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Calgary Islamic School 4A Mrs. Carbert 4B Mr. Irving

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Presentation on theme: "Calgary Islamic School 4A Mrs. Carbert 4B Mr. Irving"— Presentation transcript:

1 Calgary Islamic School 4A Mrs. Carbert 4B Mr. Irving

2 Curriculum at a Glance df
Visit the above website (the link is on our Weebly’s) to see a summarized version of the grade 4 curriculum Our curriculum is mandated by the Alberta government. The same topics and outcomes are covered across all schools in Alberta.

3 Language Arts - Barbara Mariconda (Writing narrative stories with detail) - Journal Writing - Phonics - Grammar - Daily Language Review - Spelling - Vocabulary - Novel Study - Literature Circles - Types of Writing (Procedural, Reports, Persuasive, Jot Notes) - Cursive Writing - Oral Presentations/Speeches - Book Reviews

4 Math Unit 1: Patterns and Relations Unit 2: Whole Numbers
Unit 3: Multiplication and Division Unit 4: Measurement Unit 5: Fractions and Decimals Unit 6: Geometry Unit 7: Data Analysis Unit 8: Multiplying and Dividing Larger Numbers

5 Science Waste in Our World Wheels and Levers
Building Devices and Vehicles Light and Shadows Plant Growth and Changes

6 Social Studies Geography (provinces, territories, capitals, mapping)
Alberta’s natural regions Our fossil heritage Natural resources Frist Nations Settlers Becoming a province

7 Health Nutrition (e.g. Canada’s Food Guide)
Physical and Emotional Well-Being (e.g. physical activity, healthy habits) Safety and Responsibility (e.g. Anti-bullying, dangerous situations, playing safely) Relationship Choices (e.g. managing feelings, stress, friendships, communication) Interactions/Group Roles (e.g. roles and responsibilities, role models, supporting others) Life Learning (e.g. Organization, decision making) Career Development (e.g. personal interests, jobs) Volunteerism (e.g. citizenship, service, accomplishments) Goal Setting (.e.g short term and long term personal goals)

8 ART PHYS ED. Line drawing, perspective drawing, cartooning, wire/clay sculpture, sewing, painting, photography Team work, cooperation, good sportsmanship, coordination, skills in various sports

9 Marking When student receive work back, it will usually have a level written on it. Level 5+ 95% Level 5 90% Excellent Level 4+ 85% Level 4 80% Very Good Level 3+ 75% Level 3 70% Good Level 2+ 65% Level 2 60% Satisfactory Level 1+ 55% Level 1 50% Minimum Grade Level Insufficient/Incomplete Fail/Cannot mark

10 Weebly This is an important website where you can find agenda notes, school notices, Arabic notes, upcoming important dates, documents and any other school-related items or notes Please check Weebly daily!

11 Responsibilities PARENTS: - Check your child’s agenda every day and sign it to make sure their work is done and materials are brought to class - Check Weebly every day for important notices or documents - Do not do your child’s work for them, write their homework for them, or correct their work. It is a learning process. You can sit with them while they go their homework and answer questions they may have. - If your child cannot get their work done, write a note in the agenda. It will be due the following day. - If your child is sick, they should not be at school. They can make up the work/lessons when they come back. Students should also be dressed appropriately for the weather. - With winter coming, students need TWO pairs of shoes. One for indoor (RUNNING SHOES) and one for outdoor (BOOTS). It would be helpful to always have an extra pair of sock and gloves in your child’s backpack at all times so they do not forget them. - We are a NUT FREE school, do not send anything with any kind of nuts to school with your child. Also, students should not be bringing candy as snacks.

12 Responsibilities STUDENTS: - Write in your agenda daily and show it to your parents so they can sign it - Bring homework or materials back by the due date - If you don’t understand something, ASK - line up properly at all times - READ during DEAR time - Don’t make excuses, take responsibility for your actions - Follow school and classroom rules/procedures - Full uniforms are required – boys and girls should have blue dress pants, not jeans, tights or jogging pants. Girls in grade 4 must wear a WHITE hijab at all times.

13 Other Great Websites curriculum handbook that discusses selected outcomes and has website links for more information) overview of the curriculum with links to the program of studies) program of studies - select the subject you would like to know more about and scroll through to reach grade 4 - you will find all of the curriculum outcomes your child should know by the end of grade 4) (An excellent resource where you can access extra resources, supplementary lessons and educational games for your child) ID: LA PASSWORD: 3944

14 Questions? Thank you for coming to our curriculum night!
Please let us know if you have any questions.

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