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AIM: What is the Scientific Method? Have you ever heard of the Scientific Method? 1.Yes 2.No.

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Presentation on theme: "AIM: What is the Scientific Method? Have you ever heard of the Scientific Method? 1.Yes 2.No."— Presentation transcript:


2 AIM: What is the Scientific Method?

3 Have you ever heard of the Scientific Method? 1.Yes 2.No

4 What does “method” mean? 1.Graph to interpret 2.Data to record 3.Steps to follow

5 How many step are there to the scientific method 1.One 2.Two 3.infinite 4.Depends on the textbook


7 IDENTIFY the problem: what is the question we are trying to solve GATHER basic information: about your problem do some background research STATE your HYPOTHESIS! (what you are trying to prove, often stated as an “if….then …”) sometimes the 3 are combined AIM: What is the Scientific Method? 7 Steps of the Scientific Method

8 EXPERIMENT: (design and conduct your experiment to test your hypothesis) RECORD YOUR DATA: (record your results with words or tables, or both) ANALYZE AND INTERPRET: (think about your results, identify trends, make inferences, perhaps prepare charts or graphs) AIM: What is the Scientific Method? 7 Steps of the Scientific Method

9 STATE YOUR CONCLUSIONS: *should answer your hypothesis based upon your experiment, observations and data *should be in a well formed paragraph *should state whether your original hypothesis was right or wrong AIM: What is the Scientific Method? 7 Steps of the Scientific Method

10 Example: What do we know about plants, what do they need? Do we know for sure how much water they need? Let’s follow the 7 steps of the Scientific Method AIM: What is the Scientific Method? 7 Steps of the Scientific Method

11 Step1: Identify the problem - How much water is the best for my plants? Step2: Gather background information - a)Referral --ask Mr. Cohen or Mr. Ryal b)Research -- look it up on the internet c)Expert -- go ask somebody at the plant store AIM: What is the Scientific Method? 7 Steps of the Scientific Method

12 Step3: State my Hypothesis “If I water my plants three times per week then they will grow the best” AIM: What is the Scientific Method? 7 Steps of the Scientific Method

13 Step 4: WHAT IS MY NEXT STEP? 7 Steps of the Scientific Method

14 What is the next step... 1.Design/Do 2.Interpret data 3.Record data

15 AIM: What is the Scientific Method? 7 Steps of the Scientific Method 1. Use three plants 2. Water Plant 1, one time per week 3. Water Plant 2, two times per week 4. Water Pant 3, three time per week

16 7 Steps of the Scientific Method WAIT: Before I begin my experiment, Do the plants need the same amount of sun? Do I have to use the same type of soil? Do I have to use the same type of plant? Do I have to give each the same amount/type of fertilizer?

17 AIM: What is the Scientific Method? 7 Steps of the Scientific Method

18 What is the next step... 1.Design/Do 2.Interpret data 3.Record data

19 AIM: What is the Scientific Method? 7 Steps of the Scientific Method

20 AIM: What is the Scientific Method? 7 Steps of the Scientific Method

21 What is the next step... 1.Design/Do 2.Interpret data 3.Record data

22 AIM: What is the Scientific Method? 7 Steps of the Scientific Method Interpret your results? HOW? Look for a pattern? HOW? GRAPH IT!

23 7 Steps of the Scientific Method STEP 7: STATE YOUR CONCLUSIONS! Since Plant #2 grew the best, I should water my plants 2 times per week. I should not water my plants 3x times per week. My hypothesis was not correct. Notice how my conclusion relates back to my hypothesis!

24 What is the first step of the SM... 1.conclusion 2.Record data 3.Interpret data 4.Design and do exp. 5.Background info 6.Hypothesis 7.Identify problem

25 What is the second step of the SM... 1.conclusion 2.Record data 3.Interpret data 4.Design and do exp. 5.Background info 6.Hypothesis 7.Identify problem

26 What is the third step of the SM... 1.conclusion 2.Record data 3.Interpret data 4.Design and do exp. 5.Background info 6.Hypothesis 7.Identify problem

27 What is the 4th step of the SM... 1.conclusion 2.Record data 3.Interpret data 4.Design and do exp. 5.Background info 6.Hypothesis 7.Identify problem

28 What is the 5th step of the SM... 1.conclusion 2.Record data 3.Interpret data 4.Design and do exp. 5.Background info 6.Hypothesis 7.Identify problem

29 What is the 6th step of the SM... 1.conclusion 2.Record data 3.Interpret data 4.Design and do exp. 5.Background info 6.Hypothesis 7.Identify problem

30 Class ACTIVITY: Concepts Worksheet 1-3 Enrichment Worksheet 1-3 7 Steps of the Scientific Method

31 Homework: INTERNET QUESTIONS Worksheet 1-3 What is Scientific Method?


33 IMAGINE you are Galileo at the leaning Tower of Pisa. Your notice things fall to earth because of gravity. You hypothesize: That heavier objects fall first.

34 You design an experiment: You conduct observations: You interpret your results You state a conclusion: Lets see how this works!


36 Did your conclusion agree with your hypothesis? Is that OK? Did your conclusion agree with your hypothesis? Is that OK?

37 LET Take a QUIZ!

38 LESSON REVIEW: Click Mr. Z’s brother, for a lesson review!

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