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GCSE English: Overview of Course What do you expect to study over the next two years in English?

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Presentation on theme: "GCSE English: Overview of Course What do you expect to study over the next two years in English?"— Presentation transcript:

1 GCSE English: Overview of Course What do you expect to study over the next two years in English?

2 Overview of GCSE English 2 GCSE subjects: (1.) GCSE English Language (2.) GCSE English Literature = a lot of work in few lessons!!

3 GCSE English Language Examinations – 2 papers worth 40% of total marks. TO BE TAKEN AT THE END OF YEAR 10 Unit 1 - 20% 1 hour –READING: Non-Fiction Texts Unit 2 – 20% 1 hour –WRITING: Information and Ideas

4 GCSE English Language Controlled Assessment: 60% of total marks 3 x Speaking and Listening Activities –Drama-based –Individual Extended contribution –Group work Written coursework –Studying Spoken Language –Literary Reading (‘Of Mice and Men’) –Descriptive Writing –Narrative Writing

5 GCSE English Literature Examinations – 2 papers worth 75% of total marks. Unit 1 - 35% 2 hours –Section A: Different Cultures Prose (‘Of Mice and Men’) –Section B: Contemporary Unseen Poetry TO BE TAKEN AT THE END OF YEAR 10 Unit 2 – 40% 2 hours –Section A: Drama Text –Section B: Prose Text TO BE TAKEN IN YEAR 11

6 GCSE English Literature Controlled Assessment: 25% of total marks Written coursework: –Poetry (from WJEC Anthology) & Shakespeare

7 So what does it all mean? In pairs, discuss each component of the course. Decide on examples of work which might be studied under each heading. For example, Shakespeare Controlled Assessment may well involve reading a Shakespeare play! You have 5 minutes to talk through – then be ready to feed back ideas.

8 What will you be studying soon? Autumn Term –Descriptive Writing Controlled Assessment –Speaking & Listening Individual Presentation –Study of Different Cultures Prose Text – ‘Of Mice and Men’ –Speaking & Listening Group Task

9 Your Queries Think about any questions you may have about the GCSE course, and write them on separate slips of paper. They will remain anonymous I will try to answer them next lesson. Ask anything!

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