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Grapefruit Health for a Lifetime Gail Rampersaud, MS, RD, LD/N Food Science and Human Nutrition Department IFAS, University of Florida.

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Presentation on theme: "Grapefruit Health for a Lifetime Gail Rampersaud, MS, RD, LD/N Food Science and Human Nutrition Department IFAS, University of Florida."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grapefruit Health for a Lifetime Gail Rampersaud, MS, RD, LD/N Food Science and Human Nutrition Department IFAS, University of Florida

2 Fruitsandvegetables Lower the risk for vascular disease and certain cancers

3 What component(s) of fruits and vegetables contributes to this protective effect?

4 Key Candidates  Antioxidants  vitamin C, lycopene  Potassium  Fiber  Folate (folic acid)  Phytochemicals Citrus fruits and juices are leading sources of these food components!

5 Grapefruit ½ medium pink grapefruit  60 calories   100% DV vitamin C  Source of potassium  2-3 grams fiber  Vitamin A, folate, thiamin, niacin, magnesium, calcium  Various phytochemicals  Lycopene (pink grapefruit)

6 Vitamin C  Antioxidant  Collagen formation  Hormone synthesis  Iron absorption

7 Vitamin C and Disease  Vascular disease  Intervention trials ongoing  Cancer  Intervention trials: no significant effect free radicals that can damage cells

8 Lycopene  Vascular disease  Antioxidant  May reduce cholesterol formation  Cancer  Lung, stomach, prostate free radicals that can damage cells

9 Potassium  Electrolyte  Blood pH  Muscle contraction  Nerve action  Blood pressure

10 Potassium Supplements Too much potassium from supplements may be harmful X GET FROM FOODS!

11 Potassium and Vascular Disease blood pressure POTASSIUM BLOOD PRESSURE RISK of STROKE ? Have observational studies Need randomized trials

12 Fiber  Plant foods  Digestion  Elimination  Blood glucose

13 Fiber and Disease  Vascular disease  Large studies support a relationship  Need intervention trials  Colorectal cancer  Initial data supported  Current data – no protective effect Soluble fiber can lower LDL cholesterol

14 Fiber and Grapefruit ½ medium grapefruit 2-3 grams fiber Daily fiber recommendation: 25-35 grams

15 Phytochemicals  Components of plants  Pigments, flavonoids, polyphenolic compounds  Antioxidants  Anticarcinogenic  Favorable effects on plasma lipids

16 World Cancer Research Fund  Citrus fruits  Stomach cancer  Convincing evidence  Fruits and vegetables  Decrease risk of many cancers

17 Harvard Stroke Study  Nurses’ Health Study  Health Professionals’ Follow-up  115,000 men and women  Ischemic stroke  Increment 1 serving/day  Citrus fruits and juices  19-25% reduced risk of stroke

18 USDA Food Survey  CSFII survey  Vitamin C intake  Foods consumed  Desirable vitamin C intake  > 5 fruits/vegetables per day  At least one was citrus

19 Conclusions  Diet rich in fruits/vegetables reduces disease risk  Citrus identified as important  Grapefruit provides key nutrients  No single nutrient identified  Healthy and varied diet!

20 Children Need nutrients for growth USDA Food Guide Pyramid Children 2-6 yrs old Fruit 2 servings/day

21 Children and Beverages Increased soda consumption “Juice confusion”

22 Adolescents High soda consumption Need nutrients for growth Dieting a problem especially with girls Calcium needs

23 Adults Chronic disease risk reduction DASH diet Heart-healthy diet Maintenance of healthy weight

24 Elderly Heart disease Stroke Osteoporosis Nutrient-dense Hydration Fiber

25 What Should Consumers Know? Grapefruit… Nutrient dense Provides key nutrients for all ages Nutrients may reduce risk for chronic disease Natural, whole food Fat- and cholesterol-free No sodium Tastes great


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