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The Euro Quiz. In which year did Euro banknotes and coins first come into circulation? Euro banknotes and coins have been in circulation since 1 January.

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Presentation on theme: "The Euro Quiz. In which year did Euro banknotes and coins first come into circulation? Euro banknotes and coins have been in circulation since 1 January."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Euro Quiz

2 In which year did Euro banknotes and coins first come into circulation? Euro banknotes and coins have been in circulation since 1 January 2002

3 Name at least three countries whose currency is the euro. The euro is the currency of thirteen European Union countries: Belgium, Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Slovenia and Finland.

4 Do you know on what design the euro symbol is based? The graphic symbol for the euro was inspired by the Greek letter epsilon and refers to the first letter of the word "Europe". The parallel lines represent the stability of the euro.

5 How many different denomination euro banknotes are there? There are seven different denominations in the current euro banknote series.

6 Can you name the seven different denominations in the current euro banknote series? 5 euro 10 euro 20 euro 50 euro 100 euro 200 euro 500 euro

7 Does the design of euro bank- notes differ from country to country? The design of the notes is the same throughout the euro area and features windows and gateways (on the front) and bridges (on the reverse) from different periods in Europe's architectural history.








15 How many different denominations of euro coins are there? There are eight different denominations in the current euro coin series.

16 Can you name the 8 denominations of euro coins? 1 cent2 5 10 cent20 cent50 cent 1 euro2

17 Does the design of euro coins differ from country to country? Each euro coin has a common European design on one side and an individual national design on the other. All euro coins have legal tender status throughout the euro area, irrespective of their national side.

18 This is the common European design…

19 What do you know about the design on the national side of French euro coins? The red coins show a new portrait of Marianne, personification of the French republic.

20 What do you know about the design on the national side of French euro coins? The yellow coins show a sower, a traditional feature on French coins and stamps since 1898.

21 What do you know about the design on the national side of French euro coins? The bicolour coins depict a tree (growth and stability) in the hexagon (France).

22 What is the official abbreviation for “euro”? The official abbreviation for “euro” is EUR in all languages. There is no official abbreviation for cent, but “c” or “ct” are sometimes used.

23 Which other countries are likely to join the euro? Denmark and the United Kingdom are members of the European Union but have chosen not to join the euro. They can join at any time they want to.

24 Which other countries are likely to join the euro? Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Sweden can join the euro once their economy is strong enough.

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