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Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? NAME: Gina Umbert Amat COURSE: 09 / 10 GROUP: 2 nd A TEACHER’S NAME: Rosa Mª Martí Almirón Deadline: MONday, 8 th march.

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Presentation on theme: "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? NAME: Gina Umbert Amat COURSE: 09 / 10 GROUP: 2 nd A TEACHER’S NAME: Rosa Mª Martí Almirón Deadline: MONday, 8 th march."— Presentation transcript:


2 Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? NAME: Gina Umbert Amat COURSE: 09 / 10 GROUP: 2 nd A TEACHER’S NAME: Rosa Mª Martí Almirón Deadline: MONday, 8 th march 2010

3 Question 1

4 What kind of products are sold in The London Silver shop ? A Clothes B Shoes C Silver things D Gold things

5 What kind of products are sold in The London Silver shop ? A Clothes B Shoes C Silver things D Gold things

6 £100

7 Question 2

8 Which is the most famous square in London? A Leicester square B Parliament square C Trafalgar square D Piccadilly Circus

9 Which is the most famous square in London? A Leicester square B Parliament square C Trafalgar square D Piccadilly Circus

10 £200

11 Question 3

12 Who built Saint Paul’s cathedral? A Antoni Gaudí B Christopher Wren C Charles Dickens D The owner of Harrods

13 Who built Saint Paul’s cathedral? A Antoni Gaudí B Christopher Wren C Charles Dickens D The owner of Harrods

14 £300

15 Question 4

16 How many people live in London? A 1,800,000 people B 10,100,000 people C 3,500,000 people D 7,700,000 people

17 How many people live in London? A 1,800,000 people B 10,100,000 people C 3,500,000 people D 7,700,000 people

18 £500

19 Question 5

20 What city belongs to United Kingdom but is located in Ireland? A London B Glasgow C Belfast D Edimburg

21 What city belongs to United Kingdom but is located in Ireland? A London B Glasgow C Belfast D Edimburg

22 £1,000

23 Question 6

24 Which of the following island/s belongs to the UK? A Is. Hebridean B Is. Orkney C Is. Shetland D The three previous islands

25 A Is. Hebridean B Is. Orkney C Is. Shetland D The three previous islands Which of the following island/s belongs to the UK?

26 £2,000

27 Question 7

28 What name does London underground receive? A The Teco B The Tube C The Turkey D The Tabo

29 What name does London underground receive? A The Teco B The Tube C The Turkey D The Tabo

30 £4,000

31 Question 8

32 How many bells are inside the Big Ben? A 5 bells B 4 bells C 7 bells D Only 1 bell

33 How many bells are inside the Big Ben? A 5 bells B 4 bells C 7 bells D Only 1 bell

34 £8,000

35 Question 9

36 What is the typical breakfast in London? A Just orange juice B Salad and meat C Eggs and bacon D Vegetable soup

37 What is the typical breakfast in London? A Just orange juice B Salad and meat C Eggs and bacon D Vegetable soup

38 £16,000

39 Question 10

40 What colours make up the English flag? A Blue, red and pink B Blue, red and black C Blue, red and white D Blue and red

41 What colours make up the English flag? A Blue, red and pink B Blue, red and black C Blue, red and white D Blue and red

42 £32,000

43 Question 11

44 What prehistoric monument is in England? A The Stonehenge B The Landhenge C The Rockhenge D Stonehenge and Landhenge

45 What prehistoric monument is in England? A The Stonehenge B The Landhenge C The Rockhenge D Stonehenge and Landhenge

46 £64,000

47 Question 12

48 What is the name of the most important art museum in London? A Victoria and Albert Museum B Supi Museum C Eton’s Museum D National Gallery of London

49 What is the name of the most important art museum in London? A Victoria and Albert Museum B Supi Museum C Eton’s Museum D National Gallery of London

50 £125,000

51 Question 13

52 Which of the following airports isn’t located in London? A Heathrow B Luton C Leeds D Gatwick

53 Which of the following airports isn’t located in London? A Heathrow B Luton C Leeds D Gatwick

54 £250,000

55 Question 14

56 What is the tallest building in London? A Big Ben B One Canada C Westminster Abbey D Saint Paul’s Cathedral

57 What is the tallest building in London? A Big Ben B One Canada C Westminster Abbey D Saint Paul’s Cathedral

58 £500,000

59 Question 15

60 Who is represented in Piccadilly Circus statue? A Eros, God of love B Afrodita, Goddnes of beauty C Hefest, God of fire and crafts D Artemis, Goddnes of hunting

61 Who is represented in Piccadilly Circus statue? A Eros, God of love B Afrodita, Goddnes of beauty C Hefest, God of fire and crafts D Artemis, Goddnes of hunting

62 £1,000,000

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