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Welcome to your Webinar! Creating Value with Town Planning Brilliant!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to your Webinar! Creating Value with Town Planning Brilliant!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to your Webinar! Creating Value with Town Planning Brilliant!

2 Disclaimer The information, statements and opinions expressed are only intended as a guide to some of the important considerations to be taken into account relating to property investment. Although we believe that the statements are correct, they should not be taken to represent accounting, taxation, legal or investment advice and you must obtain your own independent advice from an appropriately qualified professional.

3 Creating Value with Town Planning Property Women Brilliant Webinar Are you looking to create value from strata titling or sub-dividing or developing?...Then start preparing your specific questions ready for the webinar Or have you got some brilliant experience that's working well for you already?... Then help others and share your experience with your Brilliant team tonight But whatever you do... don't miss out! Introducing a Town Planner What a Town Planner does Explaining the differences… – Sub-Dividing – Strata Titling – Community Title Looking for the deals – how and what to look for Question time? Feel free to send any questions through as we go…

4 Introducing our Panelists Judith Taylor – PW Team Sally Steward – PW Team Deb Manendis – Town Planner Deb Manendis & Associates Contact: Debra Manendis Phone: (07) 3200 1823

5 1.1 st Decision … Strategy (why) 2.2 nd Decision … What are you looking for 3.3 rd Decision … How you’ll finance it 4.NOW you have it narrowed down to Where to start looking! Recap last Brilliant Webinar... Looking for Brilliant Deals

6 Step by step! 1.Research to find Areas – Relevant to your strategy 2.Focus on the best Area– and research that – Don’t get distracted - get to know that area 3.Focus on finding the right Property – Don’t get distracted – stay with your target – Do your 1 st step analysis 4.Research the Property – Due Diligence and review Analysis

7 Creating Value with Town Planning Property Women Brilliant Webinar Are you looking to create value from strata titling or sub-dividing or developing?...Then start preparing your specific questions ready for the webinar Or have you got some brilliant experience that's working well for you already?... Then help others and share your experience with your Brilliant team tonight But whatever you do... don't miss out! Introducing a Town Planner What a Town Planner does Explaining the differences… – Sub-Dividing – Strata Titling – Community Title Looking for the deals – how and what to look for Question time? Feel free to send any questions through as we go…

8 Welcome Deb! Deb Manendis & Associates is a land development consultancy based in Brisbane. Services offered are town planning and design layout, surveying, engineering and private certification. Deb’s company covers all areas of Queensland and northern NSW. Deb Manendis is a town and environmental planner with 15 years experience in town planning at State and Local government levels and now in private practice. Highlights have included overseeing a Main Street program which included the development of local business owners, to redesigning a local shopping centre and working with the Murri community to obtain outcomes for leasehold land. Key Highlight!! Previous Diamond Interviewee for Granny Flats

9 Creating Value with Town Planning Property Women Brilliant Webinar Are you looking to create value from strata titling or sub-dividing or developing?...Then start preparing your specific questions ready for the webinar Or have you got some brilliant experience that's working well for you already?... Then help others and share your experience with your Brilliant team tonight But whatever you do... don't miss out! Introducing a Town Planner What a Town Planner does Explaining the differences… – Sub-Dividing – Strata Titling – Community Title Looking for the deals – how and what to look for Question time? Feel free to send any questions through as we go…

10 What does a Town Planner do? Noun Wikipedia has an article on: Urban planning town planning (uncountable) 1.the physical, social and economic planning of an urban environment (such as a town)

11 Creating Value with Town Planning Property Women Brilliant Webinar Are you looking to create value from strata titling or sub-dividing or developing?...Then start preparing your specific questions ready for the webinar Or have you got some brilliant experience that's working well for you already?... Then help others and share your experience with your Brilliant team tonight But whatever you do... don't miss out! Introducing a Town Planner What a Town Planner does Explaining the differences… – Sub-Dividing – Strata Titling – Community Title Looking for the deals – how and what to look for Question time? Feel free to send any questions through as we go…

12 Strata and Community Title - background Both strata and community originated in New South Wales.New South Wales The first strata titles legislation was enacted in 1961 The first community titles legislation was enacted 1989 States and territories know Strata Titles by different names – (e.g. building units titles, community titles and unit titles). During the 1990s a number of states expanded their strata titles legislation to include community title type subdivisions There is some uniformity among States, but none are exactly the same. The two principal Australian jurisdictions are New South Wales and Queensland.Queensland Ongoing reviews of strata and community titles legislation are common in all Australian jurisdictions as governments try to meet the demands of home unit owners for resolution of the various problems of communal living.jurisdictions

13 Explaining the differences… Strata Titling – What – When – How Long / How Much Community Title – What – When – How Long / How Much Sub-Dividing – What – When – How Long / How Much Deciding which to use and when…

14 To sub-divide or not?


16 Audra’s – Previous eg. Subdivision + House and Land


18 Strata Titling a Block of Existing Flats… Who do you need? Surveyor? Town Planner? Council? Builder?

19 Creating Value with Town Planning Property Women Brilliant Webinar Are you looking to create value from strata titling or sub-dividing or developing?...Then start preparing your specific questions ready for the webinar Or have you got some brilliant experience that's working well for you already?... Then help others and share your experience with your Brilliant team tonight But whatever you do... don't miss out! Introducing a Town Planner What a Town Planner does Explaining the differences… – Sub-Dividing – Strata Titling – Community Title Looking for the deals – how and what to look for Question time? Feel free to send any questions through as we go…

20 Let’s go Live! 1. Council Sites for Regulations 2. Looking at Properties for Sale Eg. Looking for the deals – how and what to look for

21 Any Other Questions?

22 Thanks Deb! Deb Manendis & Associates Contact: Debra Manendis Phone: (07) 3200 1823

23 Next Webinar… B1’s – 6 th Oct 2011 B2’s – 7 th Oct 2011 Topic of your choice Poll

24 Goodnight Brilliant!

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