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Note-taking  Identify the main points  Use bullet points to make a list  Make a table  Use abbreviations  Create a concept map or use a visual organiser.

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Presentation on theme: "Note-taking  Identify the main points  Use bullet points to make a list  Make a table  Use abbreviations  Create a concept map or use a visual organiser."— Presentation transcript:

1 Note-taking  Identify the main points  Use bullet points to make a list  Make a table  Use abbreviations  Create a concept map or use a visual organiser

2  Make sure you have a balance between work and play  Create a study timetable  Make a revision timetable  Work out the best times when you like to study  Take regular breaks  Make notes as part of your revision plan

3  Skim a text to get a general overview of the text  Scan a text to find particular information  Predict what topic will be discussed – look at headings, titles, pictures, first sentences for the topic sentence  SQ3R – Read, Recall, Review

4  Understand the meaning of the vocabulary in the questions. Key words include:  Analyse,  Assess  Comment  Compare and contrast  Criticise  Define  Explain  Illustrate  Justify  Outline  Prove  Review  Summarise

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