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Healing Sounds of Music University of Toronto Website: Office: Room 403, Sussex Clubhouse (21.

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Presentation on theme: "Healing Sounds of Music University of Toronto Website: Office: Room 403, Sussex Clubhouse (21."— Presentation transcript:

1 Healing Sounds of Music University of Toronto E-mail: Website: Office: Room 403, Sussex Clubhouse (21 Sussex Ave.)

2 Agenda Your Execs Our Vision Monthly Programs (Non-committed) Weekly and Bi-weekly Programs (Committed) HSM Choir Executive Position Recognition Exec Office Hours

3 Jessica Wong - President Maggie Lam - Vice President David Ngai - Treasurer Lauren Tang - Secretary Henry Liu - Volunteer Coordinator Melanie Santhikumar and Sandy Wang - Events Coordinators Kavita Israni-Winger - Junior Representative Sally Moy and Timothy Salinas - Choir Assistants Honghao Xu - Executive Advisor Your Execs 2014-2015

4 Our Vision

5 UTSC Healing Sounds of Music Contact Person: Henry

6 Performance Roles Performer Geriatric Support Volunteer Stage Crew/Photographer Performance MC

7 The Annex Residence: Monthly Performances

8 Perform music to seniors Next Performance: Friday, September 19 th, 7:00pm – 8:00pm Contact Person: Jessica and David The Annex: Monthly Performances


10 Princess Margaret’s Hospital Lodge: Monthly Playing for cancer patients in the Lodge Next performance: Tuesday, September 23 rd 7:00-8:00pm Contact Persons: Tim and David

11 Yee Hong: Bi-weekly Program Volunteers interact one-on-one with patients, performing traditional Chinese music as well as holding music workshops Contact: Honghao and Henry



14 St. Joseph’s Health Centre: Weekly Program Performing to patients in various units (i.e. Mental Health unit, Geriatrics, Pediatrics etc…) 1-2 hour per week Volunteer video Contact Persons: Maggie and Sally

15 The Annex: Biweekly Program

16 The Annex: Bi-Weekly Program Performing to elderly with long term degenerative diseases Start in October Contact Persons: Lauren, Sandy, and Tim

17 Toronto Grace Hospital Performing in a group setting for patients requiring Complex Continuing Care, Slow-Paced Rehabilitation, and Palliative Care Monthly performances, with some rehearsals Exact times TBA Contact Person: Kavita


19 HSM Choir: Weekly Rehearsals every Friday from 5:00-6:00pm 1 st Rehearsal: Friday, September 19 th, 2014. 5:00-6:00pm @ New College Music Room 514 (40 Willcocks St.) Contact Person: Maggie Lam

20 Recognition Attend at least 2 performances per semester and receive a certificate (available upon request) Put us on your resume Contact Person: Henry

21 Social Media Uploading photos & videos on Facebook, Website, and YouTube 00919/

22 1 st or 2 nd Yr. Junior Representative! Job Description: Promote HSM and recruit members Application deadline: Monday, September 22 nd 2014 @ 11:59 pm. (Applications found online.) Interview Date: Friday, September 26 th, 2014

23 HSM Office Hours MonTuesWedThursFri 11am 12pm Jess & Sandy (12:15pm-1:15pm) 1pm Sally & Lauren (12:45pm-1:45pm) Mel & Kavita 2pm 3pm Henry & TimDavid & Hong 4pm Maggie: TBA HSM T-SHIRTS FOR $10!!!! E-mail: Website: Office: Room 403, Sussex Clubhouse (21 Sussex Ave.)

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