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Student Doctor Mariam Keita Student Doctor Justin Lo Re OMS-III Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Doctor Mariam Keita Student Doctor Justin Lo Re OMS-III Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Doctor Mariam Keita Student Doctor Justin Lo Re OMS-III Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine

2 Learning Objectives 1. Know the main parts of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract 2. Know the functions of the “other” GI organs 3. Understand some GI diseases

3  GI Tract (Tube) 1. Oropharynx: (mouth and throat) 2. Esophagus 3. Stomach 4. Small Intestine 5. Large Intestine (colon) 6. Anus  Other GI Organs 1. Liver 2. Pancreas 3. Gallbladder

4 GI

5  Which of the following is not true about the gastrointestinal (GI) tract?  1) The stomach is the site where most of the absorption of nutrients occurs.  2) The liver synthesizes many things, including glucose.  3) The pancreas makes many digestive enzymes.  4) The oropharynx is the start of the GI tract.  5) The gallbladder is where bile is stored.

6 Oropharynx  Site where food enters the GI tract  Mastication: chewing  Salivary glands: saliva helps to start digestion

7 Esophagus  Tube that runs from mouth into the stomach  Very strong wall (why?)  “stratified”

8 Stomach  Continues digestion of food  Acidic environment: pH ~ 2  Due to lots of hydrochloric acid (HCl)  secretes pepsinogen  Pepsin: helps to break down proteins  secretes intrinsic factor  needed for Vitamin B12 absorption


10  Why is the small intestine called “small”?  Why is the large intestine called “large”?

11 Small Intestine  3 parts: duodenum, jejunum, ileum  Secretes bicarb (a base)  why?  2 main functions:  Digestion of nutrients***  Absorption of nutrients***


13 Large Intestine and Anus  Large intestine = colon  Absorption of water  Feces collect at the end of the colon  Anus


15 Liver  Functions include:  Synthesis:  glucose  coagulation (clotting) factors  produces bile  lots of other stuff  Metabolism:  breaks down drugs, toxins, etc


17 Pancreas  Endocrine and Exocrine Pancreas (only focus on exocrine today)  Makes digestive enzymes  Enzymes then enter the small intestine to help break down our food into absorbable nutrients

18 Gallbladder  Gallbladder: site where bile is stored  Bile: helps to emulsify fat in our GI tract  Gallstone: precipitation (solid) of cholesterol and/or bile


20 Can you name some diseases that affect the gastrointestinal (GI) system? GI DISEASES

21 Gastroenteritis  Infection of the GI tract  Usually viral  Can have:  Nausea  Vomiting  Diarrhea  Fluids!

22 Colon cancer  Cancer of the colon (large intestine)  #2 cause of cancer death in USA  Colonoscopy  Helps to look through the colon to see if any polyps  Polyps can turn into colon cancer  Colonoscopy once every 10 years starting at 50 years old


24 Hepatitis  Hepatitis: inflammation of liver  jaundice  Can be due to  Alcohol  Viral infection (Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E)  Autoimmune

25 Questions  Which part of the GI tract secretes HCl (hydrochloric acid) to help with the digestion of food?  1) small intestine  2) stomach  3) colon (large intestine)  4) liver  5) esophagus

26  A patient comes into your office with yellow skin and eyes. What GI organ do you immediately think has a problem?  1) oropharynx  2) small intestine  3) pancreas  4) liver  5) stomach

27  At what site in the GI tract do most of the nutrients from our food get absorbed?  1) small intestine  2) stomach  3) oropharynx  4) esophagus  5) colon (large intestine)

28  Where in the GI tract is bile made?  1) gallbladder  2) small intestine  3) pancreas  4) stomach  5) liver

29  What’s the mainstay of treating any type of gastroenteritis?  1) antibiotics  2) aspirin  3) fluid replacement  4) vaccine  5) surgery

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