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The Atlantis Underwater Casino,Hotel and Resort is a designed project which will be the world's first underwater Casino, hotel and luxury resort.

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Presentation on theme: "The Atlantis Underwater Casino,Hotel and Resort is a designed project which will be the world's first underwater Casino, hotel and luxury resort."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Atlantis Underwater Casino,Hotel and Resort is a designed project which will be the world's first underwater Casino, hotel and luxury resort.

2 Atlantis Underwater Casino, Hotel and Resort Atlantis What is exactly Atlantis ? Atlantis is a planned project which will be the world's first luxury underwater casino, hotel and resort. It will include four elements. The land station, where guests will be welcomed. A connecting tunnel between the land station and the underwater part of the project, which will transport people by a noiseless train to the main area of the hotel. The 220 suites within the submarine leisure complex. And the area of the casino. The spaces created in the basin will contain function areas, such as restaurants, bars, meeting rooms and theme suites. A ballroom with a large, petal-like retracting roof will enable the staging of open-sky events. Staircases, lifts and ramps will provide access to the ballroom. The land station house will have a variety of facilities, including a cosmetic surgical clinic, a marine biological research laboratory and conference facilities. On the lower levels are the staff rooms, goods storage and loading areas, and hotel parking areas. The land station also includes a restaurant and cinema screening the evolution of life in the ocean and the history of underwater architecture. The casino will be connected to the hotel reception, and all games will be available. Also inside the casino more restaurants, clubs, café, entertainment for children and baby- sitting facilities.

3 Atlantis Underwater Casino, Hotel and Resort Why did choose this specific project ? It’s a place were people will be entertained and have fun as there is no other casino in Cyprus. The great view of the depth of Akamas will give to the guests, a feeling of quietness and peace. It will help the tourism development of the island, because it will attract tourists as it is a unique project. Its the first casino in Cyprus and also,the first underwater in Mediterranean sea. This way it will stop people visiting the Turkish occupied part of the island for casinos. It will attract many people from many different countries. Which will help the Cypriot to win their phobia against different people and culture, which will help against racism. It will help the economic up growth of the country as much more people will have a job. We chose to be underwater because except of being the first in the whole world it will also help marine research, and will wake up the ecological conscience of the guests for the marine life protection as they will be able to watch the depth from everyplace on the project.

4 Where will it be situated? It is planned to be situated 25 meters below the surface of the Mediterranean sea, just off Akamas Beach in Cyprus. We‘ve selected this area because of the very unique plant and animal species that are there. Many tourist from all over the world visit Cyprus just to see this very imaginative place. Also big research has been done that concerns the project's impact over the marine life of the area so no harm will be caused.

5 Atlantis Underwater Casino, Hotel and Resort What will be used for the construction, and how much is the final cost of the project? Reinforced by concrete and steel, its Plexiglas walls and bubble-shaped dome ceilings will enable guests to see unique fish species and a magnificent sample of a depth. Materials: Plexiglas 15000 kg Steel 120000 kg Aluminum 100000kg Cement 150000 kg Kingwood 5000 kg Oak 4500 kg Plastic 10000 kg The method: The biggest problem in Atlantis is that it is an underwater project, so we couldn’t use the standard methods of construction. In order to do a strong foundation in the soft sand we will use big and strong beams of steel in the ground. This way, the ground is more stable. Also we will put loose stones on bottom of the sea. On the surface we will put the floor of the hotel which will be build out of the sea. We don’t want the hotel to be moved by waves, so there is a huge fount between the material that touch the loose stones and the floor of the basement. This space will be full of water, and will contain 120,000,000 lit of sea water. In this way the hotel won’t move ! The rest of the building is being built with certain methods, however all the walls are super strong because we want them to resist on the huge pressure of the water. Also very thick Plexiglas will be used for the covering of the underwater part so the guests will be protected of the strong sun of Cyprus. The project will cover an area of 5 km 2 and will cost an estimated €100 million Euros. The hotel is scheduled to open in late 2010.

6 On this project have worked: Belivanis Alexandros Kourtellou Despina Lyssandrou Antriani Panayi Sotiroula All the information used was found: The webpage of Crescent Hydropolis Resorts.

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