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Your body needs fuel to turn into energy. You need to have carbohydrates like bread, potatoes, pasta and rice because they release energy slowly unlike.

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3 Your body needs fuel to turn into energy. You need to have carbohydrates like bread, potatoes, pasta and rice because they release energy slowly unlike sugary and fatty foods. This food group should make up a third of your diet, in addition you need to eat a third of your fruit and veg, an apple or a banana is 2 of your 7 a day for children. Next comes dairy and protein, you should only have a little bit of dairy and protein because it has some fat. The last thing is fat it is ok to have some of it because you need to balance the healthy food and unhealthy food but be aware you can get over weight with too much.


5 Having a snack is important because it gives you a quick energy burst before the start of some more lessons. It is also important to have a snack because you might get a little hungry before your next meal so that is why its important.

6 Starting another meal is your lunch. Having a healthy a little hard because in some foods you eat it has hidden sugar such as cereal bar and lots more. I recommend you have a low fat yoghurt, a salad some fruit vegetables,cucumber and cheese sandwich and some squash however water is better because it contains no sugar and keeps you hydrated.

7  Getting ready for dinner is important too as it will repair your body. Some of the things that you need for dinner is pasta, fish,spuds and salmon. This will keep you prepared for a healthy start the next day.

8 There are lots of drinks around you but it is important to choose the right ones some of the drinks are water or a smoothie

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