Forum Topics –Organize case study groups 2:30 – 3:30: Session 2 –Small group case study discussion –Large group reveal of case study results –Working group open meeting time

6 Federal Property SIG Forum A place for property professionals to post their issues, questions, interests, and concerns. Topics are generally specific to Federal Agencies and Organizations. Two current posts up for discussion are the use of property passes and mandatory property training.

7 Property Passes Posted for Forum Discussion: 3/15/2012 Hello, We currently require our accountable property representatives to generate a property pass for all government equipment each time it leaves the facility. Are there other agencies that do not require a property pass every time someone removes a laptop or such from the facility? If so, how do you manage property that leaves the facility. Our process of updating the list of authorized signers and ensuring it gets to every exit point for the guards verification is very time consuming. I posted this under the Inventory Management SIG but did not receive much response.

8 #2: Posted Response: 3/29/2012 At NOAA (DOC) we no longer provide property passes. We have the user who is signed for the laptop keep a copy of the hand receipt with them in their computer case so then if asked by the guard they have the annually updated hand receipt as proof that the laptop, blackberry or external hard drive is assigned to them. This has saved us so much time. It is the users and the property custodians responsibility to process any changes required i.e. new blackberry or location changes hope this helps. #3: Posted Response: 5/15/2012 We only issue property passes for personal property not issued buy the government. The pass allows the custodian or owner to exit the facility. We also maintain a signature list with the guards. A hand receipt for government property is issued initially during check in. The hand receipt list the description, barcode and serial number and the individual that it has been issued to. We place a stamp on this document authorizing the removal of these items from the premise. Other sites use a stamp from their site. we use the stamp on each sites hand receipts as custodians travel from site to site. The stamp advised the guards that they have been approved to remove items from the facility. #4: Posted Response: 5/16/2012 As of June 2011, we (the IRS) no longer require property passes. The following was a published communication to our employees: IRS eliminates property pass requirement You will no longer need Form 1930, Custody Receipt/Property Pass, for laptop computers and other controlled personal property items, such as cell phones or Blackberries, as of June 1. Previously, a property pass was required to allow an employee to take such equipment out of the office. New technological advances in data encryption and data protection have eliminated the Service’s concerns surrounding data on laptops and other equipment, thus eliminating the need for a property pass.

9 Comments and Discussion

10 Mandatory Property Accountability Training Posted for Forum Discussion: 5/17/2012 I'm currently proposing a Departmental Mandatory Property Accountability Training module. I would also like to survey the federal sector to see if anyone currently has this type of program and is willing to share their training slides that can be modified to meet DOT's requirements. Questions are: 1. How many federal agencies have a similar property accountability training program? 2. Would you like to share your training slides that can be modified to meet the requirements of DOT? 3. What are the costs associated with the development of your training module?

11 Comments and Discussion

12 Case Study Create smaller groups to facilitate discussion Choose a moderator, speaker, and note taker Moderator and speaker may be same person if there are no volunteers

13 Reading Time

14 Case 1: Copper Summary –Properly cleared civilian employees with technical knowledge –Work was typically unsupervised –Employees indicted for theft and embezzlement of approximately $87,000 worth of copper material weighing 25,447 pounds

15 Case 1: Discussion Points Was this a preventable theft? What procedures or policies does your organization have in place to mitigate the risk of this situation? What improvements to controls would you suggest as a risk deterrent?

16 Case 2: Aluminum Summary –Properly cleared civilian employee with technical knowledge –Work was typically unsupervised –Employee indicted for theft and embezzlement of approximately $125,000 worth of aluminum material weighing 30,236 pounds

17 Case 2: Discussion Points Was this a preventable theft? What procedures or policies does your organization have in place to mitigate the risk of this situation? What improvements to controls would you suggest as a risk deterrent?

18 Thank You! Please direct any suggestions for our group to Amber Barber for future sessions. –, Please contact Marsha Campbell if interested in Working Groups. –, Enjoy the rest of NES!

19 Working Groups Open time for group meetings –Grants –ITAM –Staffing Models –Terminology –Others: Fleet, IG Reports, EO

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